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Research, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 5, doi: /ajphr-5-5-5

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1 Research, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 5, 163-169. doi:10.12691/ajphr-5-5-5
Table 6. Association between socio-demographic characteristics and level of attitude of mothers towards water, sanitation and hygiene Characteristics Category Attitude Level N (%) Total Chi-square p-value Positive (n=240) Negative (n=180) Age ≤ 20 143(56.97) 108(43.02) 251 (59.76) 0.007 0.931 >20 97(57.39) 72(42.60) 169 (40.23) Education level Illiterate 6(30) 14(70) 20 (4.76) 22.766 0.001* Primary level 75(48.08) 81(51.92) 156 (37.14) Secondary level 76(58.47) 54(41.53) 130 (30.95) Intermediate and above 83(72.81) 31(27.19) 114 (27.14) Occupation Unemployed 57(52.78) 51(47.22) 108 (25.71) 3.191 0.363 Professional 90(55.56) 72(44.44) 162 (38.57) Clerical/shop owner 46(65.71) 24(34.29) 70 (16.66) Skilled worker 47(58.75) 33(41.25) 80 (19.04) Income ≤14000 51(53.68) 44(46.31) 95 (22.61) 4.607 0.100 110(53.92) 94(46.07) 204 (48.57) >21000 79(65.28) 42(34.71) 121 (28.80) *- Significant Rima Kumari Sah et al. Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Water, Sanitation and Hygiene among Mothers of Under-five Children in Rural Households of Saptari District, Nepal. American Journal of Public Health Research, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 5, doi: /ajphr-5-5-5 © The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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