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Construction and analysis of C. auris hog1Δ cells.

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1 Construction and analysis of C. auris hog1Δ cells.
Construction and analysis of C. auris hog1Δ cells. (A) Schematic diagram of the strategy used to delete HOG1. (B) Western blotting of potential hog1Δ strains, identified by PCR genotyping, confirmed the deletion of Hog1. Western blot analysis of lysates prepared from the indicated strains and probed with an anti-Hog1 antibody. *, nonspecific band present in all extracts.(C) Deletion of HOG1 impacts C. auris cell morphology. DIC images of exponentially growing wild-type and hog1Δ C. auris strains. (D) C. auris cells lacking HOG1 aggregate. Micrographs of wild-type and hog1Δ strains grown overnight in YPD medium. Images of culture tubes demonstrate the rapid sedimentation of cells lacking HOG1. (E) Deletion of HOG1 impacts resistance to cell-wall-damaging agents. Exponentially growing strains were spotted onto rich medium plates containing the indicated additives and incubated at 30°C for 24h. (F) C. auris hog1Δ cells exhibit more exposed chitin. Alison M. Day et al. mSphere 2018; doi: /mSphere

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