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Verb Booklet Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Verb Booklet Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verb Booklet Review

2 Present Tense Active (top) Passive (bottom)
-o -mus -s -tis -t -nt I verb You verb Etc. -or -mur -ris -mini -tur -ntur I am verbed You are verbed Etc.

3 Imperfect Tense Active (top) Passive (bottom)
-bam -bamus -bas -batis -bat -bant I was verbing, used to verb, kept on verbing, etc. -bar bamur -baris bamini -batur bantur I was being verbed, used to be verbed, kept on being verbed, etc.

4 Future Tense 1st/2nd conjugations Active (top) Passive (bottom)
-bor bimur -beris bimini -bitur buntur I will be verbed Etc. -bo -bimus -bis -bitis -bit -bunt I will verb Etc.

5 Future Tense 3rd/4th conjugations Active (top) Passive (bottom)
-ar emur -eris emini -etur entur I will be verbed Etc. -am -emus -es -etis -et -ent I will verb Etc.

6 Perfect Tense (drop –i from 3rd pp) Active (top) Passive (bottom)
TBA -i -imus -isti -istis -it -erunt I verbed, have verbed, did verb

7 Pluperfect Tense (drop –i from 3rd pp) Active (top) Passive (bottom)
TBA -eram -eramus -eras -eratis -erat -erant I had verbed

8 Future Perfect Tense (drop –i from 3rd pp) Active (top) Passive (bottom)
TBA -ero -erimus -eris -eritis -erit -erint I will have verbed

9 Participles (Latin 3 ONLY)
Active Passive Pres. -ns, -ntis (-ing) X Perf. X 4th pp. (having been verbed) Fut. 4th pp, -urus X instead of –us (about to verb)

10 Infinitives (Latin 3 ONLY)
Active Passive Pres. 2nd pp. 2nd pp. with –i not -e “to verb” “ “to be verbed” Perf. 3rd pp. with “isse” 4th pp. + “esse” “to have verbed” “to have been verbed” Fut. 4th pp, -urus XXXXX instead of –us + “esse” (to be about to verb)

11 Sequence of Tenses (Latin 3 ONLY)
Present Infinitive: Shows action AT THE SAME TIME AS the main verb Perfect Infinitive: Shows action BEFORE the main verb Future Infinitive: Shows action AFTER the main verb

12 Declension Fan (Latin 3 ONLY)
See the Glossary Charts in the Appendix of your text book to check your noun endings!

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