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How did economics and religion impact the colonies?

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1 How did economics and religion impact the colonies?
Colonies Come of Age How did economics and religion impact the colonies?

2 Colonizing America 1492: Columbus lands in Caribbean, writes of weak savages Europeans begin colonizing “new” lands, set up triangular trade 1607: Looking for profit, British “joint stock cos” settle Jamestown, will grow tobacco and begin to use slave labor 1620: Seeking religious freedom, Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower land at Plymouth Puritans also begin to settle NE colonies, push Puritan Ethic & see their colony as God’s chosen “city on a hill”

3 Native American Relations in Colonies
Unlike Southern & Middle colonies, NE generally had good relations with Nat Ams. Discuss: Why did NE have few NA issues? Video: How do Pilgrims & Pokanoket initially help each other? However, when more settlers arrived conflict grew. Ex: “King Phillip’s War” (NE cols broke agreements & took more land) NE – Religious reformers Middle – land-hungry nobles South- profitable farming

4 Early Religion in the Colonies
Congregationalists (Puritans, Quakers & others who left the Church of England, each congregation is independent) 2. Roman Catholics (small group loyal to Pope) 3. Anglicans (Church of England, loyal to King) Congregationalists (Most in New England, except Quakers in PA) Catholics (Maryland) Anglicans (Most everywhere else)

5 The First Great Awakening
1730s: Jonathan Edwards & George Whitfield begin a religious revival Evangelical preachers called for a “new birth” for followers Followers told: 1)God is angry 2) individuals must connect with God 3) All who are “born again” & accept new teaching will get salvation

6 Results of First Great Awakening:
1. Challenged authority of established churches (old lights), don’t need “their rules” to be “born again” 2. New “evangelical” religions (new lights) gain popularity (Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist) 3. Since anyone can get salvation, call more equality in colonies

7 DBQ: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Answer in your notes, use complete sentences
Who is the author and when was it written? What does the author say about how God feels about man? Why have people not gone to hell? Explain how people can save themselves. Explain how this document is a challenge to authority.

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