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I. Energy.

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1 I. Energy

2 A. Types 1. Broken into 3 basic forms
a. Potential energy- energy of position b. Kinetic Energy- energy of motion c. Chemical Energy- potential energy held between the bonds of atoms




6 B. Laws Controlling 1. all energy is controlled by Thermodynamic Laws
2. 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that no energy can be created or destroyed, merely transferred to another form a. Simplest example is potential converting to kinetic. b. No transfers are 100%


8 3. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that energy will change form more ordered states to less ordered states a. Also known as entropy b. Least organized form is heat and most energy is lost to it c. Energy conversion efficiency is measure to show energy loss 1. Cars~16%, light bulbs~5%, solar power~15%


10 C. Measuring 1. Most common measurement is a Kilocalorie
a. Referred to in the US as a Calorie b. It is the amount of heat it takes to raise 1 kg of water 1˚ Celsius 1. based on the fact that water has a specific heat of 1 calorie / gram ˚C

11 2. Can also be measured in joules which is the energy expended in applying a force of one Newton through 1 meter a. 1J= 1N m where N = (kg m)/s2 1. 1Kcal= J

12 D. Sources and Systems 1. Can have open or closed systems when energy is concerned 2. Open systems have the ability to fain and lose energy to and from other sources a. Earth is an open system with the sun as the main source

13 1. Light rays enter the. atmosphere where they are
1. Light rays enter the atmosphere where they are reflected, absorbed, and converted to heat or absorbed and stored as chemical bonds 2. becomes or affects all other energy forms


15 Closed systems do not allow energy to leave or enter
a. Theoretically run infinitely b. Can destroy selves if too much energy gets converted to heat


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