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A Survival Guide Dave Toulson 29/4/2019

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Presentation on theme: "A Survival Guide Dave Toulson 29/4/2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Survival Guide Dave Toulson 29/4/2019
The Research Project A Survival Guide Dave Toulson 29/4/2019

2 Today we’ll be discussing…
The two most important things to remember What makes a good research project How to start Different approaches Questions

3 Don’t Panic

4 K.I.S.S

5 KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID Not the terrible American glam Rock band
Rather Keep It Simple Stupid This works for a lot of work at University but is even more important on the digital project.

6 Bad Idea -Too much going on.
-Really not clear what the site is about

7 Good Idea

8 Where to Begin Your project serves your research not the other way round. Pick a topic area you are actually interested in.

9 6 Steps to Success 1) Pick a topic you are interested in
2) Pick a rough research question 3) Find three primary sources 4) Find five secondary sources 5) Does your rough research question match your sources. If not alter question accordingly 6) Decide how to present your argument


11 1) Topic: Popular Music and Politics
2) Rough Question: Was Popular music a revolutionary force in the twentieth century 3) Primary sources: MRC, Rock’s Back Pages etc 4) Secondary Sources: Loads 5) Change to focus on punk 6) Decide how to do it

12 Getting Started Go to

13 A Demonstration

14 Different Approaches There are a number of ways to do this task
However it would be good to have your primary sources embedded in some way (this also frees up words for your word count)

15 Mostly Text and Images It is perfectly legitimate to do the research project through text and images. Be strategic with your images. Make sure you analyse and don’t simply describe the sources.

16 Podcast and Videocast II: Electric Boogaloo
You might want to re visit some of the skills you developed in the podcast task This can possibly serve different sources (film/television clips or music) better than just text

17 Podcast and Videocast Reminders
Importance of vocal expression and clarity. Image selection, and transition choices Not overdone Background music? Or silence?

18 Other (Complicated) Approaches
Digital History (see previous years presentation) Visualising history (graphs, text analysis etc) I’m happier to talk through these approaches on a 1-1 basis. Remember the golden rule of K.I.S.S.


20 Submission You need to go to Share tab on MyPortfolio
You then need to generate a Secret URL link You need to save this link in a Word Document and upload the document to tabula If in doubt, please have someone (including your tutors or me) check

21 To Conclude You will be creating a web-page on myportfolio, even if it is mostly text We’d expect 95% of you to include some images (e.g. of the primary sources) A few of you will do all or part of your project as a video or podcast E.g. using wevideo to speak over images E.g. video-casting yourself reflecting on the project

22 Any questions?

23 Drop in Sessions Wednesday 4-6 in H3.06

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