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Microfinance Institutional Ratings

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1 Microfinance Institutional Ratings
Social Performance Task Force – June 2012

2 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Microfinance Institutional Ratings provide an opinion on the long term institutional sustainability and creditworthiness through a comprehensive assessment of risks, performance, market position and responsible practices

3 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Some risks are currently evaluated in the Social Ratings (reputation risk, credit risk derived from irresponsible lending practices with clients) Microfinance Institutional Rating methodologies need to evolve to formally include risk relevant “social” indicators Corporate governance Alignment of MFIs stated goals with practices, and accountability Client protection CPP principles Responsible financial performance Avoidance of irresponsible profits

4 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Governance & Management Operational risk / operations Financial profile Responsible practices Microfinance environment

5 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Governance & Management Corporate governance Management Strategy Human resources Mission?

6 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Financial profile Financial performance Solvency Funding ALM

7 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Operations Credit risk MIS Controls & risk management

8 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Responsible practices Client protection Responsible performance (Mission/Intention) Alignment

9 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Microfinance environment Legal & Regulatory environment Competitive environment Political, economic and financial environment

10 Microfinance Institutional Rating
Governance & Management Operational risk Financial profile Responsible practices Microfinance environment Microfinance Institutional Rating

11 Microfinance Institutional Rating and Social Rating
Social Performance Management Financial Inclusion Outreach to the poor Adaptation of services to the needs of the poor and excluded Fair treament and respectful treatment of staff Social responsibility to the community Social change (women empowerment, education, etc.) Social Rating Client Protection Alignement of practices with stated goals Quality of services Human Resources Management

12 Microfinance Institutional Rating and Client Protection Certification
Opinion on whether client protection practices create a risk for the MFI (focus on the institution) Assurance that best practices in terms of client protection are implemented (focus on the client)

13 Microfinance Institutional Rating and Social Rating
Credit Rating xxx xxx


15 Rating Grade Comparability table
Category Classification Definition M-CRIL MFR MR PR 1 Excellent Excellent performance Low or well-managed short- medium term risk α+ α AAA AA A A++ A+ A- 2 Good Good performance Modest or well-managed short- medium term risk α- ᵝ+ BBB BB B++ B+ B B- 3 Fair Fair performance Moderate to medium-high risk ᵝ- CCC C++ C+ C C- 4 Weak Weak or poor performance High to very-high risk ᵞ+ CC D E

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