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The Chemical Basis of Life

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1 The Chemical Basis of Life
Unit 02 The Chemical Basis of Life

2 2.1 Introduction

3 What do you think of when you hear the word chemistry?
2.1: Introduction Think and Share What do you think of when you hear the word chemistry?

4 Chemistry The composition of matter and how it changes.
2.1: Introduction Write Chemistry The composition of matter and how it changes.

5 2.2 Structure of Matter

6 Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space Mass – Volume
2.2: Structure of Matter Write Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space Mass – A measure of how much matter is in an object Volume The amount of space taken up by matter

7 2.2: Structure of Matter

8 2.2: Structure of Matter Write Density Ratio of Mass and Volume

9 Which box has more density?
2.2: Structure of Matter Which box has more density?

10 Which cube is more dense?
2.2: Structure of Matter Which cube is more dense?

11 2.2 Structure of Matter Elements and Atoms

12 2.2: Structure of Matter  Elements and Atoms
Write Element Any material that can’t be broken down into a more fundamental substance

13 2.2: Structure of Matter  Elements and Atoms

14 2.2: Structure of Matter  Elements and Atoms
Read There are 118 known elements 20 of these elements make up the human body

15 2.2: Structure of Matter  Elements and Atoms
Read Elements in the Human Body

16 2.2: Structure of Matter  Elements and Atoms
I am mostly made up of….

17 2.2: Structure of Matter  Elements and Atoms
Read The type of element is determined by the type of atom. Do you remember the structure of an atom?

18 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Draw an Atom

19 2.2: Structure of Matter  Elements and Atoms
Write Atom The basic unit of matter The type of atom determines the type of element


21 2.2 Structure of Matter Atomic Structure

22 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Read 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure An atom is composed of three particles Proton (+) Neutron (N) Electron (e-)

23 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Write Proton Subatomic particle with a positive (+) charge Neutron Subatomic Particle with no charge (N) Electron Subatomic Particle with a negative charge (-)

24 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Write Nucleus Center of an atom Made up of Protons and Neutrons Contains most of the mass N0 P+ N0 P+ Nucleus P+ N0

25 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Write and draw Electron Shell An orbit around the nucleus Electrons can be found on electron shells Electrons on the outermost electron shell are called valence electrons Valence Electron e- Electron Shells N0 P+ N0 P+ Normal electron e- e- P+ N0

26 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Write and draw Each electron shell can hold a certain amount of electrons 1st electron shell = 2 electrons 2nd electron shell = 8 electrons 3rd electron shell = 8 electrons e- e- e- 2nd 3rd 1st

27 Label the Parts of an Atom
2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure Practice Label the Parts of an Atom N0 P+ e-

28 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Write Balanced Atom Protons = Neutron = Electron Isotope Protons = Electrons More or less Neutrons than protons Ion Protons = Neutrons More or less electrons than protons Creates a positive or negative charge

29 Medical Isotopes Video
2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure Medical Isotopes Video

30 Isotope Video Radioactive tracers: Isotopes:
2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure Isotope Video Radioactive tracers: Isotopes:

31 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Write The type of atom is determined by the number of protons

32 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Protons = 1 Neutrons = 0 Electrons = 1 P+ e- Circle the element this atom will make. Write the element name under the atom.

33 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Protons = 2 Neutrons = 2 Electrons = 2 P+ e- N0 Circle the element this atom will make. Write the element name under the atom.

34 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Protons = 6 Neutrons = 6 Electrons = 6 P+ e- N0 Circle the element this atom will make. Write the element name under the atom.

35 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Protons = 8 Neutrons = 8 Electrons = 8 P+ e- N0 Circle the element this atom will make. Write the element name under the atom.

36 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure

37 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Write Atomic Number The number of protons in an atom Mass Number The weight of the atom Proton mass + Neutron Mass Electrons have very little mass so we don’t count them

38 Information on the Periodic Table of Elements
2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure Read Information on the Periodic Table of Elements

39 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure

40 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Write Formulas: To find protons  Look at the atomic number To find Neutrons  subtract the atomic number from the mass number To find electrons  electrons = charge - protons

41 2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure
Protons:___________ Neutrons:__________ Electrons:___________ Protons:___________ Neutrons:__________ Electrons:___________ Protons:___________ Neutrons:__________ Electrons:___________

42 Draw the Isotopic Symbol for the following
2.2: Structure of Matter  Atomic Structure Draw the Isotopic Symbol for the following Atomic # = Protons Mass # = Protons + Neutrons Charge = Protons - Electrons 15 protons, 16 neutrons, and 18 electrons __________ 56 protons, 82 neutrons, and 54 electrons _________ 13 protons, 14 neutrons, and 10 electrons __________ P Ba Al

43 2.2 Structure of Matter Bonding of Atoms + Molecules and Compounds

44 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Write Chemical Bonding an attraction between atoms that causes them to bind and create molecules

45 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Write Molecule Two or more atoms joined together chemically Compound A molecule that contains at least two different elements.

46 2.1: Structure of Matter  Molecules and Compounds
Compounds are a type of molecule. All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds.

47 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Write Why does chemical bonding occur? Every atom wants its outer electron shell full of electrons. This is why bonding between atoms occurs. e- e- e- e- e- e-

48 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Write Octet Rule atoms create chemical bonds to achieve an octet (8) of electrons in their outer most electron shell

49 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Write Two ways to obtain an octet: Ionization Transfer of electrons Sharing

50 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Write Ionization Occurs when an atom gives away or receives an electron causing it to turn into an ion.

51 Ionization: How atoms become Ions
Na is going to donate an electron to Cl. This fills Cl’s energy level and drops Na back to a full energy level. Because of the number of electrons is no longer the same as the protons there is a negative and positive charge. Cl 17 - + Na 11 Read and Watch

52 Ionic Bond Read and Watch
Transfering electrons creates ions. Oppositely charged ions are attracted to one another (opposites attract). This attraction is an ionic bond.

53 Read and Watch Covalent Bonds Sharing Electrons. Both atoms obtain 8 electrons in their outer electron shell.

54 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Chemical Bond Video /chemicalbonds.htm Watch

55 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Write Two types of Covalent Bonds: Non-polar Covalent Bonds Electrons are shared equally Results in a non-polar molecule Molecule does not have poles Polar Covalent Bonds Electrons are shared unequally Results in a polar molecule Molecules have positive and negative poles

56 Let’s Make Water O H H

57 Negative Pole O H H Positive Pole


59 Polar Molecules Non-Polar Molecules

60 Polar Molecule Nonpolar Molecules
2.1: Introduction Write Polar Molecule A molecule that has positive and negative poles due to uneven sharing of electrons. Created by polar covalent bonds. Nonpolar Molecules A molecule that is neutral. Created by nonpolar covalent bonds.

61 Read and Watch Hydrogen Bond A bond formed between two polar molecules. A positive pole is attracted to a negative pole.


63 2.2: Structure of Matter  Bonding of Atoms
Write Three Types of Chemical Bonds Ionic Bond Covalent Bond One atom transfers (gives or takes) an electron to fill its outer energy level (ionization). The ions created from this transfer attract and form an ionic bond. Two atoms share electrons to fill their electron shells Hydrogen Bond Two polar molecules bond together due to +/- charges

64 2.2 Structure of Matter Formula

65 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Molecular Formula Represents the numbers and types of atoms in a molecule Mg+2 K+ CO3-2 CO2 Ca+2 Cl- SO4-2 H2O Na+ O2 C6H12O6 HCO3-

66 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write CO3-2 Overall Charge Number of Elements

67 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Structural Formulas Represents how the atoms are bonded together 1 bond 2 bonds 3 Bonds 4 Bonds N N

68 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas

69 2.2 Structure of Matter Chemical Reactions

70 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Chemical Reactions Forming or breaking chemical bonds

71 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Types of chemical reactions Synthesis: A + B  AB Decomposition: AB  A + B Exchange Reaction: AB + CD  AD + CB Reversible Reaction: A + B AB

72 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Catalyst Particular atoms or molecules that can change the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process

73 2.2 Structure of Matter Acids and Bases

74 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Solution Solute + Solvent Solute: Substance that is dissolved Solvent: Substance that dissolves the solute (usually water) Some compounds release ions when they dissolve in water. NaCl  Na+ + Cl-

75 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Electrolytes Solutions that contain electrically charged particles and will conduct an electric current Acids and bases are examples of electrolytes

76 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Acids Electrolytes that release hydrogen ions (H+) HCL (hydrochloric acid)  H+ + Cl- Bases Electrolytes that release hydroxide ions (OH-) NaOH (sodium hydroxide)  Na+ + OH-

77 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write pH Measure the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution pH<7 = acidic pH = 7 = neutral pH > 7 = Basic

78 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write pH Scale pH<7 = acidic pH = 7 = neutral pH > 7 = Basic

79 2.3 Chemical Constituents of Cells

80 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Organic Compounds Contain both Carbon and Hydrogen Inorganic Compounds Do not contain Carbon and Hydrogen

81 2.3 Chemical Constituents of Cells
Inorganic Substances

82 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Inorganic Substances Water (H2O) Solvent Most metabolic reactions occur in water Oxygen (O2) Needed for cellular respiration Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Waste Salts Provide ions Used for: Metabolic processes Transport Muscle contraction Nerve impulse conduction

83 2.3 Chemical Constituents of Cells
Organic Substances

84 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Carbohydrates Proteins Nucleic Acids Lipids

85 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Monomer One thing Polymer Many things A polymer is made up of many monomers. Monomer Polymer

86 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Carbohydrates Common Name: Carbs or SugarsProvide energy for cells Elements Present: CHO Uses By Living Things: Energy and Structure

87 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Carbohydrates Monomer: Monosaccharide Polymer: Polysaccharide Example Starch Breads Glycogen Energy storage in your muscles Cellulose Gives plants their structure Chitin Exoskeleton of insects Monosaccharide Polysaccharide

88 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Proteins Common Name: Protein Elements Present: CHON Uses By Living Things: Structure, Transport, Communication, Enzymes

89 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Carbohydrates Monomer: Amino Acid Polymer: Polypeptide or protein Example Cell Receptors Cellular communication Antibodies Immune system Enzymes Catalyze chemical reactions Amino Acid Polypeptide or Protein

90 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Nucleic Acid Common Name: DNA and RNA Elements Present: CHONP Uses By Living Things: Information Storage and Transfer

91 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Nucleic Acid Monomer: Nucleotide Polymer: Nucleic Acid Example DNA RNA Polynucleotide or Nucleic Acid Nucleotide

92 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Lipids Common Name: Fat Elements Present: CHO Uses By Living Things: Energy Storage and Insulation

93 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Lipid Lipids are not macromolecules But they are still made up of parts 1. Glycerol Head 2. Fatty Acid Chains Example Adipose Phospholipids Testosterone and Estrogen Glycerol

94 2.1: Structure of Matter  Formulas
Write Glycerol Triglyceride Phospholipid Steroids From left to right: Cholesterol, Testosterone, and Estrogen


96 Acids like vinegar (acetic acid)
Functional Group Structural Formula Name of Compounds Characteristics Draw an Example Hydroxyl OH Alcohols Name ends in –ol Polar Can form hydrogen bonds Carbonyl C = O Ketones Soluble in water Found in sugars Carboxyl COOH Acids like vinegar (acetic acid) acidic Amine NH2 Amino Acids Soluble in Water Sulfahydryl SH Stabilize protein structure Phosphate PO4 ATP, DNA and RNA Important in cellular energy storage and transfer Methyl CH3 Methylated Compounds Nonpolar Important in epigenetics OH O H O P O C C O O C C OH O H S H H H N N N H H S H SH O O O P O- C O- H H C H C H H H



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