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Parent Information Night Subject Selections for 2020

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Information Night Subject Selections for 2020"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Information Night Subject Selections for 2020
Current Year 10 students

2 Principal Mr Craig Holmes
Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss

3 Order of Speakers Presenter Focus Craig Holmes Welcome and Prayer
Bryan Wood The Learning Journey and the Mechanics of Choosing Natasha Le Noel VCAL / VET Options Ged McIntyre The VCE and Assessment Cam Rowe Thank you and direction to the expo Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss


5 Laudato Si - A prayer for our earth
All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one. We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord Amen

6 Director of Learning Dr Bryan Wood
Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss

7 The VCE In 2020 you will be a Year 11 student!
This means that the choices you make are more important than ever before

8 Step 1: English Everyone in Year 11 will study at least one of the following English subjects: English English Language English Literature

9 English In order to gain a VCE, every student must successfully complete at least three Units of English Students who are good at English (or who enjoy English) can choose to study more than one of these subjects

10 Step 2: Religion Everyone in Year 11 will also study at least one of the following subjects: Thomas Carr Religious Education Religion and Society (Units 1 and 2)

11 Step 3: Everything Else If you selected ONE English subject and the TCC Religion subject, you will need to choose FIVE other subjects If you selected ONE English subject and Religion and Society you will need to select FOUR other subjects

12 Options There are MANY options!

13 Prerequisites It is time to start thinking about what you want to do after Year 12 Some post-Year 12 options require you to do certain things during your VCE If you don’t include these prerequisites in your program, you might not be able to continue on that pathway

14 Choose your Year 11 subjects, choose Accounting
Timeline 2019 2020 2021 2025 Choose your Year 11 subjects, choose Accounting

15 Timeline 2019 2020 2021 2025 Choose your Year 11 subjects, choose Accounting Complete Year 11, study Accounting… and love it!

16 Timeline 2019 2020 2021 2025 Choose your Year 11 subjects, choose Accounting Complete Year 11, study Accounting… and love it! Complete Year 12, Apply for a Commerce course

17 Timeline 2019 2020 2021 2025 Choose your Year 11 subjects, choose Accounting Complete Year 11, study Accounting… and love it! Complete Year 12, Apply for a Commerce course Study Commerce at University

18 Timeline 2019 2020 2021 2025 Choose your Year 11 subjects, choose Accounting Complete Year 11, study Accounting… and love it! Complete Year 12, Apply for a Commerce course Study Commerce at University Get a job as an Accountant!

19 Prerequisites It is difficult to think about 2025, but now let’s consider how things might be different if you made different choices….

20 Timeline 2019 2020 2021 2025 Choose your Year 11 subjects, choose Accounting, but not Maths Methods Complete Year 11, study Accounting… and love it! Complete Year 12, Apply for a Commerce course

21 Timeline 2019 2020 2021 2025 Choose your Year 11 subjects, choose Accounting, but not Maths Methods Complete Year 11, study Accounting… and love it! Complete Year 12, Apply for a Commerce course Application to study Commerce is denied due to a lack of Maths Methods ???

22 Conclusion Prerequisites matter, so you need to ensure that you are informed You should: Speak to the Careers Team Read the VTAC (2022) guide book Ask as many questions as possible at the subject expo

23 Good Questions To Ask “I really enjoyed [subject] – what should I do next in order to learn more?” “I’m really worried about my results in [subject], but it’s something I enjoy. What should I do?” “I’ve heard that [subject] is a prerequisite for a course that I might like to do – is that true?”

24 Bad Questions To Ask “What is the easiest subject?”
“Will I get 100% if I study [subject]?” “Who is teaching [subject] next year?” “Is my friend studying [subject]?”

25 Process Very soon you will receive an with a link to ‘web preferences’ You can use this link to directly access the site that has been set up so that you can choose your subjects for next year

26 After reading the text in the box, click on this button

27 You need to think carefully about the ‘Study Stream’ that you will select – the stream you choose affects your choices on the next page!

28 This is the correct choice for a student who only wants to study six Unit 1 and 2 subjects in 2020
In other words, choose this option if you don’t plan to study a VET subject, nor a Year 12 subject, and you aren’t a VCAL student

29 Choose this option if you would like to study a Unit 3 and 4 subject next year
Please note that you will need to complete an application process to accelerate your learning in this way! If your application is unsuccessful, your reserve choices will become very important

30 Choose this option if you would like to study a VET subject next year
Please note that you will need to complete an application process to accelerate your learning in this way! Make sure you speak to Ms Le Noel about this option

31 Ms Le Noel will speak about the difference between these two options
Once again, make sure you choose carefully!

32 This will only apply to a small number of people
You will need to complete two separate applications for accelerated studies This should only be relevant if you are already doing a VET course AND a Unit 1/2 sequence and would like to continue both

33 This assumes that I am keen to study a Year 12 subject next year.

34 You can choose to study the TCC RE subject, or you can choose to study Units 1 and 2 Religion and Society. Only R&S will contribute to your VCE.



37 Check this list very carefully
Check this list very carefully! Only click ‘submit’ when you feel confident that the list is correct.

38 You must print this page, then have it signed.

39 Information

40 Subject selection documents due
Key Dates Date Event Friday August 9 Year 10 Course Advice Day Friday August 16 Subject selection documents due Thursday September 19 Parent/Teacher Interviews Friday September 20

41 VET/VCAL Co-ordinator Ms Natasha Le Noel
Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss

42 VET in the VCE A student proposing to study a VET certificate should see Ms Le Noel (VET/VCAL co-ordinator) and include VET as one of their choices in their Web Preference Form.  A CareMonkey letter will be issued to families, with further information to finalise the enrolment process. This letter will include a link to an online form, as well as other important information.

43 VET in the VCE- Benefits
Applied learning Gain experience in chosen industry All VET courses provide credit towards VCE and VCAL Some provide a study score at the successful completion Some provide an extra 10% to ATAR Get an extra qualification while still at school

44 Vocational Education & Training in Schools(VETiS)
Year 10s are able to select VET courses within the WynBay cluster, as well as apply for external courses. There are a wide variety of courses available, with most running on a Wednesday afternoon. Please see the VET Handbook 2020 for further information, which can be found the College website for further information.

45 VCAL Program There have been changes for Year 11 VCAL in 2020 that allows for students to have more flexibility and choice. Our main program for Year 11 VCAL students will be attending Thomas Carr College four days a week. Students are able to choose an elective and a VET course, with work placement happening in one week blocks each semester Other options include VCAL programs with a full year work placement one day a week, or a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship. If you would like to find out more information about any of these options- book an appointment with Ms Le Noel

46 Head of Learning and Teaching
Senior School Ms Geraldine McIntyre

47 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
VCE Structure Assessment Good evening everyone. Tonight I want to recap some of the terminology which is frequently used when we talk about VCE. In particular, we will look at two key areas, VCE Structure and Assessment.

48 VCE Structure The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is one of the main senior secondary certificates in Victoria A VCE program includes a number of different studies The majority consisting of four units that can be completed over two or more years A unit represents one semester or half a year of work. The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is one of the main senior secondary certificates in Victoria A VCE program includes a number of different studies The majority consisting of four units that can be completed over two or more years A unit represents one semester or half a year of work.

49 VCE Structure VCE students usually do 20 to 24 Units over two years
Units 1 and 2 are typically ‘Year 11’ 6 subjects – made up of 2 Units each – 12 Units Units 3 and 4 are typically ‘Year 12’. 5 subjects – made up of 2 Units each – 10 Units TCC students are in the fortunate position to begin the VCE journey from Year 10, via the Accelerated Studies Program. (Subject to Approval) VCE students usually do 20 to 24 Units over two years CLICK Units 1 and 2 are typically ‘Year 11’ 6 subjects – made up of 2 Units each – 12 Units Units 3 and 4 are typically ‘Year 12’. 5 subjects – made up of 2 Units each – 10 Units Students from Thomas Carr College are in very fortunate position to begin the VCE journey from Year 10, via the Accelerated Studies Program.

50 Assessment Minimum satisfactory completion of 16 Units is required.
This must include: at least three units from the English Group, two of which must be a Unit sequence     English     English Language     Literature In addition to this, there MUST be three more Unit sequences of study. To successfully obtain a VCE Certificate, students need to satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 Units of study. Of the 16 Units, at least three units must come form the English Group, two of which must be a Unit 3 and 4 Sequence. As mentioned by Dr Wood earlier, the English Group is made up of: CLICK English CLICK English Language CLICK Literature CLICK EAL (English as an Additional Language) CLICK In addition to this, there MUST be three more Unit 3 and 4 sequences of study

51 Assessment Many of the tasks set by teachers will be assessed to establish a level of achievement. School Assessed Coursework (SAC) Tests, Application Tasks, Experimental Investigation, Scientific Posters, Essays, Assignments…. School Assessed Tasks (SAT) Folio Work, Product Design Every VCE subject has several requirements for which a student must complete and maintain a satisfactorily level of achievement. Successful completion of a Unit of work can be determined by a student’s performance on either a SAC or SAT. School Assessed Course work (SAC) Can be in the form of a test, application task, experimental investigation, scientific posters, essays and problem-solving tasks which usually take place over a number of consecutive lessons. School Assessed Tasks (SAT) are usually associated with subjects such as Art and Product Design which require the ongoing development of a folio and the production of ???? completed over an extended period time: for example, an entire term or semester.

52 Assessment At a Unit 1 and 2 level, VCAA is only interested in
whether a student has satisfactorily completed all SAC and/or SATs. At a Unit 3 and 4 level, VCAA is interested in the satisfactory completion of all SAC and/or SATs and the end of year External Examination, if an ATAR is to be achieved.  ATAR – Australian Tertiary Admission Rank is the primary criterion for entry into most University programs. At a Unit 1 and 2 level, VCAA is only interested in whether a student has satisfactorily completed all SAC and/or SATs. CLICK At a Unit 3 and 4 level, VCAA is interested in the satisfactory completion of all SAC and/or SATs and the final External Examination, if an ATAR is to be achieved. CLICK ATAR – Australian Tertiary Admission Rank the primary criterion for entry into most University programs.

53 Assessment - Absent A student MUST have a legitimate reason for missing any assessment task. Illness - supported with a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE A SAC absence will only be approved if the correct documentation is submitted to the Head of Learning and Teaching Senior School. Finally, in a situation where a student is unable to be present for a scheduled SAC, there must be a legitimate reason for their absence. This would include CLICK Illness - supported ONLY with a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE CLICK Extreme personal circumstances. School approved absence - School excursion or sporting commitment. A SAC absence will only be approved if the correct documentation is submitted to the Head of Learning and Teaching Senior School. A SAC absence will only be approved if the correct documentation is submitted to the Head of Learning and Teaching Senior School.

54 Acting Head of Senior School Mr Cameron Rowe
Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Michael Goss

55 Subject Information Expo

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