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Acute Responses to Exercise

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1 Acute Responses to Exercise
REVISION HOT SEAT Acute Responses to Exercise

2 Question 1 The 3 mechanisms responsible for the acute responses to exercise are.... A. Oxygen Consumption, Blood Pressure & Lactate B. Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Muscular C. Ventilatory Threshold, Respiratory Rate & Tidal Volume D. Cardiac Output, Stroke Volume & Heart Rate

3 Question 2 What question in this? A. This question B. Question 3
C. Wasn’t listening D. Question 2.

4 Question 3 Which of the following is NOT a true statement?
A. During maximal exercise ventilation may increase from 5-7 litre per minute to 130 litres or more per minute B. At rest the respiratory frequency is around breaths per minute C. Tidal volume at rest is around 0.5 litres per breath D. Respiratory frequency rises gradually during exercise and may reach 75 breaths per minute during maximal exercise

5 Question 4 What is the definition of Ventilation?
A. How much air is breathed in or out in one minute B. V (litres per minute) = TV (litres) x RR (breaths per minute) C. How much air is inspired or expired in one breath D. The number of breaths taken in one minute

6 Question 5 Diffusion is defined as?
A. Occurs in the lungs at the alveolar-capillary interface B. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart in one minute C. The point where ventilation increases at a non-linear rate D. The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration

7 Question 6 Cardiac Output is calculated by?
A. Cardiac Output = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume B. The product of Stroke Volume and Heart Rate C. Q = HR x SV D. All of the above

8 Question 7 The tissue-capillary diffusion path is....
A. Plasma – RBC – Interstitial Fluid – Tissue Membrane – Capillary Membrane B. RBC – Plasma – Capillary Membrane – Interstitial Fluid – Tissue Membrane C. Tissue Membrane – Interstitial Fluid – Capillary Membrane – Plasma - RBC D. RBC – Capillary Membrane – Plasma – Interstitial Fluid – Tissue Membrane

9 Question 8 What is the capital of Uzbekistan? A. Never heard of it
B. Cloztushitetown C. Taskent D. Nerashitetown

10 Question 9 The alveolar-capillary diffusion path is....
A. Alveolar Membrane – Interstitial Fluid – Capillary Membrane – Plasma - RBC B. RBC – Plasma – Capillary Membrane – Interstitial Fluid – Alveolar Membrane C. Plasma – RBC – Capillary Membrane – Alveolar Membrane – Interstitial Fluid D. Capillary Membrane – Interstitial Fluid – Alveolar Membrane – Plasma - RBC

11 Question 10 During exercise, the maximal stroke volume of an untrained individual is attained.... A. Immediately exercise begins B. At sub-maximal exercise intensity C. At maximal exercise intensity D. The stroke volume remains unchanged during exercise

12 Question 11 A lower HR, together with an increased SV indicates that.... A. the heart has to beat more often to eject the same amount of blood B. when the body begins to exercise, both SV and HR will decrease C. the heart does not have to beat as often to eject the same amount of blood D. a heart attack is occurring

13 Question 12 Systolic blood pressure is....
A. Pressure in the arteries before contraction of the ventricles as blood is pumped in to the heart B. Pressure in the arteries following contraction of the ventricles as blood is pumped out of the heart C. Pressure in the veins following contraction of the ventricles as blood is pumped in to the heart D. Pressure in the capillaries following contraction of the ventricles as blood is pumped into the heart

14 Question 13 Who is the smallest person to dunk in NBA? A. TJ Ford
B. Ty Lawson C. Spud Webb D. Paul Sturgess

15 Question 14 Diastolic blood pressure is....
A. The arterioles supplying the active working muscles vasodilate B. A decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel C. An increase in the diameter of a blood vessel D. Pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes and ventricles fill with blood

16 Question 15 Who is the Prime Minister of Australia? A. Bob Hawke
B. Malcom Turnbull C. John Howard D. Paul Keating

17 Question 16 Venous return is increased via 3 mechanisms.
A. The muscle pump, the respiratory pump & constriction of the veins B. Blood pressure, blood volume & redistribution of blood flow C. The respiratory pump, dilation of the veins & the muslce pump D. Redistribution of blood flow, the respiratory pump & constriction of the veins

18 Question 17 Varicose veins are caused by....
A. Valves in the veins prevent the blood from flowing backwards B. Venoconstriction is a reflex controlled by the central nervous system, and assists venous return C. Valves in the veins collapsing, allowing blood to flow back towards the muscle. Blood pools in the veins causing them to become stretched and painful D. Valves in the veins collapsing and bursting, allowing blood to escape

19 Question 18 Which of the following is NOT an acute muscular response to exercise.... A. Increased activation of glycolytic enzymes B. Greater motor unit recruitment C. Decreased muscular stores of PC D. Increased pulmonary diffusion

20 Question 19 During aerobic exercise, blood volumes.... A. Decrease
B. Increase C. Stay the same D. None of the above

21 Question 20 Geelong Football Clubs home ground is? A. Kardinia Park
B. Skilled Stadium C. Ford Stadium D. Cats Cauldron

22 Question 21 Vasoconstriction is....
A. An increase in the diameter of a blood vessel, resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel B. An increase in the diameter of a blood vessel, resulting in an increase in blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel C. A decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel, resulting in an increase in blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel D. A decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel, resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel

23 Question 22 Vasodilation is....
A. An decrease in the diameter of the blood vessel, resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel B. An increase in the diameter of the blood vessel, resulting in an increase in blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel C. An increase in the diameter of the blood vessel, resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel D. A decrease in the diameter of the blood vessel, resulting in an increase in blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel

24 Question 23 During exercise the greatest % of the cardiac output is delivered to.... A. Heart B. Muscle C. Brain D. Liver

25 Question 24 Blood flow to the skin assists with....
A. Regulation of body temperature through heat exchange with the environment B. Keeping the body warm during extended bouts of high intensity exercise C. Delivering O2 to the working muscles D. Allowing for greater delivery of O2 to meet the metabolic demands of exercise

26 Question 25 The arteriovenous oxygen difference is the....
A. The bodies ability to extract greater amounts of O2 from the blood B. Difference in O2 concentration in the arterioles compared with the venuoles C. a-vO2 diff D. All of the above

27 Question 26 During exercise, skeletal capillaries open up to serve the purpose of.... A. Allowing for increases in total muscle blood flow B. Deliver large blood volumes with minimal increase in blood flow velocity C. Increase the surface area to increase diffusion rates D. All of the above

28 Question 27 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is....
A. A chemical compound made up of adenosine and three phosphate molecules B. A chemical compound made up of adenosine and two phosphate molecules C. A chemical compound made up of adenosine and two protein molecules D. A chemical compound made up of adenosine and three protein molecules

29 Question 28 The immediate source of energy for all muscular contractions is.... A. ATP B. Phosphocreatine C. ADP D. CP

30 Question 29 High intensity sprint events rely on what source of fuel for energy production? A. Glycogen and Fats B. Proteins C. Stored ATP and PC D. ATP and Fats

31 Question 30 Energy required to produce exercise anaerobically means.... A. Oxygen is present B. Oxygen is not present C. Oxygen supply meets oxygen demand D. Oxygen supply does not meet oxygen demand

32 Question 31 During exercise the heart rate increases and the force of contraction is also greater. This results in.... A. A decrease in systolic blood pressure B. No change in systolic blood pressure C. Increased systolic blood pressure D. A decrease in diastolic blood pressure

33 Question 32 Who am I? Born on 9th April 1999, In Bishop House
A. Mark Cadman B. Mr Lynch C. Dylan Carey D. Molly Bretherton

34 Question 33 Why does our body heat up during exercise?
A. Heat is a by-product of the process of converting chemical energy to mechanical energy B. Stimulates the sweat glands in the skin to produce sweat C. To keep our muscles warm D. To prevent injury

35 Question 34 Which of the following cardiovascular responses to exercise decrease during submaximal and maximal exercise? A. Heart Rate B. Cardiac Output C. Blood Volume D. a-vO2 diff

36 Question 35 Which of the following Muscular responses to exercise decrease during submaximal and maximal exercise? A. Lactate Production B. Motor Unit Recruitment C. Body Temperature D. Intramuscular substrate levels

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