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 Understand Qur’an – Level-I Session No. 43

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1  Understand Qur’an – Level-I Session No. 43
(Dawah and Tarbiyah through Understanding Qur’an) Session No. 43

2 Contents Hadith (translation only) 2 min SPOKEN ARABIC 2 min
GRAMMAR 8 min QUR’AN OR HADITH 9 min Reminders 1 min Total 22 min.

3 Hadith Jarir bin `Abdullah (May Allah bepleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "He who is not merciful to people Allah will not be merciful to him.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

4 1. Spoken Arabic

5 2a. Grammar – Last Lesson

6 2b. Grammar – New Lesson

7 3a. Qur’an / Hadith – Last Lesson

8 3b. Qur’an / Hadith – New Lesson

9 Reminders Remember the Du’aa Don’t forget the 7 home works
5 min. study (at the start of the day) 5 min. recitation from Mushaf (Qur’an) without translation 5 min. recitation from memory 30 seconds study for 5 times (preferably before or after Salah) from the pocket book / POSTERS 1 min. discussion about the lesson with your friend Recite different Surahs in the Salah Listen to the cassettes Pray to Allah after almost every Salah that Allah give you & your friends to continue this work.

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