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Welcome to 1st Grade Parent Information Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 1st Grade Parent Information Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 1st Grade Parent Information Night

2 Mandy Kathy Sarah Melissa Betty
Davis Gordon Piner Montgomery Evans

3 Take Home Folders Backpacks
and Backpacks Please make sure your child brings their folder and backpack everyday.

4 Daily Communication Folder
Initial each box every day. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday August 25 26 27 28 29 September No School 1 2 3 Vocab. Test grade _____ 4 Spelling Test grade _____ 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 30 Daily Communication Folder

5 Color Changes Gold – Excellent Green – Doing great Yellow – Warning
Orange – Sit out 5 minutes Blue – Sit out 10 minutes Red – Parent notified Color Changes

6 Parties Field Trips and
Want to go on a field trip? Visit the Birdville website to become an approved volunteer!

7 Birthdays Your child will be acknowledged on the morning announcements for their birthday.

8 Absences and Tardies It is important your child come to school every day, on time. Three tardies equal an absence. If your child is sick, please contact the office and send a note on return.

9 Reading Log Book Bags Your child will bring home a book bag everyday.
Please read with your child and return the next day. Reading Log and Book Bags

10 The children will be using Modern Script handwriting.

11 Homework READ EVERY SCHOOL NIGHT Monday – Spelling Homework
Tuesday – Math Homework Wednesday – Study for Vocabulary Test Thursday – Study for Spelling Test Special Project once per six weeks

12 Report Cards Checklist report cards will go home every 6 weeks.

13 Vocabulary Test am we can are a she and this that what
Given every Thursday. am we can are a she and this that what

14 Spelling Test Given every Friday. pig dig pick kick win pin matter

15 Water Bottles Children may bring water bottles to school.

16 Sneakers Children must wear sneakers for PE every day.

17 Toys Keep toys at home.

18 Website

19 Lunch Schedule The lunch menu can be found on the Birdville website.
Please check with the office to find out your child’s lunch time.

20 Contacting Your Child’s Teacher
Call or We look forward to working with you and your child!

21 Arrivals and Dismissals
Watch video on website for detailed information.

22 We look forward to a GREAT year with your child!
Thanks for Coming! We look forward to a GREAT year with your child!

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