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Solar Touring.

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1 Solar Touring

2 Welcome Our company solar touring aims to brings you the best in space travel. Our company has been running now for ten years but only now have we been able to offer the best in space flight. This brochure will give you a taste of what you could experience on your flight

3 Our Solar System Our solar System is in the Milky way
It Contains nine planets There is one star the sun

4 Mercury Mercury the closest planet to the sun. It is a rocky Planet and is too hot to live on. Everything would be scorched. Mercury is also the eighth largest. Mercury orbits the sun every 88 days. It can only be seen early in the morning or late in the evening. It is covered in millions of craters. The temperature ranges from -180°c to 430°c . Mercury is too small a planet for it to maintain any type of Atmosphere. Physically mercury is very similar to the moon because of it’s craters. This planet will not be on your tour as it is too hot

5 Mercury orbit: 57,910,000 km (0.38 AU) from Sun diameter: 4,879 km
mass: 3.30e23 kg Distance from sun 36 million miles (57.9 million kilometres).

6 Venus Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. It is an orange colour. It is Known as a rocky planet. It orbits the sun every Earth days. As the second closest planet to the sun this planet would still fry you so it will not be on the tour. It is the brightest natural object In the night sky next to the moon. It is sometimes called earths sister planet because it is similar in size, mass and gravity. The planet is named after the Roman goddess of love. Its surface temperature is on average 461.9°c

7 Venus orbit: 108,200,000 km (0.72 AU) from Sun
Distance from sun 67.2 million miles (108.2 million kilometres). diameter: 12,103.6 km mass: 4.869e24 kg

8 Earth Earth the planet we live on. Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system. It has the right conditions for sustaining life Oxygen and sunlight. It is angled at 23.5° so the seasons can change. Its temperature ranges from °c to 57.7 °c. Earth is a rocky planet with land and oceans. It orbits the sun every  366 days. This is the planet we live on so it will obviously be on our tour. the great expanse of water is just right for fish and underwater animals. The land and its atmosphere is perfect for us and animals to live on.

9 Earth orbit: 149,600,000 km (1.00 AU) from Sun
Distance from sun is 148 million kilometres. diameter: 12,756.3 km mass: 5.972e24 kg

10 The Moon The Moon orbits the earth. It spins only once on each orbit of the earth. It is covered in craters. It is earths only natural satellite. The moon is a little more than ¼ of the size of the earth. The second stop o this tour we will e visiting the original landing sit along with our new space centre recently set up. You will get a chance in lunar rover as you discover the minimal gravity on the moon. A truly magical experience.

11 The Moon Orbit: 384,400km from Earth Diameter: 3476 km Mass: 7.35e22

12 Mars Mars Known as the red planet because of it’s colour and many volcanoes. Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun. Named after the Greek god of war mars is known in as a rocky planet. It orbits the sun every days. Another stop on our tour the red planet is a must see experience its many volcanoes are a spectacle to see from our station on mars. Its temperature is on average -46 °c

13 Mars orbit: 227,940,000 km (1.52 AU) from Sun diameter: 6,794 km
mass: e23 kg

14 Jupiter Jupiter the largest planet in our solar system. It will not be a stop on our tour though we will get too see its many storms from the safety of our shuttle. The gravity is too high for us to land as it has the most next to the sun. It orbits the sun every days. C. The temperature is on average °c. We will of course have a massive amount of heat on to keep the temperature up.

15 Jupiter orbit: 778,330,000 km (5.20 AU) from Sun
diameter: 142,984 km (equatorial) mass: 1.900e27 kg

16 Saturn Saturn the second largest planet has still too much gravity for us to land but we will be passing through its ring of comets and other debris. The orangey coloured planet is one of the most famous planets because of its rings. It orbits the sun every 10, days. The temperature is on average 263°c

17 Saturn orbit: 1,429,400,000 km (9.54 AU) from Sun
diameter: 120,536 km (equatorial) mass: 5.68e26 kg

18 Uranus Uranus commonly said your- anus is actually called ur-a-nus. It is the seventh furthest planet from the sun ad one of the four gas giants. It is named after the greek god of the sky. It orbits the sun every 30, days. We will be stopping shortly on Uranus on a heated space centre. The temperature is -205°c

19 Uranus orbit: 2,870,990,000 km (19.218 AU) from Sun
diameter: 51,118 km (equatorial) mass: 8.683e25 kg

20 Neptune Neptune is the eighth and farthest known planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the fourth largest planet by diameter and the third largest by mass; Neptune is 17 times the mass of Earth. It orbits the sun every 60,  days . Its temperature is -220°c

21 Neptune orbit: 4,504,000,000 km (30.06 AU) from Sun
diameter: 49,532 km (equatorial) mass: e26 kg

22 Pluto Pluto is no longer a planet it has been downgraded to a dwarf planet. It is the tenth largest body to orbit our sun. The name Pluto was first suggested by Venetia Burney. She was 11 years old at the time. We will not be stopping here we will only be cicling round it then returning home. The planet pluto is mostly covered in frozen methane. Its temperature is on average -229°c

23 Pluto orbit: 5,913,520,000 km (39.5 AU) from the Sun (average)
diameter: 2274 km mass: 1.27e22 kg

24 I hope you enjoyed reading about us and I hope you will be flying with us soon

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