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eDAMIS – Management of user rights

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1 eDAMIS – Management of user rights
18th Meeting of the Working Group of Local Coordinators for Data Transmission 5-6 March 2007 Agenda Item 9 eDAMIS – Management of user rights Vincent Tronet 2

2 Introduction 2000 to 4000 users from 1000 Organisations potentially users of eDAMIS (50% from NSI) Points presented into these slides: List of roles available in eDAMIS Management of users in eWP Switch from eWA local users management to eWP central users management Self registration requests: current workflow

3 Roles Role Place of work Linked to datasets Brief description
TCO (Transmission Coordinator) Country Can do everything at the Organisation level (for his/her Organisation) DMA (Domain MAnager) or DCR (Domain Co-Responsible) ESTAT X Can Manage his/her Datasets and grant rights for his/her datasets (if TCO agrees) REC (RECeiver) ESTAT or Country Can Receive datasets and if in Eurostat can send on behalf of countries SEN (SENder) Can Send datasets DAP (DAta Preparer) Can prepare Web Forms in Organisations but cannot send them INF (INFormed) Can be informed on some datasets GUE (GUEst) Can consult the MIS.

4 eWP users management - Initialisation
Two main sources to initiate user rights in eWP: EDIFLOW (persons with addresses imported) Switch eWA local users management to eWP central users management

5 eWP users management – day to day
5 main approaches for a TCO to grant rights: User self registers and asks for rights to the TCO: the TCO approves or not, User self registers and asks for rights to the DMA or TCO: DMA can grant or not and TCO can always have the last word (approve/disapprove) TCO can grant rights to users (or group) from the “manage rights by users” menu item TCO can grant rights to users (or group) from the “manage rights by datasets” menu item TCO can link a user to a group and then the user can benefit immediately from all rights granted to the group Possibility to grant rights to persons (without user-id)

6 from the local management of users in eWA to the central management in eWP
At least eWA 2.3x required, After centralisation, local users management no more possible, Centralisation of eWA users management only possible for eWA users with a CIRCA User-ID, Switch planned in advance, step by step approach, Password in eWA not replicated in CIRCA/eWP, First export eWA user rights to eWP and then eWP rights to eWA, Need to clean eWP user/persons rights before the switch: Users who had rights only in eWP will have rights in eWA also after the synchronisation, Potential problems with users who had different rights in eWP and eWA Case of persons with rights in eWP but without user-id. Centralisation Already done for INSEE (FR) and eWP updates done for CBS (NL)

7 Self registration requests: current workflow
Pragmatic but secure approach: User gets quick feedback to his/her registration request (from ESTAT support or DMA or TCO), No risk of sending data if Organisation with eWA and TCO does not agree, Different workflow for big data senders (with eWA and TCO) and smaller data senders (without eWA but DMA involved), All actors involved are informed (sender, DMA, TCO), Rights can be cancelled on requests of DMA or TCO. When central users management of eWA users, then the TCO is responsible to grant rights in eWP

8 Organisations with eWA

9 Organisations without eWA

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