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Edmodo’s mission is to connect all learners with the people and resources they need to reach their full potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Edmodo’s mission is to connect all learners with the people and resources they need to reach their full potential."— Presentation transcript:


2 Edmodo’s mission is to connect all learners with the people and resources they need to reach their full potential

3 Edmodo is the largest social learning network in the world

4 Why Edmodo? Engage Connect Personalize Measure
Edmodo is designed to get students excited about learning as teachers easily create a blended learning experience. Connect Teachers are at the center of a powerful network that connects them to students, parents, administrators and publishers. Personalize Edmodo offers engaging, easy-to-use apps that integrate seamlessly and personalize learning for every student. Measure Edmodo makes it simple to track student progress. Teachers can get the pulse of the class through quizzes, discussion and more.

5 Anytime, Anywhere Learning

6 Secure Platform Ensures Safety and Privacy
Closed environment No private information required from students Students can only join classes by the invitation of their teacher All communication is archived Teacher has full management control Students use this code to sign up

7 Create Your Teacher Account
Create a teacher account if you are a teacher, administrator, or have another role in education

8 Update Your Account Settings
Customize or text notifications Click the “Me” drop-down to access settings Upload a photo or an avatar Choose your privacy settings Select your School

9 View your badges - earn more by using Edmodo in new ways!
Create Your Profile View your badges - earn more by using Edmodo in new ways! Tell others about yourself- add your role in education, interests, websites, blogs, Twitter, etc.

10 Teacher Homepage Post assignments, reminders, polls, or discussion questions Store unlimited content for easy sharing and re-use Create groups for classes, clubs, PLCs, online courses, etc. Encourage collaboration and participation in discussions Access global communities of peers and publisher partners

11 Create Groups 1. Select the “+” in Groups section
2. Complete group information 3. Distribute Group Code or “Join Group” URL to members =

12 Student Sign-Up Students use your group code to register for a new account Students who already have an account can log in and click the “+” Students are NOT required to give address …And then enter the group code to join group

13 Student Profile Badges awarded by teachers
Students share their learning style and goals Link to grade book for each group

14 Student Homepage The backpack:
Unlimited storage for documents, videos and other resources Students receive notifications for grades, assignments, alerts or replies Students can only send messages to the entire group or directly to the teacher Students can only join groups. They cannot create groups Parents use this code to create their account or add student to their existing account

15 Parent Sign-Up To create an account, use the parent code located on child’s Edmodo homepage Parents only need 1 account for their children. Multiple children can be added to 1 account.

16 Parent Homepage Parents can add multiple students with their unique parent codes Parents have a dashboard view of student’s assignments, grades and calendar events Teachers can send messages to parents

17 Customize Groups Side Panel
Customize which groups appear in the side-panel by selecting the star next to the group name Click “Show All” to see a list of all groups

18 Creating Small Groups To add students, click “Members” on the small group page and “Add Members” in the new window Teachers can create small groups by clicking the “+“ on the group homepage

19 Using Small Groups Only the members you put into small groups can access the communication stream Utilize small groups for group projects, differentiation, and to organize units or discussion separate from the main group.

20 Manage Group Members Set all members to “read only” or print out list of members View username, profile, and grades Give co-teacher status to colleagues Click “Members” on the group homepage to see a list of your students Reset password, access parent code, remove from group

21 Best Practices for Safe Social Learning
Do not post group codes publicly Lock group codes after all members have joined Monitor posts Set up notifications Use read-only status when useful Encourage students to select unique passwords Set expectations

22 Send immediately or schedule posts for the future
Post a Message Post a Note, Alert, Assignment, Quiz or Poll. Attach any type of file or link Send to individual group, multiple groups, small groups, parents, individual students and/or teacher connections Send immediately or schedule posts for the future

23 Polls Create a poll and add multiple answer choices. Votes are anonymous Check for understanding or survey opinions

24 Assignments Each assignment you create is saved to bank for future access Choose a due date View and grade assignments as they are turned in

25 Grading Assignments Grades are automatically added to the gradebook. (TIP: Input “LATE” to keep students from handing in late work) Teachers can annotate submitted assignments with comments and detailed feedback Teachers and co-teachers can provide feedback -Students can respond and a permanent record is kept for reference

26 Create a new quiz or load a previously created one
Quizzes Create a new quiz or load a previously created one Create new questions (Multiple Choice, True/False, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, Matching) or load from your own question bank Choose whether you’d like to randomize questions and/or allow students to view results immediately

27 Edmodo auto-grades questions (except short answer)
Grading Quizzes Edmodo auto-grades questions (except short answer) Select individual students to view their responses and grade short answer questions View a breakdown of class results

28 Progress (Gradebook) Export grades into CSV file so you can input into another system Access grades and badges Scores are updated automatically after each assignment or quiz is graded and recorded

29 Use pre-loaded badges or create your own
Award badges to motivate and recognize achievement. Create badges aligned to standards, positive behaviors, and more Use pre-loaded badges or create your own

30 Library Add unlimited files, links,
and embed codes and post groups from the stream Teachers and students can connect Google Drive accounts Organize library into folders and share folders with your groups

31 Share Folders from Library
Place a check in the box to share the folder with that group

32 Follow publisher and partner communities
Follow subject and content communities to connect and share best practices and resources with other educators Follow publisher and partner communities

33 Today, I’ll be presenting Snapshot, Edmodo’s new teacher tool that helps you plan your instruction around Common Core standards* *as well as Texas TEKS and Virginia Vsol standards

34 Typical Assessment Cycle
Test Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Before getting into the details, I want to take a step back and help you understand where Snapshot fits into the grand scheme of teaching, learning, and the way you think about assessment cycles Currently, you have your district level benchmarks that you administer periodically throughout the year that lead up to the high stakes test at the end of year Traditionally, these high stakes have been developed by your state, but leading up to Common Core will be through one of the consortia Between these benchmarks, there are continuous cycles of instruction happening at the classroom level

35 Snapshot Workflow Test Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Edmodo Snapshot improves classroom progress and student learning outcomes in a snap Snapshot is designed to live in that space between your district benchmarks It’s not meant to be a substitute for these more formal assessments, but gives teachers, at the point of instruction, the ability to identify areas of need, course correct instruction, and fundamentally improve their ability to help their entire classroom master concepts As a teacher, Snapshot allows me to do this in a few simple ways: I can quickly and easily create a micro-assessment, initially aligned to grades 3-12 Math and ELA standards, to assign to my students I can see in real-time how my students are performing on these micro-assessments and identify the areas of highest need There will also be standards-aligned content at my disposal, such as videos and lessons, that I can use to re-teach missing concepts and personalize learning for my students {Note to Presenter: the Snapshot content recommendations feature will be releasing in late August/early September, and will recommend free online content for standards with the most room for improvement} Therefore, Snapshot is really about taking frequent pulses before it’s too late and accessing recommended content to close specific gaps Again, Snapshot is designed to be used and deployed between these formal testing windows to help improve student preparedness and mastery for these bigger assessments Instantly create micro-assessments with thousands of standards-aligned questions Receive real-time results and feedback by classroom and student Personalize learning based on prioritized recommendations

36 Make progress (not educated guesses)
Instruction Pre-Test Post-Test Day 1 Day 3 Day 2 How can you, as a teacher, integrate Snapshot into your current workflow? Just like Edmodo, where there’s no one-size-fits all approach, Snapshot can really be molded to your teaching style and needs Some people may use Snapshot as warm-up, exit ticket, or both One approach is to use Snapshot as pre-test prior to instruction, shape instruction based on Snapshot feedback, then conduct a post-test to gauge mastery This can be done using several different teaching cadences: Over the course of a week or a few days During one school day, which is an especially great fit at the elementary level Or in a single class period as a warm up and/or exit ticket Snapshot really puts the power in teachers hands and lets us use it in ways that make the most sense for our classrooms, in the moment of instruction Morning Afternoon Day Start of Period End of Period Session

37 Snapshot Case Study: 9th Grade Math
Give Snapshot to each small student group Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Small Group 1 Pre-Test Beginning of each unit Unit Test Small Group 2 Teacher: Mr. John Smith, 9th Grade Math Snapshot Frequency: Pre-test and once a day Snapshot in Action: At the beginning of each unit, John gives his class a Snapshot and uses the results to place his students into small groups, where he can provide differentiated lessons. At the end of each day, John gives each small group a Snapshot on the standard(s) they covered that day to instantly assess his students' understanding of the daily objective. He then uses that info to plan his next lesson. Benefit: John is always aware of how his students are understanding the content, can intervene with individuals, and adjust his pacing when necessary - there are no surprises on the unit test. “By giving these daily check-ins, I and my students have fewer surprises on the big end-of-unit test.” – Mr. Smith, 9th Grade Math Teacher

38 Snapshot Case Study: 3rd Grade ELA
Plan lesson Facilitate Literature Center Receive instant results on student progress “I am incorporating Edmodo Snapshot to my Learning Center rotation. The students are enjoying it!” – Ms. Hernandez, 3rd Grade Teacher Teacher: Ms. RoseAnn Hernandez, 3rd Grade Snapshot Frequency: Once a week Snapshot in Action: During Learning Centers, RoseAnn's students take a Snapshot to assess the specific CCSS they are working on. Benefit: Instant results give RoseAnn actionable data to differentiate the next set of literature centers. Students take Snapshot

39 Launch Snapshot Integrated right into your home page, Snapshot is part of Edmodo, a tool you already know and trust. It’s easy to launch for both Teachers and Students. Nobody needs another set of login information. Teachers and Students can quickly launch Snapshot by clicking the Snapshot icon on Apps toolbar. It will automatically be there for any teacher and student.

40 Creating a Snapshot is simple and can take less then a minute.
To create one, all you have to do is: Select a Group to assess. The grade level and subject automatically populate based on what you’ve selected in your Group Settings. Select your Standards. Standards will be recommended based on curriculum maps and past Snapshots. Select your own standards by clicking “Add More Standards” and selecting the standards you want to assess. Remove standards by clicking the “X” on the standard card. Four questions per standard will be added to the Snapshot. Give your Snapshot a name, then enter a due date, time limit, and optional note. Now you’ve created a quality, standards-aligned assessment in a matter of minutes!

41 Preview the Snapshot. Before you assign a Snapshot, you can preview an example to see the questions. This is what you will see when you click “Student Preview,” which shows an example of what the students will see, based on the standards you’ve selected. Click “Next Question” to browse through the entire Snapshot.

42 “Assign Now” will send the Snapshot to the students in the selected group.
“Plan for Later” will save it to your Schedule, so you can assign it when you want to. Works with your schedule. Great for lesson planning and getting ahead. Go to the Schedule (top toolbar) to view all Assigned and Planned Snapshots.

43 Student View: What the student will see when they click “Take Snapshot” in their Post Stream.
Stars show the number of standards assessed on the Snapshot, and if the students have mastered any on previous Snapshots. Filled in stars represent standards that have been mastered by the student before, and “ghosted” stars represent standards the student has not mastered. In this case, the student has previously mastered two-thirds of the standards from this Snapshot. The focus here is on mastery, not grades. Tips provide instructions and helpful information for students. Students click “Start Snapshot” to begin.

44 You will be notified if students leave the browser tab, and students will receive a reminder to stay on the tab. Students can be reminded that the tool is not for grades, but rather to help the teacher personalize learning for them, so there’s no reason to cheat. Students will be warned if they leave a question blank, so no one accidentally skips questions. Each student receives a random set of 4 questions from the item bank, so each student’s assessment will be a bit different.

45 Student’s schedule - Students can easily see how many Snapshots they’ve been assigned in both English and Math, and review past Snapshots. The number next to the star shows how many standards a student has mastered / been assessed on in that subject. Students can click “View History” to view all of the past Snapshots for that subject.

46 Teacher Reports – 3 types of Reports that visualize student proficiency in actionable ways. Allows you to understand your students’ learning gaps and personalize learning. This slide shows the Focus Report: A high level overview of proficiency, coverage, and areas of opportunity. Orange / green bar shows Proficiency: For a given grade level (7th in this case), see the # of students assessed, and the proportion mastered vs. borderline behind. Blue / grey bar shows Coverage: How many of the standards for that grade level/subject have been assessed. Opportunities and Suggestions: The 3 standards with most room for improvement. Content Recommendations (bottom of slide): Under each Opportunity Standard, a free standard-aligned resource is recommended. Assign to your students with one click and close learning gaps.

47 Student Report: Shows the proficiency of each individual student on each standard they’ve been assessed on. Click a colored square for a student/standard to view their exact questions & answers. Review their Snapshot in depth. Click a student’s name to view their individual student report. Great for 1:1 conferences with students or parents.

48 Standards Report: Shows the proficiency of entire Groups on each standard.
Each donut represents a standard and is color-coded to show how many students in the selected Group are in each proficiency category. Understand how your entire class is doing at a glance. Easily see which standards deserve a class-wide re-teach. Mouse over to see which individuals fall in to each proficiency category.

49 Discover Browse content in the “Discover” area
Browse for content by topic Browse for content by topic Add to your library or share with groups or individuals directly

50 Edmodo Apps Access the Edmodo Store to browse for integrated digital content and tools Manage apps that you’ve purchased Launch any installed app Customize toolbar with your favorite apps

51 Edmodo Store Filter by paid and free apps
Browse by subject area, recently added, and suggested

52 Select, Purchase, and Install
Install app Choose group(s) in which to install the app Purchase credit

53 Need Help? Ask us a question
Access the Support Community from your homepage Access help and links and attend or watch webinars in the help center

54 Get Started Create your account Complete your profile Create a group
Invite students and peers Share resources, lead collaborative discussions, give assignments, quizzes, polls and more Install Apps Engage students, inspire creativity, assess learning Follow and participate in communities Connect with educators from around the world Discover great resources


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