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Perfect Information Conference Bath, England 18 May 2017

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1 Perfect Information Conference Bath, England 18 May 2017
Year at a glance Perfect Information Conference Bath, England 18 May 2017 Robin Neidorf, Director of Research


3 When last we met... Highlights of PIC2016
Big data: cheaper infrastructure, improved data processing, new insights; barriers to getting data and processing it have gone down; barrier to the brainwork is still there Cybersecurity: Human element of failure; breaches in health, local government, general business, education, sent to wrong target, loss/theft; operator error, rogue BYOD, contractors as principle internal threats; criminals, politics, espionage and cloud as external threats Understanding today's digital products and specialization for different audiences Tech in our lives Getting out of the shadows - what's our value and how do we express our expertise? How do we make the case? Visibility Comms skills, meeting skills

4 Plus some other things happened...

5 Since May 2016 By May 2018 Strategy Department Staff/team Business development Professional development Personal

6 MAN vs MACHINE - comrade or threat?
Keynotes: Big ideas, focused on the future Workshops and think tanks: Examine at a practical level What are you here for?: Tell your peers how they can help

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