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Giuliano Amerini Eurostat
ESSPROS current status and results of the user questionnaire (session 1) Giuliano Amerini Eurostat 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
Introduction Overview of ESSPROS data collections
User questionnaire: current use of ESSPROS User questionnaire: future ESSPROS developments 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
1. Overview of ESSPROS data collections
19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: Scope
European System of Social PROtection Statistics: Protection of households and individuals against risks or needs: Sickness/Health care Disability Old age Survivors Family/Children Unemployment Housing Social exclusion Social - excludes private insurance Individual services: excludes collective services 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: Data & info
Quantitative Expenditure of social protection schemes : - social benefits ("gross") Receipts of social protection schemes: - social contributions, - general government contributions Number of beneficiaries: pensioners Net social benefits: adjusted to account for the effects of the fiscal system Qualitative Qualitative information: detailed description of schemes and benefits Quality reports: information on the quality of the data collected 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: Data
Expenditure of social protection schemes by function: sickness/health care, disability, old age, etc. detailed benefits by function (family/children: birth grants) by type: social benefits, administration costs, etc. benefits: cash vs. in kind benefits: means-tested vs. non means-tested detailed data by scheme: for 27 countries (out of 33 participating) Partial Split residents vs. non-residents - not published Expenditure by "age" (ex. Survivors) - not published by scheme: missing 6 countries (EL, ES, PT, SI; CH; TR) Missing by sector/ type of schemes 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: Data
Receipts of social protection schemes by type: social contributions (employees, employers, self-employees, etc.), government contributions, etc. by sector of origin (Corporations, government, households, etc.) detailed data by scheme: for 27 countries (out of 33 participating) Partial by scheme: missing 6 countries (EL, ES, PT, SI; CH; TR) Missing by function 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: Data
Number of beneficiaries for pensioners detailed benefits (14 categories of pensions) totals without double counting for some main aggregates by sex end-year stocks Partial Non-resident beneficiaries - not published by "age" (only survivors pensions) - not published Missing Other beneficiaries beyond pensioners: disability, unemployment, social exclusion, etc. Flows/ average stocks / Full Time Equivalent (FTE) 19/11/2014 Beyond pensioners ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: Data
Net social benefits Taxes and social contributions paid by recipients on (cash) social benefits ("Net social benefits – restricted approach") Missing: "social"- related: Tax breaks on non-benefit income Effects of fiscal system on non-beneficary income Indirect taxation ("Net social benefits – enlarged approach") 19/11/2014 Beyond pensioners ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: legal basis
European Parliament & Council Regulation 458/2007 Commission Regulations: 1322/2007, 10/2008, 110/2011 and 263/2011 Methodological reference: ESSPROS Manual 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: partners
Data providers: National Statistical Institutes / Ministries of Social Affairs 33 participating countries: - EU-28 - EFTA: IS, NO, CH - missing: LI - CC+PCC: RS, TR - missing: AL, BA, ME, MK, KS Main users EC DGs (EMPL, SANCO, ECFIN, TAXUD) international organisations (OECD, ILO, UNICEF) Other EU (SPC-ISG, SPC-FEE, SPC-AGE, EPC-AWG) 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
1. ESSPROS collections: Dissemination
Statistical database (Eurobase): quantitative data Metadata system (ESMS): metadata Dedicated section: Qualitative information (by country, by scheme), Quality reports (including national quality reports, by scheme), publications, manuals, etc. Statistics explained website: statistical articles Notes links to pages are provided within the slide. 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: current use of ESSPROS
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2. User questionnaire: Overview
Questionnaire issued to better understand: Why/how data is being used How it meets user needs Users’ assessment of the quality What users would like to see improved Available online June-September 2014 Disseminated via Eurostat website (main page, dedicated ESSPROS page, data tree), 61 responses - reasonable coverage of key users document A (full report) + Annex (questionnaire) 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Awareness
Figure 1 - Awareness of ESSPROS datasets (% respondents) Key observations: Awareness of quantitative datasets (100%) higher than the qualitative products (77%). Data on social protection expenditure is most well-known (98%) while less than two thirds of users are aware of quality reports (64%). All observations: social protection expenditure - 98% pension beneficiaries - 85% social protection receipts - 84% net social protection expenditure 66% - low awareness likely linked to data only being available via Eurobase from 2014 Q2 onwards qualitative information - 77 % quality reports - 64 % - low awareness likely linked to national reports not being disseminated prior to May 2013 Only 56% aware of all of the different ESSPROS products. 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Use
Figure 2 - Frequency of use (% users) Key observation: - Respondents were mostly heavy users with more than half (53%) reporting using ESSPROS data more than once a month. Note: The relatively high proportion of frequent users (at least once a week) probably reflects: the targeting of the questionnaire the greater incentive for such users to show their interest in the future development of ESSPROS 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Use
Figure 3 - Products used to access ESSPROS data and associated information (% users) Key observations: Data most often accessed via Eurobase (over 90% of users). Only a third of users have used the accompanying metadata (ESMS) which provides important information on the data disseminated. All observations: Eurostat’s statistical database – 93% ESMS metadata system – 36% Publications - 64% Statistics explained - 48% 20% of users have used all the Eurostat products mentioned. Notes: - Eurostat also releases some ESSPROS data via CIRCABC but this tends to have much less visibility as the primary intention of this system is not public dissemination. - ESSPROS data is also shared with other organisations which disseminate the data through their own statistical databases (e.g. OECD) and users are free to use this data in their own publications. 21% of users had used other (non-Eurostat) products to access ESSPROS data and associated information. 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Use
Figure 4 - Use and awareness of ESSPROS datasets (% users, % respondents) Key observations: Most users reported using quantitative datasets (98%), fewer use the qualitative products (64%) Social protection expenditure most widely used (91%) Use generally reflected levels of awareness All observations (use only): quantitative datasets - 98% social protection expenditure - 91% pension beneficiaries - 73% social protection receipts - 71% net social protection expenditure - 39% qualitative information - 63% quality reports - 38% 30% use all the different sets of qualitative and quantitative data associated with ESSPROS. 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Use
Main conclusions: Low use of METADATA !! Low use of qualitative information and quality reports 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Importance and purpose of use
Figure 5 - Importance of ESSPROS data for user’s work (% users) Key observation: - More than three quarters of respondents indicated that ESSPROS data are very important or important for their work. 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Importance and purpose of use
Figure 6 - Use of ESSPROS data (% users) Key observations: Data most often used for quantitative analysis (93%) and in particular for time-series analysis (66%), cross-sectional analysis (59%) and comparison with other sources of data (59%). importance of ensuring a consistent application of concepts between countries and over time. Data widely used for qualitative analysis (80% of users) often for background information or policy analysis (66% and 63% respectively). Other: - Data widely used in research and reports for public or internal use (73% of users) underlining need for highest quality data possible. 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Quality
Figure 7 - Average rating of how ESSPROS fulfils ESS criteria Key observations - 90% of users consider the fulfilment of each of the ESS criteria as adequate, good or very good. - However, timeliness/punctuality and to a lesser extent comparability received lower than average ratings suggesting that these are areas where users feel there is the most room for improvement. Note: A rating of 1 to 5 is allocated to responses reporting that the fulfilment of a given criterion was very poor, poor, adequate, good, very good respectively. The average rating is an average of these across all respondents which gave an opinion. The colour coding gives an indication of the contributions of different responses by evaluation to the total score. Relevance refers to the extent to which the statistical data satisfy the needs of the users. Accessibility and Clarity: Accessibility refers to the physical conditions under which users can obtain the statistical data. Clarity refers to the availability of appropriate documentation linked to the statistical data and to the additional assistance which producers supply to users. Timeliness and Punctuality: Timeliness of statistical data is the length of time between their availability and the moment at which the phenomena they describe occurred. Punctuality refers to any time lag between the release and the target date by which the data should have been delivered. Coherence aims to measure the reliability of the statistical data if combined with other statistics in different ways and for other uses. Comparability tries to measure the effect of the differences in the applied statistical concepts and measurement procedures when the statistical data are compared between geographic areas, over time or between different domains. Accuracy refers to the closeness of the statistical data to the unknown true or exact value of the measured phenomena. 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
2. User questionnaire: Quality
Main conclusions (room for improvements): Timeliness (Oct N+2 too late; main aggregates earlier?) Comparability: more detailed qualitative information Coherence: to improve links with other statistics 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
3. User questionnaire: future ESSPROS developments
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3. User questionnaire: Predefined developments
Respondents interested Specific uses identified by respondents Net benefits following the enlarged approach 56% Improved view of social protection Improved cross-country comparison Source of data on fiscal benefits Dissemination of data by scheme 59% More detailed picture of social protection systems Analysis of individual schemes Analysis of groups of schemes Dissemination of provisional estimates to improve timeliness For publications and reports Note: most interest in having provisional aggregates for social protection expenditure. 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
3. User questionnaire: Other additional data needs
Other data thought to be useful include: Additional breakdowns of existing data: Expenditure and receipts data broken down by sector Data for survivors’ benefits broken down according to the retirement age New data: More detailed qualitative information Data on expenditure on long term care Information on links with other sources of data (i.e. National accounts, COFOG, SHA, LMP) Data on social services ("collective services") Data on beneficiaries of non-pension benefits, in particular unemployment benefits (both full and partial) and social assistance/minimum income benefits. Note: Among the responses there were a few cases where the data identified: would become available through one of the predefined developments mentioned previously: i.e. data on the financing of benefits by function, further detailed data for housing benefits are, to some extent, already available: i.e. data on average pension expenditure, detailed information about the benefits included in the data 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
3. User questionnaire: Use of other sources
77% use other sources to complement, or as an alternative to, ESSPROS data: National data are most often used International data most commonly used are those with the most overlap in scope with ESSPROS: DG EMPL’s Mutual Information System on Social Protection (MISSOC) – 41% OECD’s Social expenditure database (SOCX) – 38% National accounts – 34% Main reasons for use: breakdowns available level of detail (qualitative information) scope of the data Underlines potential gains of clarifying the links with other sources 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
3. User questionnaire: Potential developments (summary)
See as a reference document B: "list of possible future ESSPROS developments" How to read the following tables: XX= developments mentioned in the questionnaire (bias) X= developments mentioned by respondents X = Inferred developments 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
3. Mentioned potential developments
Identified in UQ 1 Breakdown of data on pensions by age x 5 Detailed qualitative information 7 Net enlarged module xx 8 Other beneficiaries 9 Collective services 12 Improve the use of existing content 13 Improve clarity of dissemination framework 14 Improve dissemination of data by scheme 15 Dissemination of data by groups of schemes x 16 Improve timeliness 18 Breakdowns by sector 20 Links between ESSPROS and other sources - National accounts (COFOG) - SHA including Long term care (LTC) - LMP - MISSOC - SOCX x x x x x x Crosses in RED: Desired development inferred from use of data (i.e. development would facilitate the analysis using ESSPROS data presented). Crosses in BLACK: Desired development specifically mentioned in presentation. EMPL DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion presentation ECFIN DG Economic and Financial Affairs presentation SPC Social Protection Committee presentation UQ User questionnaire results 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
3. Potential developments non-mentioned
Identified in UQ 2 Breakdown of data by country of residence 3 New aggregates of pension beneficiaries 4 Other observations of pension beneficiaries 6 Geographical coverage 10 Private insurance (third pillar) benefits 11 Sub-annual data on beneficiaries 17 Classification of pension schemes 19 Clarification of borderlines Crosses in RED: Desired development inferred from use of data (i.e. development would facilitate the analysis using ESSPROS data presented). Crosses in BLACK: Desired development specifically mentioned in presentation. EMPL DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion presentation ECFIN DG Economic and Financial Affairs presentation SPC Social Protection Committee presentation UQ User questionnaire results 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
Thank you Comments are welcome
19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
3. Potential developments (summary)
Identified in UQ 1 Breakdown of data on pensions by age x 2 Breakdown of data by country of residence 3 New aggregates of pension beneficiaries 4 Other observations of pension beneficiaries 5 Detailed qualitative information 6 Geographical coverage 7 Net enlarged module xx 8 Other beneficiaries 9 Collective services 10 Private insurance (third pillar) benefits 11 Sub-annual data on beneficiaries 12 Improve the use of existing content 13 Improve clarity of dissemination framework 14 Improve dissemination of data by scheme 15 Dissemination of data by groups of schemes x 16 Improve timeliness 17 Classification of pension schemes 18 Breakdowns by sector 19 Clarification of borderlines 20 Links between ESSPROS and other sources - National accounts (COFOG) - SHA including Long term care (LTC) - LMP - MISSOC - SOCX x x x x x x Crosses in RED: Desired development inferred from use of data (i.e. development would facilitate the analysis using ESSPROS data presented). Crosses in BLACK: Desired development specifically mentioned in presentation. EMPL DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion presentation ECFIN DG Economic and Financial Affairs presentation SPC Social Protection Committee presentation UQ User questionnaire results 19/11/2014 ESSPROS Conference
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