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Presentation on theme: "FIBRINOLYTIC DRUGS VIJAYA LECHIMI RAJ."— Presentation transcript:


2 Learning Outcomes On completing this lecture, you should be able to:
Classify the fibrinolytic drugs Discuss the mechanism of action of fibrinolytic drugs e.g streptokinase, alteplase Discuss briefly the pharmacology of streptokinase and alteplase Contents: Classification of fibrinolytic drugs Pharmacology of streptokinase and alteplase

3 Introduction Acute thromboembolic disease maybe treated by administration of agents that activate the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin Plasmin is a serine protease that hydrolyses fibrin and thus dissolves clots

4 Streptokinase – first to be approved
Causes systemic fibrinolytic state that can lead to bleeding problems Alteplase – acts more locally on the thrombotic fibrin to produce fibrinolysis <fig> Nearly equal efficacy between streptokinase and alteplase Thrombolytic therapy is unsuccessful in 20% of infarcted arteries and 15% will close again later In MI: When angioplasty is not an option Until pt can be taken to facility that performs percutaneous coronary interventions May lyse both normal and pathologic thrombi<next>

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6 Common Characteristics
Mechanism of action: All act directly or indirectly to convert plasminogen to plasmin cleaves fibrin lyses thrombi Clot dissolution and reperfusion occur with higher frequency when therapy is initiated early after clot formation Clots become more resistant to lysis as they age Increased local thrombi may occur as clot dissolves Enhanced platelet aggregability and thrombosis Strategy: Include administration of antiplatelet drugs (aspirin) or antithrombotics (heparin)

7 Common Characteristics
Therapeutic uses: Originally for deep vein thrombosis (DVT), serious pulmonary embolism - Now less frequently Tendency to cause bleeding has blunted their use in acute MI or peripheral arterial thrombosis Helpful in restoring catheter and shunt function By lysing clots that cause occlusions Also used to dissolve clots that result in strokes Pharmacokinetics: Usually administered IV Rapid Inexpensive Does not have risks of catheterization

8 Common Characteristics
Adverse effects: Do not distinguish between fibrin of unwanted thrombus and of a beneficial hemostatic plug Hemorrhage is a major side effect E.g. a peptic ulcer may hemorrhage after injection of a thrombolytic agent<diag> C/I in pts with healing wounds, pregnancy, history of cerebrovascular accident, metastatic cancer presence of thrombogenic stimuli may cause rethrombosis after lysis of the initial clot<next>

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10 Alteplase Formerly known as tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
Is a serine protease originally derived from human melanoma cells Now – product of recombinant DNA technology Mechanism of action: Low affinity for free plasminogen but rapidly activates plasminogen bound to fibrin in a thrombus or hemostatic plug Fibrin selective and at low doses lyses only fibrin Contrasts with streptokinase Acts on free plasminogen Induces a general fibrinolytic state

11 Alteplase Therapeutic uses:
Approved for treatment of myocardial infarction, massive pulmonary embolism and acute ischemic stroke Superior to streptokinase in dissolving older clots Administered within 3 hours of onset of ischemic stroke can significantly improve clinical outcome

12 Alteplase Pharmacokinetics: Very short half-life – about 5 mins
Usually 10% of total dose is injected IV as a bolus and remaining drug is administered over 60 minutes Adverse effects Bleeding complications including GI and cerebral hemorrhages may occur

13 Streptokinase An extracellular protein purified from culture broths of Group C β-hemolytic streptococci Mechanism of action: No enzymic activity Forms an active one-to-one complex with plasminogen Converts uncomplexed plasminogen to the active enzyme plasmin

14 Streptokinase In addition to the hydrolysis of fibrin plugs, the complex also catalyses the degradation of fibrinogen as well as clotting Factors V and VII

15 Streptokinase Therapeutic uses:
Acute pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, acute myocardial infarction, arterial thrombosis and occluded access shunt Pharmacokinetics: Is instituted within 4 hours of a MI and is infused for 1 hour Half-life is less than half an hour Thromboplastin time is monitored and maintained at 2-5 fold the control value On discontinuation of treatment, either heparin or oral anticoagulants may be administered

16 Streptokinase Adverse effects: Bleeding disorders
Activation of circulating plasminogen leads to elevated levels of plasmin May precipitated bleeding by dissolving hemostatic plugs<fig> In the rare instance of life-threatening hemorrhage, aminocaproic acid may be administered

17 Streptokinase Adverse effects: Hypersensitivity
Streptokinase is a foreign protein and is antigenic Rashes, fever and rarely, anaphylaxis occur Circulating antibodies against streptokinase are likely to be present in most patients

18 Streptokinase These antibodies can combine with streptokinase and neutralize its fibrinolytic properties Sufficient quantities must be administered to overwhelm the antibodies and provide a therapeutic concentration of plasmin Fever, allergic reaction and therapeutic failure may be associated with the presence of antistreptococcal antibodies Incidence of allergic reactions – 3%


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