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8X Thursday World War II Unit Launch

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1 8X 04-14-2016 Thursday World War II Unit Launch
Objective: Know the objectives for our new unit. Agenda: Make sure you have submitted your judge’s score sheet and reflection. Do Now: Access the new unit objectives in Google Classroom. Create 2 lists: List things you already know about WWII List things you would like to know about WWII Go Over Unit Objectives Begin reading chapter 26.1 Copy and define key terms and people into your notes Answer questions 1-4 all in detail, page 809

2 World War II PART I: Outline the causes of WWII; Create a timeline of key events leading to WWII. Outline the conduct of WWII - nations involved, major political and military figures and key battles, and the Holocaust. PART II: Outline how the United States mobilized its economic and military resources during WWII. Explain how items are allocated or rationed when scarcity exists. Describe the impact of the war on domestic affairs in the United States. PART III: Describe how Minnesotans influenced and were influenced by the debates over United States involvement in WWII. Identify contributions of Minnesota and its people to WWII. Describe the impact of the war on the home front and Minnesota society after the war. CORRESPONDS WITH CHAPTER 26 OF THE TEXTBOOK UNIT ASSESSMENT: TEST: Multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer

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