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Welcome to the Intermediate School!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Intermediate School!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Intermediate School!
Principal: Mr. Farina Assistant Principal: Ms. Worman

2 Overview Program of Study IS Progression to MS Independence
Guidance/Bucket Fillers/TGFD/PULSE Student Life

3 Program Of Study Reading and Language Arts (90 minutes per day)
We are using the Wonders Reading Series.  Common Core standards dictate a more rigorous program in reading and writing, so be prepared to see your child working with more challenging skills and vocabulary. There are both print and online versions for both series. Your child will be expected to cite reasons and examples. This is a skill you can practice at home. This will be the first year that we are implementing Wonders for our students in Grades K-5

4 Program of Study Math (80 minutes per day)
Students utilize the Pearson enVision 2.0 Program and are expected to know the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts up to 12. Homework is given every night, except on written assessment days-which are after every 5th lesson. Some of the concepts taught in 4th grade include: place value, estimation and mental math, collecting, organizing and using data, patterns in multiplication and division, geometry, multiplying by 1- and 2- digit numbers, dividing by 1- and 2- digit numbers, fractions, decimals, word problems

5 Program of Study Science (42 minutes every other day)
Students will be switching classes this year for social studies and science. Evaluation involves class work, completion of science packets, use of the scientific method, and teamwork. Homework, quizzes, and tests will also make up part of the student’s grade. The 4-H will also come in this year to do an Embryology project where we will hatch eggs. Students in fourth grade have a PSSA science test in addition to reading and math. Social Studies (42 minutes every other day) The social studies curriculum we use focuses on the Regions of the United States and Pennsylvania History. Most text lessons involve oral reading and class discussions. Map skills will be practiced. Comprehension questions are completed at the end of each lesson. Students will be doing Ancestor Reports and National Park Reports this year. To culminate the unit of our ancestors, we are planning an Ancestor Day celebration in the fall.

6 IS Progression to MS Independence
Your child has been in a “self-contained” classroom from K-3, meaning they stayed with the same teacher all day, with the exception of encore classes. In 4th grade, your child will have the opportunity to switch teachers for at least one core subject area, in addition to their encore classes. In 5th grade, your child will travel with their homeroom for a portion of the day switching teachers for each core subject area, in addition to their encore classes. In Middle School, your child will follow his/her individual schedule, switching classes independently.

7 IS Progression to MS Independence
Supports: Student Assistance Program: Students who are struggling from a social/emotional or behavioral standpoint can be referred to our SAP team. This team will assist families in setting up a mentor teacher or additional supports. Intervention Specialist: The School Board of Directors has tentatively approved this position for the upcoming school year. The Intervention Specialist will support students in the areas of Mathematics, Language Arts, and organization. Title I: Title I reading support is available to Intermediate Students

8 IS Progression to MS Independence
Locker Practice will be offered prior to the beginning of next school year. August 14, :00-5:00 August 15, :00-11:00 Meet the Teacher Night: Wednesday, August 21, 2019* *Please note Meet the Teacher Night occurs prior to the first day of school

9 Guidance Ms. Kulp is our School Counselor.
She teaches 4th and 5th grade Guidance Lessons during WIN periods. Topics include: Character, Resiliency, Stress Reduction, Healthy Choices, Conflict Resolution, and Bullying. In addition to character lessons, Ms. Kulp also works with students in regard to career readiness. Throughout the Intermediate years, she will focus on 3 career lessons per year.

10 Bucket Fillers A school-wide character development program
The bucket represents your mental and emotional self How do you feel when your bucket is full? More confident, secure, calm, patient and friendly. Your thoughts are positive and you expect positive results. How do you feel when your bucket is empty? Can easily become sad, negative, insecure, nervous, angry, stressed, worried. An empty bucket can affect your behavior and cause you to express your emotions in a way that empties the buckets around you. Ms. Kulp rewards bucket fillers each month during lunch!

11 Too Good For Drugs Brandywine Heights Community Task Force has partnered with our school district to provide our students with the Too Good For Drugs 10 week program. Too Good for Drugs in Grade 4 lays the groundwork for drug-free living through a fun and interactive journey of setting reachable goals, communicating effectively, and making responsible decisions. The program defines a sequential set of core components to develop students’ social emotional skills and reinforces those skills through interactive activities.

12 P.U.L.S.E In addition to Bucketfillers, we have adopted a building-wide Positive Behavior Support Plan, entitled: P.U.L.S.E. which stands for: Pride Unity Leadership Service Engagement

13 P.U.L.S.E. Students will learn what Pride, Unity, Leadership, Service, and Engagement means in all aspects of life at the IS/MS. We will have periodic P.U.L.S.E. checks throughout the year to ensure that students are properly portraying these positive attributes. The goal of this program is to provide students with an easy to follow roadmap for positive interactions and character development.

14 Student Life With the help of our PTC, our Intermediate School students will have several fun events to look forward to: Movie Nights Field Trips Fun Lunches Spring Family Dance Homeroom Competitions Spirit Weeks And much more!

15 Social Media Please follow our School Accounts for updates and pictures of events and daily happenings Facebook: Twitter: Twitter:

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