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By: Amy E. Lingenfelter English Language Fellow

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2 By: Amy E. Lingenfelter English Language Fellow 2013-14
Authentic English: Learning and Using English Within and Beyond the Classroom By: Amy E. Lingenfelter English Language Fellow

3 Ideas for Authentic English:
Museum outings with tours in English Consider who offers tours in English (e.g. Water museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Guayasamin Museum, Mitad del Mundo, etc.) Students write about: Their favorite exhibit 1 or more things they were surprised about Things they liked and disliked Questions they have to ask the tour guide or native English speaker in English, then they record the answers they hear on a worksheet

4 Ideas for Authentic English:
Museum outings with tours in English Students can bring the brochure or take a photo of the exhibit description and find unknown vocabulary words in the text If they are only available in Spanish, student can translate it and/or write about its meaning in English ? =

5 Ideas for Authentic English:
Do other tours of the city led by English-speaking tour guides and tourists Double decker bus tour, Old Town walking tour, Botanical Gardens tour, Centro Historico, etc. Students write about: Their favorite tour/aspect of the tour 1 thing they were surprised about Things they liked or disliked Questions they have to ask the tour guide or native English speaker in English and record the answers Talk to a native English speaker about what they are doing in Ecuador and record the questions and answers to the conversation

6 Ideas for Authentic English:

7 Ideas for Authentic English:
Watch movies in English without relying on Spanish subtitles (use English subtitles). Organize an English “movie night” Write a movie review Write and produce/film a “movie trailer” Write an alternative ending or a sequel to movie Create alternative dialogue scenes in the movie Go to a restaurant with an English menu Write a review of the restaurant in English using new words learned from the menu Create/write an alternative or improved menu for that restaurant in English

8 T.G.I. Fridays Menu:



11 Ideas for Authentic English:
Start a drama, improvisation, role-playing, and/or comedy club in English Write the script in English and later film it Great for practicing idioms, slang, and informal language Join InterNations/Couch Surfing to meet native English speakers Use this to join “socializing clubs” like art, knitting, photography, cooking, hiking, dancing, or any other kind of clubs in English with native speakers Students do a presentation on their experience with this club, and/or “teach” classmates what they learned in English using process “how to” language

12 Ideas for Authentic English:
Join InterNations/Couch Surfing to meet native English speakers

13 Ideas for Authentic English:
Start a book or magazine (reading) discus-sion club in English Create a list of suggested high-interest books or magazines appropriate for level, age, and cognitive difficulty (e.g. literal vs. full of metaphors) Could be an independent reading assignment or guided reading using the same book Various reading worksheets/activities (especially relating to vocabulary) could be used in the classroom Short stories are ideal (e.g. one story per week)

14 Ideas for Authentic English:

15 Ideas for Authentic English:

16 Ideas for Authentic English:
Establish penpals ( pals) with a native speaker in English Set up an "intercambio" with a native speaker either in person or via Skype/another webinar software Connect with people with similar interests/ages Start a blog, trade magazine, newspaper, or other kind of "media" in English relating to student’s profession or personal interests

17 Ideas for Authentic English:
Start a speaking club related to student's profession or interests that is conducted all in English (which preferably includes at least one native speaker) Politics/Debate Cultural issues Women’s club Art Knitting Cooking Hiking Fashion The list is endless!

18 Ideas for Authentic English:
For cooking enthusiasts, read and follow recipes in English, particularly “American” recipes Could be part of English “cooking” club Have a potluck class dinner using meals cooked following English recipes and share/present recipes at the meal table Design a restaurant with a book of the menu and several recipes in English Translate their favorite recipes of their native country recipes into English

19 Ideas for Authentic English:
MUSIC: Focus on music with English lyrics that students like most, and/or organize a song/karaoke club in English Students can read and/or sing lyrics as they listen (along with the video if one exists) Cloze/fill-in-the-blanks activities Analyzing lyrics Written response to lyrics Using lyrics to teach grammar points or vocabulary Translate your favorite Spanish song into English (and sing it) Have a song day with real instruments and students can perform





24 Ideas for Authentic English:

25 Ideas for Authentic English:
Pay attention to all English that is available. If information is only available in English, take advantage of that as a learning opportunity! Tags on clothing, packaging of products, product descriptions, signs, popular slogans, etc. Information on internet only available in English Bring in a “show and tell” of items with English and give presentation using new words learned Use to learn and complete vocabulary exercises Read and use “How to” manuals in English When assembling or fixing something, read the instructions in English that are available instead Give a class demonstration in English of “how to” do something providing instructions to all students

26 Ideas for Authentic English:

27 Ideas for Authentic English:
Play or create a sports team/league with native speakers or one in which only English is used to conduct game activities Write a “mock” newspaper article about the results of the game Present a “how to” play the game or do a specific athletic move for the class Make own Facebook or Twitter account in English Invite only English-speaking friends Play “Trace Effects” video game:

28 Ideas for Authentic English:

29 Ideas for Authentic English:
If possible, look for jobs in tourism working with native English speaking tourists Keep a list of all the English words and phrases that students read/hear in a portable notebook or electronic device Write definitions, translations, and example sentences as seen in context Write a paragraph or story using some or all of these words from the generated list Do aforementioned vocabulary activities/exercises using these words Perform role-play or do “charades” of these words for classmates

30 Ideas for Authentic English:
Read and/or write a children's book or fable in English for oneself, children, nieces, nephews, etc.  (Student or someone else can illustrate it). Provide graphics, drawings, photos to contextualize meaning and reinforce learning and vocabulary Simpler English will help adults as well as children Reading out loud always helps!

31 Ideas for Authentic English:
Find a boyfriend or girlfriend who is a native speaker and doesn't speak your native language as well as you speak English! You will be forced to speak the language!

MY CONTACT INFO: My Website: (go to “Resources > “Downloadable Documents, Learning Links, Reading Links, and Teacher Teacher Links!”) My

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