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Migrant Education Comprehensive Needs Assessment

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Presentation on theme: "Migrant Education Comprehensive Needs Assessment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Migrant Education Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Overview Marion

2 Pilot Cooperative effort: U.S. Department of Migrant Education
Five Federal Comprehensive Centers Four states Arizona Texas Michigan Pennsylvania Marion

3 Purpose Establish a functional process to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment for Migrant Education Programs to assist with Service Delivery Plans Provide an electronic Implementation Guide that will allow states not in the pilot to use this same process Marion

4 Theoretical Basis Based on the work of Altschuld and Witkin:
Planning and Conducting Needs Assessments: A Practical Guide (1995) From Needs Assessment to Action: Transforming Needs into Solution Strategies (2000) Marion

5 Benefits of Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Review of statewide program Creates readiness for change Develops critical areas for program focus Establishes a rational process for decision making

6 Legal Requirements NCLB (Section 1304 – 1306) requires states to submit applications that describe: A comprehensive plan for needs assessment and service delivery that identifies the special educational needs of migrant children How the state’s priorities for the use of funds relate to the state’s need assessment How the state will award subgrants to reflect the results of the comprehensive needs assessment Marion

7 Program Requirements Program regulations (Section ) and policy guidance states that needs assessment: Must be current Must identify the “special educational needs” of migratory children related to Migratory lifestyle Other needs so that children can have effective participation in school Use the best information available Guide the development of service delivery plans Establish statewide priorities for local procedures Provide a basis for allocation of funds Marion

8 Supplemental in Nature
LEA Migrant Program Supplemental in Nature Irene

9 Goal Areas from NCLB School Readiness Proficiency in Math
Proficiency in Reading High School Graduation Marion

10 Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)
Gap Analysis Continuous Improvement Cycle Data-Based Decision Making Broad-Based Involvement

11 Levels of Needs Level I: Service receiver needs
(Migrant students & their families) Level II: Service provider & policy maker needs (School staff & migrant liaisons, administrators, community services staff) Level III: System needs (resources/ procedures/retrieval systems /transportation/supplies/delivery systems) Rosailio

12 Needs Assessment Key Terms
NEED – gap or discrepancy between the present state (what is) and a desired state (what should be) TARGET GROUP – students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community-at-large NEEDS ASSESSMENT – systematic approach that progresses through a defined series of phases Rosilio

13 Key Terms (continued) COMPREHENSIVE –the extensiveness required by law
CONCERN STATEMENT– a Level 1 statement expressing concerns related to the quality of migrant student education NEED INDICATOR –measurable evidence related to a Concern Statement that demonstrates that an area of concern exists Rosilio

14 Roles State Migrant Education Program State Department of Education
Student Information Systems Staff CNA Committee Contractor Comprehensive Center Staff Provide leadership, CNA management plans, finalize needs assessment program, service delivery plan Provide support to project; ensure state requirements are fulfilled Offer guidance and provide data to working teams and possibly a contractor Recommendation-making body that guides the process and makes final recommendations to SDE Conducts specified in-depth work, particularly in data collection/analysis, in conjunction with SDE Advisement and guidance in process Rosilio

15 Three Phase Process Phase I: Explore “what is”
Phase II: Gather and analyze data Phase III: Make decisions Jean

16 Preparation Prepare Management Plan for CNA Work
Select Committee and Goal/Data Team members Develop Initial Migrant Student Profile using available data

17 Phase I Finalize Migrant Student Profile
by gathering community input and including additional data Finalize Concern Statements Determine Measurable Need Indicators Identify Data Sources Decide Preliminary Priorities Jean

18 Migrant Student Profile
Starting Point Comprehensive understanding of migrant student characteristics Picture of population patterns Student and family measures

19 Phase II Develop Data Collection & Analysis Plan
Gather Data to Define Needs Analyze Needs Write and Prioritize Need Statements Summarize Findings Jean

20 Phase III Identify Possible Solutions Select Solution Strategies
Propose Action Plan Final Approval Prepare Report for USOME Jean

21 Unique Needs of Migrant Students
Focus on migrant student and family needs (Level I) for first cycle of process Consider the root causes and “unique” needs of migrant students Consider cumulative effects Rosilio

22 Root Causes Mobility Possible moves from one country to another
Low wages for work Feelings of isolation from the larger community

23 Seven Areas of Concern Educational Continuity Instructional Time
School Engagement English Language Development for Literacy in Content Areas Educational Support in the Home Health Access to Services

24 Organization of Needs Assessment
Goal Area of Concern Concern Statement Indicator Data Sources Indicator Data Sources Indicator Data Sources Concern Statement Indicator Data Sources Indicator Data Sources

25 Data Sources Surveys Databases District/School Information Migrant
Student Information Systems Links with other states District/School Information Marion

26 Outcomes Process for states to use and improve
Most critical needs for migrant program focus Change agent for state Exchange among migrant staff Improvement of database interfacing and pertinent fields Marion Explain “preliminary”

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