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Career Development I Final Presentation

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1 Career Development I Final Presentation
Alyssa Little

2 Introduction Criminal Justice
How Your Experiences at Bryant & Stratton have prepared you for your career Resume and cover letters  How to dress and act for a interview 

3 Overview Section 1: Program Outcomes Section 2: Career Action Plan
Section 3: Continued Professional Growth

4 Section 1: Program Outcomes
Name of degree program

5 Program Outcomes for Your Major
You can find these in ePortfolio > your degree program Course Tools Identify and characterize the origins, and components that comprise the justice system at the federal, state, and local level Adapt and apply information technology knowledge, skills, and abilities to justice applications Distinguish job functions and responsibilities of both public and private agencies serving the justice sectors Prepare and evaluate reports, memos, and other documents to meet the professional standards of the justice system or private security field Recognize safety and security issues such as threat awareness, safety procedures, and the basic equipment used to secure suspects or prisoners Adapt essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in the various justice professional settings Utilize effective problem solving skills to critically evaluate work place scenarios encountered in the justice profession and assess ethical response Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats. Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations. Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement. Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions. Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth

6 Meeting Outcomes Adapt and apply information technology knowledge, skills, and abilities to justice applications In intro to criminal justice we watched a 59 second video of a man at a atm. During this time a motorcycle pulled up he tried to rob the man with a gun. A little girl jumped out of the car parked next to the atm and she was shot. Using the skills I have learned I was able to identify the whole crime and how to handle it. I was also able to take and give a statement to handle the situation properly.

7 Section 2: Action Plan

8 Goal Statement Choose one of your Part II Action plans to discuss here and to use for the following Action steps – choose your most developed Action Plan To finish my associate and move on to my bachelors to obtain a job in the FBI for hostage negotiation. Reasons (s) why this goal is important to workplace readiness To excel in my work force  To achieve higher positions 

9 Action Step 1 locating information
With locating information this will be very crucial to my job I want to obtain. I will be looking at building diagrams, records, peoples statements and other information. Obtaining this goal will help me in multiple ways to get the job I want. Describe how you will achieve this action step Practice cases, intensive training and learning from others Describe how you will assess or measure that you have accomplished this step? There is no actual way to see if I've gotten better. Instead I will always pay attention and always work on this.

10 Action Step 2 Reading for information
This reading for information is very important to my future line of work. Ill always be reading for information. This could be finding out things or understanding to solve a issue or crime. Working on this will help me obtain the job I want Describe how you will achieve this action step Statements, crime information and police notes Describe how you will assess or measure that you have accomplished this step? I will know when I got better in this because my field is always using this. There will always be a reading that I will have to find information in 

11 Action Step 3 Talent assessment
The talent assessment gives you what you are good at and what you need to work at This is important for teaching me I need to work on in a work place Discuss what impact this completed step will have on your career readiness. Describe how you will achieve this action step How I work with others, how I'm organized and self disciplined  Describe how you will assess or measure that you have accomplished this step?  There is many talent assessment online to take and also others around you  

12 Section 3: Continued Professional Growth

13 Career Development Summary
Use this area to list at least three ways that you will continue to develop your career path. Consider talking about using your strengths and improving your weaknesses Working with others (weakness) Work discipline (strength)  Organization (strength)

14 Conclusion The e portfolio is where you can find and place your program outcome  The action steps helped me with what I'm good at and what I need to improve on to get the position I want With professional Growth there is always room for improvement and know what your strengths are

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