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Case Presentation Wednesday Postgraduate student Harald Prestegaard

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Presentation on theme: "Case Presentation Wednesday Postgraduate student Harald Prestegaard"— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Presentation Wednesday Postgraduate student Harald Prestegaard Endodontic Departement Faculty of Dentistry University of Oslo

2 A 60 year old caucasian male.
Came to my private clinic for the yearly routine recall Medical history non-contributory.

3 Dental History and Chief Complaints
The patient said he is periodicaly sore in the upper front region probably for several years.

4 Clinical Examination No extraoral findings. 22 tender to percussion.
22 tender on palpation. A yellow discouloration. No deep periodontal pockets detected. A sinus tract detected in the alveolar mucosa 22.

5 Radiographic Examination

6 Diagnosis: Treatment: 22 Apical periodontitis with sinus tract
Endodontic treatment of necrotic tooth 22

7 Working length: Instrument size: 24,5 mm ref. incisal edge NiTi nr.55
Working length contolled with apex locator and x-ray. Irrigation with NaOCl and EDTA UltraCal XS and IRM

8 3 months later

9 12 months from the start








17 is considered uncertain
Endodontic prognosis is considered uncertain

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