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Northern Rocky Mountain RC&D Area

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1 Seed Potato/Dairy Farm Composting and Regional Composting Feasibility and Commercialization

2 Northern Rocky Mountain RC&D Area

3 Issues impacting Ag Production in Gallatin County

4 Gallatin County’s Changing Landscape
Fastest Growing Population in Montana (34% growth from 1990 – 2000): about 68,000 people Subdivision development adjacent to farms/ranches

5 Commodity Prices Gallatin County ranks #1 in potato production and milk production in MT (approx $23 million in sales) Commodity Prices are volatile

6 Changes in Waste Management Operations and Regulations
Updated Clean Water Act affects Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). Changes in regulations require CAFOs to ensure that manure and liquid waste do not impact water quality in the area. Regulatory scrutiny of dairy operations has increased Hauling costs for manure are increasing Nutrient overloading in some areas

7 Opportunity Partnership to Produce and Utilize Compost
Sustain and Enhance Farming in Area with Intense Residential Growth Add Value to Waste Product Stimulate Economic Growth Improve Yield, Soil Health, Irrigation Efficiency

8 Seed Potato Farm Dairy Compost Market compost as value added product
Provides technical expertise and manpower Provides manure and site for compost operation Compost Market compost as value added product Tea Spread on Stubble Ground Reclamation Turf Seed Potatoes Alfalfa Public Works Horticulture Wheat Oversized Potatoes: Commercial Market Straw Natural, Health Food, Nutraceutical Markets

9 Intended Economic Benefits
Potential for $120,000 to $150,000 per Year for Current Feedstock Rates (if all compost were marketed in bulk market) Average wholesale prices for high quality compost: $11/cy - $18/cy FOB Production costs: $5-$7/cy Estimated 15,000 cy finished product

10 Seed Potato/Dairy Composting Project Summary the rest of the story…
Project received Return on Investment loan from MT Dept of Agriculture’s “Growth Through Agriculture” program ($50,000) Compost is currently being produced and used Time constraints for both farmers prevent wider marketing efforts

11 Regional Composting Bagged Market Proposal
Market a high quality bagged compost product to nurseries, home improvement stores, farmers markets, state, federal projects... RC&D Provides: Assistance obtaining funding Monitoring Technical assistance Marketing Quality control Producers Provide: Space for Composting Labor for Production Feedstock Materials Financial Match

12 Regional Bagged Retail Compost Market
$3.50 to $6.00 per 40 lb bag Fifty 40 lb bags = 2,000 lbs = 1 ton = 2 CY Retails value per CY about $175 to $300



15 Summary Composting is a profitable alternative to manure management that can: Address waste management and environmental issues Diversify producer income Improve soil health and crop productivity Composting is process that requires time, monitoring, and some science Marketing is the key to developing a higher valued compost product Marketing takes time and capital Compost markets in areas undergoing rapid population increases may be untapped

16 Questions? Northern Rocky Mountain RC&D
3710 Fallon, Box B, Bozeman, MT 59718

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