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Digital Modulation oleh Warsun Najib.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Modulation oleh Warsun Najib."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Modulation oleh Warsun Najib

2 Digital Modulation Three basic forms of digital modulation
Analog Digital AM Amplitude ASK FM Frequency FSK PM Phase PSK 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

3 Amplitude Shift Key t (logic 1) (logic 0) 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

4 Amplitude Shift Key[1] The ASK waveform for one pulse (logic 1)
In order to find an Energy Spectrum of The Autocorrelation technique is used Delay Energy Spectrum Therefore Energy Spectrum of ASK sinc2 function 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

5 Power Spectral Density
Detection of ASK : detect present (logic 1) or of the carrier absent (logic 0) 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

6 Frequency Shift Key t Output for 1 Output for 0 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

7 Power Spectral Density
Frequency separation Note: To prevent significant overlapping of the bandpass of two filters in detection process frequency separation Data rate 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

8 Power Spectral Density[1]
The Actual shape of Power Spectral Density of FSK Detection of FSK Bandpass Filter is used to detect f1 (1) and f2 (0) In general for frequency separation; ; or where m is an integer 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

9 Phase Shift Key t ~ 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

10 Power Spectral Density
29/07/62 Digital Modulation

11 Detection of PSK Phase Reversal Key (PRK)
Since information is in the phase, only synchronous detection is possible Receiver: To data detection Matched filter detection carrier Synchronize (coherent) Local oscillator e.g. Crystal oscillator known as Voltage Control Oscillator VCO 29/07/62 Digital Modulation

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