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GCSE History Revision Guide

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1 GCSE History Revision Guide
TSTC’s Big Fat Bumper GCSE History Revision Guide PAPER 1 Name ___________________________________________

2 Isolationism Economic Immigration Political List 7 areas that went….
What caused the…

3 Describe the actions of the KKK
Explain the cycle of prosperity. Describe the actions of the KKK Who is beneath the boom? 1. 2. 3. 4. Explain the Red Scare: What happened to Sacco and Vanzetti?

4 Model T Ford Standardization Assembly Line Wider Impact Film Music Fads Flappers Sports

5 Why was Alcohol made illegal in the 1920’s?
What do the following terms mean? 18th Amendment Volstead Act Bootleggers Speakeasy Moonshine Temperance officers Explain why prohibition failed?

6 or Who was Al Capone? Describe what ‘Hire Purchase’ means.
Why was there a stock market boom? Why did the Wall Street Crash happen? or Draw the Cycle of Depression. Buying on the Margin.

7 What was the ‘dustbowl’?
Effects Causes We’d like our money back now Oh poo What caused the Great Depression? What were the consequences of the Great depression? How did the Wall street crash lead to the depression? What was the ‘dustbowl’? What was a ‘Hooverville’? Hoover Roosevelt Pro Cons

8 Describe Roosevelts’ policies
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Describe Roosevelts’ policies Fireside chats Sort the Banking Crisis Alphabet Agencies 3R’s Far Left “FDR has done too little!” Far Right “FDR has gone too far!” People who felt the New Deal did not go far enough! These included: Huey Long Father Coughlin Dr. Townsend The Trade Unions People who felt the New Deal went too far! Republicans Businessmen The wealthy The Supreme Court

9 What were the causes of prosperity after WW2?
How did war lead to economic recovery? Employment Orders for existing companies Government Funds USA ECONOMY: Impact of WW2 Farming Wages and spending power New companies ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What were the causes of prosperity after WW2? Montgomery G.I. Bill, Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, Employment Act 1946 Consumerism was driven by advertising, Debt and Loans, increase in consumer spending How did USA become involved in WW2? Describe the American Dream

10 __________________________________________________________________________________________
How did popular culture develop in the 1950’s? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Hollywood 10 The Rosenburgs Alger Hiss Who are the HUAC and what do they do? What is McCarthyism?

11 Describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Describe the Freedom Rides.
Describe what happened to Emmett Till Describe what happened in Brown v Topeka Describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Describe the Freedom Rides.

12 Describe the what happened in Little Rock.
“Martin Luther King was the main reason for the success of the Civil Rights Movement.” Do you agree? Describe the what happened in Little Rock.

13 Washington Selma Albany Sit ins Jim Crow Laws

14 Describe the Black Power movement in the 1960’s (8 marks) – 12 mins
Malcolm X Nation of Islam Stokely Carmichael Huwey Newton H Rap Brown Black Panthers Tommie Smith and John Carlos ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MLK was similar to other Black Power leaders MLK was very different to other Black Power leaders. Civil Rights Act

15 What were women expected to be like in the 1950’s/60’s
How did women’s lives change during WW2? How did African American lives change during WW2? What were women expected to be like in the 1950’s/60’s What did the National Organization for Women do to help? What did Women’s Lib do to help? How did Roe v Wade help? Topic Describe the event What impact did this have on the civil rights movement? Civil rights act 1964 Voting rights act 1965 Civil rights act 1968 Assassination of Martin Luther King

16 What do we mean by the ‘Great Society’
How successful was Johnson as President of the USA? JFK’s Social Policies Johnson’s Social Policies Describe the event How did they have an affect on society? National Organisation for Women 1966 Fight for equal Pay Roe Vs Wade 1973 Supreme Court ruling on equal rights 1972 Opposition to equal rights amendment

17 Describe the causes of the Korean War. Include US relations with China
Describe the Inchon landings Why did the North invade the South? Why did Syngman Rhee ask the UN for help? What did they do?

18 Describe the MacArthurs role in the Korean war
Shade in the 4 main changes in the Korean war, and describe why each came about. Include the following nuggets: Inchon, Pusan Pocket, MacArthur, Yalu River, Panmunjom, 38th Parallel. 1. 2. May 1950 Sept 1950 3. 4. Nov 1950 July 1953

19 Describe China’s involvement in the Korean war
What happened to MacArthur? Consequences of the Korean War Describe China’s involvement in the Korean war Write an account of how negotiations over the ending of the Korean War affected USA- USSR relations after wards

20 S1-What is happening in this interpretation?
S2: What does it suggest? (INFER) D1-Who made the interpretation? Why does this matter? D2: When was it produced? Why does this matter? C3 – This source support a War in Korea. How do you know? C1: Why might it have been created? How does this affect the message? C2-How did other people feel at the time? If the UN is ever going to do anything, this is the time, and if the UN cannot bring the crisis in Korea to an end then we might as well just wash up the United Nations and forget about it. American Senator Tom Connally, speaking in He was a Republican and strongly Anti-Communist.

21 What happened in Vietnam prior to the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
Describe US tactics in the Vietnam war Describe the Vietcong tactics. What happened in Vietnam prior to the Gulf of Tonkin incident? What was the Domino Theory?

22 Describe the what happened in the Gulf of Tonkin.
“The My Lai massacre was the main reason the US lost the support of the public.” Do you agree? Agree Disagree Describe the Tet Offensive Describe the what happened in the Gulf of Tonkin.

23 Veterans Music Media Veterans Draft Dodging Protests

24 Describe the end of the Vietnam war 1970-75 (8 marks) – 12 mins
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vietnamization was a success, the US were able to withdraw without losing the war. Vietnamization was a failure, the US lost the war. What was the Geneva Agreement?

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