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Rock Identification See if you can identify each rock!!! Use your ESRT…answers at end of slide show.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock Identification See if you can identify each rock!!! Use your ESRT…answers at end of slide show."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock Identification See if you can identify each rock!!! Use your ESRT…answers at end of slide show.

2 1.

3 2.

4 3.

5 4.

6 5.

7 6.

8 7.

9 8.

10 9.

11 10.

12 11.

13 12.

14 13.

15 14.

16 15.

17 16.

18 17.

19 18.

20 19.

21 20.

22 21.

23 22. 23

24 23.

25 Answers: 1. limestone 2. Breccia 3. Granite 4. Gneiss 5. Sandstone

26 Answers: 7. Conglomerate 8. Marble 9. Dunite 10. Rhyollite
11. Quartzite

27 Answers: 12. Shale 13. Siltstone 14. Shale 15. Sandstone 16. Gneiss

28 Answers: 17. Obsidian 18. Pegmatite 19. Phyllite 23. schist 20. Pumice
21. Slate 22. Phyllite 23. schist

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