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Presentation on theme: "Watersheds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watersheds

2 What is a watershed? WATERSHED The land area that supplies water to a river system Also called a drainage basin

3 What is a river? A large stream RIVER

4 What is a stream? STREAM A channel through which water is continuously flowing downhill

5 What is a Fertilizer? A chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility Increases the growth of algae. The algae uses up all the oxygen and blocks the sun to other plants and animals.

6 What is a pH?  pH is a numeric scale used to measure how acidic or basic a liquid is.  Factories dump chemicals into the water which changes the pH levels. Too high or too low pH levels kills life.

7 What is a Riparian Zone? Riparian zones are the areas bordering rivers and other bodies of surface water. Filter out pollution before it gets to the water

8 What is a tributary? A stream/river that flows or contributes water into a larger river The stream is a tributary to the river. STREAM Tributary RIVER

9 What is an estuary? A coastal inlet or bay where fresh water mixes with salty ocean water Estuaries contain brackish water – partly fresh and partly salty water ESTUARY

10 What is a wetland? Absorbs water from floods
 A wetland is an area of land that is saturated with water RIPARIAN ZONE Absorbs water from floods Filters water going into the river or stream Habitat for animals and plants

11 What is a divide? A ridge of land that separates one watershed from another DIVIDE


13 Watershed Analogy Poster
An analogy is a comparison of two unrelated items that share certain qualities in common. Find a picture or illustration in a magazine that demonstrates your analogy. Once you have created your analogy and found your picture, format your poster as follows: For the poster, you will choose one of the vocabulary words and create an analogy. For example, For example, we can create an analogy by comparing a raincoat and a shield. These are very different items. Title your poster with your vocabulary word Wetland Wetland - Absorbs water from floods A wetland is like a sponge because a wetland absorbs water from floods like a sponge absorbs water in a kitchen sink. Sample Analogy A wetland is an area of land that absorbs water from floods Sample Analogy Write the definition of your vocabulary word A raincoat is an article of clothing A wetland is like a sponge because a wetland absorbs water from floods like a sponge absorbs water in a kitchen sink. Place your picture that demonstrates your analogy in the middle of the poster A raincoat is like a shield because a raincoat protects a person from rain like a shield protects a person from arrows. Decorate your poster A sponge is an object that absorbs water from the kitchen sink A shield is a flat piece of metal that hooks onto your arm Write the analogy of your vocabulary word Can you think of others?

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