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Union Council Rep Training
Jenna Chapman & Oli Gray
core terms, bye laws, articles…
We are governed by our bye laws and the articles of associations Bye law 9 outlines what the SU does for student opportunity groups There are core terms that are used at council called procedural motions Print out of bye law 9 (specific to student groups): (page 58) Articles of Association:
when, where, what? Dates for next year are tbc
It takes one of the lecture theatres When you arrive you will receive a clicker, you just have to say who you are and who you represent Then we have a quorum check to make sure enough people are in the room for council to take place The Democratic Procedures Committee helps with the smooth running of Union Council
Students you represent
17,000 Students you represent
the agenda You will receive this a week before the meeting
If you need a paper copy for accessibility, we can sort that out and bring it along, just let us know We’re now going to talk through what an agenda looks like!
Societies approval Societies and Clubs have execs who approve funding and recommendations for new societies The recommendation societies exec give is in the agenda which helps steer the way council votes Green if it’s good to go Red if it’s a no Amber- we have a debate (we’ll talk through this process more later)
accountability We then move onto officer accountability…
You elect a group of part time and full time officers which forms the student officer committee Your full time officers provide reports which are included in the agenda The chair of the student officer committee presents a report to council (part time officer accountability happens here) You get to ask any questions on what the officers have done, their remit or manifesto points Who are the student officer committee? The reports that this section covers Asking questions
open discussion Normally 15-20 minutes
On a topic of interest decided by the student officer committee You can propose discussion points too!
motions Title of the motion
Proposer and seconder- these are required to put forward a motion, however there are a few exceptions Summary- what the motion is aiming to do Union Notes- the facts Union Believes- what the SU should believe going forward Union Resolves- what we should do next
motions Then we debate: 5 mins for, 5 mins against
Summation A vote then happens, a majority is needed for motions to pass with the exception of bye laws which need a 2/3rd majority
amendments Sometimes motions receive amendments to them before Union Council The proposer may have accepted these beforehand so the motion will be voted on as amended If the proposer hasn’t, there will be a debate (the same as for motions)
top tips Don’t be afraid to ask a question
Bring some food and a drink along with you Have a skim/ read of the agenda before hand so you know what’s going on (staff are more than happy to talk you through this before the meeting) Have a copy of the jargon buster (core terms)
helpful people
helpful people Sophie Atherton Josh Clare
Campaigns and Democracy Officer Responsible for the SU’s democracy Runs campaigns with students Supports Union Council running well Josh Clare Assistant Director of Charitable Services Oversees the running of Union Council Puts together the agenda Ensures that everyone has a clicker
to summarise You should now know what a motion is, how to write and propose it Knowing how to hold officers to account, remember you represent 17,000 students! Who to get in touch with if you need any help We’re always looking for feedback or if you have any questions about Union Council, me at
Thank you!
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