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AC current.

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Presentation on theme: "AC current."— Presentation transcript:

1 AC current

2 Generator The basic mechanism of an alternating-current generator is a conducting loop rotated in an external magnetic field. In practice, the alternating emf induced in a coil of many turns of wire is made accessible by means of slip rings attached to the rotating loop. Each ring is connected to one end of the loop wire and is electrically connected to the rest of the generator circuit by a conducting brush against which the ring slips as the loop (and it) rotates.

3 Generator

4 Resistive Load Voltage and current are in phase, no time shift, peaks at the same instant. U_max=R*I_max

5 Capacitive Load U_max=X_c*I_max

6 Inductive Load U_max=X_L*I_max

7 CL-oscillations

8 CL-oscillations

9 Free oscillations, natural frequency

10 Forced oscillations in RLC circuit

11 Resonance at natural frequency

12 Antenna radiates electromagnetic waves at high frequencies using oscillations in the RLC circuit



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