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Cooleemee Elementary School Spirit Week

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1 Cooleemee Elementary School Spirit Week
October 26th - October 30th 2015

2 Decade Day

3 Character Day

4 Ms. Nieters goes back to the punk rock 80’s while Ms
Ms. Nieters goes back to the punk rock 80’s while Ms. Blackwelder goes back even further to the cool 70’s.

5 Ms. Cannon’s class Character Day

6 Ms. Myers shows off her 80’s valley girl style

7 3 Blind Mice teachers

8 Ms. Whiteheart’s class

9 Ms. Woodring’s class


11 Ms. Magallanes as “Goldilocks”

12 Ms. Blackwelder as Camilla Cream from A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon c

13 Ms. Stephens & Ms. Stone as Thing 1 and Thing 2
from Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat

14 Ms. Carter as Mrs. Frizzle from Magic School Bus series and Ms
Ms. Carter as Mrs. Frizzle from Magic School Bus series and Ms. Morris as Little Red Riding Hood

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