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Jianchao Li, Haiyang Liu, Manmeet H. Raval, Jun Wan, Christopher M

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1 Structure of the MORN4/Myo3a Tail Complex Reveals MORN Repeats as Protein Binding Modules 
Jianchao Li, Haiyang Liu, Manmeet H. Raval, Jun Wan, Christopher M. Yengo, Wei Liu, Mingjie Zhang  Structure  DOI: /j.str Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

2 Structure DOI: (10.1016/j.str.2019.06.004)
Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 1 MORN4 Specifically Binds to Myo3a-MBD
(A) Domain organizations of MORN4 and Myo3a. (B) Sequence alignment of Myo3a-MBD showing the high conservation of the domain among different species. (C) Analytical gel-filtration results showing that MORN4 and Myo3a-MBD each adopt as a stable monomer. Mixing of the two proteins at a 1:1 ratio results in a homogeneous complex. (D) ITC result showing that MORN4 binds to Myo3a-MBD with a very strong affinity and a 1:1 stoichiometry. Structure DOI: ( /j.str ) Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 2 MORN4 Uses Its U-Shaped Groove to Bind to Myo3a-MBD
(A) Ribbon representations of the MORN4/Myo3a-MBD complex crystal structure. The MORN repeats of MORN4 are colored light and dark blue, and the C helix is colored cyan. Myo3a-MBD is colored orange. This coloring scheme is used throughout the paper. (B) Secondary structure topology showing the MORN repeats β-sheet arrangement. (C) Sequence alignment of the MORN repeats of MORN4 together with the two capping repeats MORN_N and MORN_C. (D) The amino acid conservation map of MORN4. The conservation map was calculated based on the sequence alignment of vertebrates MORN4 and Drosophila RTP as shown in Figure S1. The identical residues are colored dark blue, the strongly similar residues are colored blue, the weakly similar residues are colored light blue, and the variable residues are colored white. (E) Detailed interactions between the C helix and the MORN repeats. The side chains of the residues involved in the interactions are highlighted in the stick model. Charge-charge and hydrogen-bonding interactions are highlighted by dashed lines. (F) Thermal denaturation profiles of MORN4 WT and E63L by plotting the ellipticity values of the protein at 215 nm as a function of temperature (see Figure S2 for the representative CD spectra at different temperatures). The melting temperatures were calculated by fitting the curves using the sigmoid function. (G) ITC result showing that the MORN4 E63L mutant had very weak binding to Myo3a-MBD. Structure DOI: ( /j.str ) Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

5 Figure 3 Detailed Interactions between MORN4 and Myo3a-MBD
(A) Detailed interaction between MORN4 and Myo3a-MBD. The side chains or main chains of the residues involved in the interactions are highlighted in the stick model. Charge-charge and hydrogen-bonding interactions are highlighted by dashed lines. (B) Summary of ITC-derived dissociation constants showing the impact of mutating the interface residues on the formation of the complex. (C) Representative fluorescence images of COS7 cells co-expressing mCherry-MORN4 and WT or mutant GFP-Myo3a. Scale bars, 5 μm. (D) Quantifications of the tip to cell body ratios of GFP-Myo3aΔK (or its mutants) and mCherry-MORN4 when expressed in COS7 cells. mCherry-MORN4 co-expression with GFP-Myo3aΔK led to a greater tip localization of mCherry-MORN4 compared with its co-expression with GFP-Myo3aΔK, F1428R (p < 0.001; t test). Similarly, GFP-Myo3aΔK demonstrated significantly higher tip localization compared with GFP-Myo3aΔK, F1428R when co-expressed with mCherry-MORN4 (p < 0.001; t test). There was no difference in the tip localization ability of GFP-Myo3aΔK and GFP-Myo3aΔK, F1428R when expressed in the absence of mCherry-MORN4. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. For each group, at least 30 cells (i.e., n > 30) from three or more different batches of experiments were quantified. ∗∗∗p < 0.001; n.s., not significant (p > 0.05). Structure DOI: ( /j.str ) Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

6 Figure 4 Structural Features of MORN Repeats
(A and B) Combined stick and ribbon representations of MORN4 (A) and SETD7 MORN repeats (B, PDB: 1H3I) structures showing the residues critical for the folding of MORN repeats and for potential target binding. (C) Sequence alignment of MORN repeats from MORN4, SETD7, and junctophilin1. The sequence logo was generated based on the alignments of all MORN repeats found in human proteins. (D) Stereo view of combined stick and ribbon representations of the second MORN repeat of MORN4 showing the space freed up by the Gly residue in the middle of each β strand for bulky residues in the positions 1, 5, and 10 to interact with each other. The putative Cβs are shown as transparent gray spheres to indicate that there is no room to accommodate any other residues besides Gly in these two positions. (E) Combined stick and ribbon representations of CPAP/STIL complex structure (PDB: 4BY2) showing the residues critical for CPAP β-sheet folding or target binding. Structure DOI: ( /j.str ) Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

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