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Monster Monday 10-24-2016 Please do the necessary things to get prepared for class (gather binder, notebook, planner, novel) Grab the handout by the sink:

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Presentation on theme: "Monster Monday 10-24-2016 Please do the necessary things to get prepared for class (gather binder, notebook, planner, novel) Grab the handout by the sink:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monster Monday Please do the necessary things to get prepared for class (gather binder, notebook, planner, novel) Grab the handout by the sink: Get it into your notebook Keep your notebook open, have a pencil/pen ready Take out your ORB

2 The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton (1967) Pinneo

3 How are Teenagers Divided?
Teenage Culture Divisions of Groups (“Cliques”) Are teenagers divided into different groups (a.k.a. “cliques”)? If so, what different groups/cliques are teenagers divided into? How and why do these divisions take place? How are Teenagers Divided? ______ _____

4 Teenage Culture Stereotyping
What does it mean to “stereotype” a person or group? Why do you think people stereotype other people and groups? What are the dangers and problems which occur when a person or group gets stereotyped?

5 Greasers vs. Socs Greasers Socs (“soshes”) Slicked-back (greasy) hair
Jeans T-Shirts Poor/lower-middle class From wrong side of town (West side) Reputation as trouble-making “hoods” Socs (“soshes”) Nicer, fancier clothes See the boys ‘madras’ shirts Wealthier Snobby From nicer side of town (East side)

6 Greasers vs. Socs Divisions between groups
Can you think of similar modern divisions between teenagers and teenagers’ groups today?

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