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San Jose, 25 June 2013 Preparatory works towards the 2013 United Nations General Assembly High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development.

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Presentation on theme: "San Jose, 25 June 2013 Preparatory works towards the 2013 United Nations General Assembly High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Jose, 25 June Preparatory works towards the 2013 United Nations General Assembly High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development

2 2013 Why it is so important? For migration as a global trend
A number of key meetings and processes taking place this year and the following two that will affect the way the world understands and deals with migration. For IOM They could have a direct impact on IOM and its work, in concrete they could define whether: IOM is recognized as the global lead agency on migration, OR States feel that the UN needs to play a stronger role on international migration.

3 The HLD in Brief: An Opportunity
Shape global dialogue and action on migration in the lead-up to the post-2015 development agenda More beneficial for migrants Better development impact for origin societies Better development impact for host societies

4 Backdrop to HLD 1990s onwards: move from national/bilateral focus of migration policies to growing global cooperation on migration e.g Migrant Worker Convention, 1994 UN Population Conference, UN committee debates, Berne Initiative, Global Commission on International Migration, RCPs, IDM, GMG… 1990 Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (“Cairo Conference”), see Chapter 10 on international migration Since 1994 UN 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial Committee) holds a biennial debate on migration & development Since 1994 UN 3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs) holds an annual debate on human rights of migrants Berne Initiative – a States-owned consultative process with the goal of obtaining better management of migration at the national, regional and global level through enhanced cooperation between States. GCIM – Global Commission on International Migration: launched by UN Secretary General. 19 independent Commissioners and a Core Group of States. GCIM Final report: “Migration in an Inter-Connected World: New Directions for Action”. RCPs - Regional Consultative Processes on Migration (state-led, non-binding consultative fora dedicated to migration. RCPs are now in every region of the world with nearly all States participating in one or more) IDM – IOM’s International Dialogue on Migration, founded by IOM Member States in GMG – Global Migration Group (started as Geneva Migration Group and became Global Migration Group in 2006) All of these milestones served to build trust and confidence of governments to be able to discuss migration issues at the global level, together with the recognition that now all States are countries of migration (origin, transit, destination, or all three) migration is relevant to peace, security, development, environment, and other sectors of policymaking  See “additional slides” No for more detail on backdrop to HLD

5 First HLD (2006) Lead-up to HLD 2006: Outcomes of HLD 2006:
Geneva Migration Group  Global Migration Group Appointment of UN SRSG on International Migration and Development Outcomes of HLD 2006: Placed migration higher on development agenda of States Established Global Forum on Migration and Development Lead up to first ever HLD on international migration and development in 2006 Geneva Migration Group: grew out of an initiative by the IOM and UNHCR principals. Established in April 2003 by the heads of IOM, ILO, OHCHR, UNCTAD, UNHCR and UNODC. 2006: Geneva Migration Group was expanded, as per a recommendation by the Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM) to the Secretary General Currently, the GMG includes 15 entities of the United Nations system as well as IOM. A first UN Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on International Migration and Development was appointed to facilitate preparations: Peter Sutherland Outcomes of HLD 2006 Creation of Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD): an informal, non-binding, voluntary and government-led process operating outside of formal institutional structures. This decision represented a compromise between those States that wished to continue the migration dialogue in the UN and those who were reticent to formalize a global migration debate. GFMD has taken place annually since 2007, hosted by different countries (alternating between developed and developing countries) GFMD Chair for 2013/2014: Sweden  see “additional slides” No for more on the GFMD

6 HLD 2013 In 2008, UNGA decided to hold a second HLD in 2013.
In 2012, GA 2nd Committee determined HLD modalities. HLD 2013 Theme: “…Identifying concrete measures to strengthen coherence and cooperation to enhance benefits of international migration for migrants and countries alike and its links to development…” General Assembly A/RES63/225 (2008): Acknowledged “that the [2006 HLD] provided a useful opportunity to address constructively the issue of international migration and development and heightened awareness of the issue” and Decided “to hold, within existing resources, a [2nd HLD] during its 68th session in 2013, the focus and modalities of which will be decided upon at its 67th session” 2012 UNGA Second Committee resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1: sets out the modalities of the HLD 2013. See Overall theme of HLD: “Identifying concrete measures to strengthen coherence and cooperation at all levels, with a view to enhancing the benefits of international migration for migrants and countries alike and its important links to development, while reducing its negative implications”  See “additional slides” No. 25 for more on HLD 2013

7 HLD 2013 Four plenary meetings and four interactive roundtables:
Human rights of migrants, esp. women and children / combatting trafficking and smuggling Partnerships & cooperation, integration of migration into development policies Effects of international migration on development / post 2015 priorities International and regional labour mobility and its impacts on development UNGA Modalities resolution established that the HLD will consist of 4 plenary meetings and 4 interactive multi-stakeholder roundtables on the following topics: RT 1: assessing the effects of international migration on sustainable development and identifying relevant priorities in view of the preparation of the post 2015 development framework. RT 2: measures to ensure respect for and protection of the human rights of all migrants, with particular reference to women and children, as well as to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons and to ensure orderly, regular and safe migration. RT 3: strengthening partnerships and cooperation on international migration, mechanisms to effectively integrate migration into development policies and promoting coherence at all levels. RT 4: international and regional labour mobility and its impacts on development. See UNGA resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1

8 Basis for IOM Engagement in HLD
IOM Constitution UNGA Resolution 2010 IOM Council Resolution 2012 UNGA “Modalities Resolution” 2012 CEB-mandated paper for UN High-Level Committee on Programmes (UNFPA and IOM with GMG) (see next slide) IOM Constitution Article 1(1)(e): “to provide a forum to States as well as international and other organizations for the exchange of views and experiences, and the promotion of co-operation and co-ordination of efforts on international migration issues…” UNGA Resolution A/RES/65/170 (2011): “invites UN regional commissions, in collaboration with other UN system entities & IOM, to organize discussions on regional aspects of migration & development and input to SG report on this item & HLD preparations” IOM Council Resolution No.1244 (2012): 1. Request the Director General to keep Member States fully informed of preparations for the High-level Dialogue in 2013 in order to assist them in preparing for this event; 2. Further request the Director General to ensure that IOM’s engagement in the preparatory activities and proceedings of the High-level Dialogue in 2013 creates sustained attention of the international community to the perspectives of migrants themselves; 3. Affirm the support of the Member States of IOM for the recognition of IOM’s current and future role as the global lead agency on migration, as well as its extensive knowledge, expertise and experience, in all aspects of the High-level Dialogue in 2013; 4. Encourage Member States to reflect this resolution and the joint positions contained herein in their national positions and contributions for the High-level Dialogue in 2013; 5. Request the Chairperson of the IOM Council to forward this resolution to the President of the General Assembly with a view towards ensuring that the work of IOM is drawn upon and appropriately reflected in all aspects of the High-level Dialogue in 2013. See UNGA Resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1 (2012) “Modalities” adopted Dec 2012: “invites all relevant entities of the UN system and relevant special rapporteurs and representatives, as well as the International Organization for Migration and other relevant international organizations, having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the work of the General Assembly, to contribute to the preparations of and to participate in the HLD.” And “invites the regional commissions and their subregional offices, in collaboration with other relevant entities of the UN system, as well as the International Organization for Migration and the Council of the International Organization for Migration, to organize discussions to examine regional aspects of international migration and development and to provide inputs, in accordance with their respective mandates, to the preparatory process of the high level dialogue.” See In April 2012, the UNSG’s Chief Executives Board (CEB) invited IOM & UNFPA, in collaboration with GMG, to produce, on behalf of UN System, draft recommendations & outcomes on migration issues ahead of HLD for High-level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) consideration, with a view toward developing system-wide input for the Secretary General. (more on the “HLCP paper” on next 2 slides)

9 HLD 2013 HLD 2013 some of the subjects to be discussed:
Modalities of mainstreaming migration into development planning. Recognition of rights, especially of vulnerable migrants. Recognition of rights of migrant workers. Positions regarding: migration of skilled migrants and remittances. The following were the main negotiation points in the preparation of the UNGA resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1 (2012) on the modalities of the HLD. Final decisions: Civil society participation: President of GA to draw up a list of NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council who may participate in the HLD and the one-day informal interactive hearings To hold one day informal interactive hearings in 2013 ahead of HLD with representative of NGOs, civil society organizations and the private sector, to be organized and presided over by the President of the GA. Date has been set for 15 July 2013. President of GA, in consultation with Member States, to draw up a list of representatives of other relevant NGOs, academic institutions and the private sector who may participate in the HLD and the one-day informal interactive hearings. The list will be considered by Member States on a non-objection basis. Representatives of NGOs with consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, civil society organizations and private sector (one from each group selected during informal interactive hearings) are to be included by the President of the GA, in consultation with Member States, in the list of speakers for the plenary of the HLD. Also to participate in the roundtables. See paragraphs 9-13 of UNGA resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1 (2012) Periodicity / HLD 2013 result : No decisions made in the resolution.

10 HLD 2013 HLD 2013 modalities resolution – main negotiation points:
What is the UN’s role in migration? Should civil society have a role in the HLD? If so, how? Should the HLD take place on a periodic basis? If so, at what interval? What result should the HLD produce: Negotiated outcome? Chairperson’s summary? The following were the main negotiation points in the preparation of the UNGA resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1 (2012) on the modalities of the HLD. Final decisions: Civil society participation: President of GA to draw up a list of NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council who may participate in the HLD and the one-day informal interactive hearings To hold one day informal interactive hearings in 2013 ahead of HLD with representative of NGOs, civil society organizations and the private sector, to be organized and presided over by the President of the GA. Date has been set for 15 July 2013. President of GA, in consultation with Member States, to draw up a list of representatives of other relevant NGOs, academic institutions and the private sector who may participate in the HLD and the one-day informal interactive hearings. The list will be considered by Member States on a non-objection basis. Representatives of NGOs with consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, civil society organizations and private sector (one from each group selected during informal interactive hearings) are to be included by the President of the GA, in consultation with Member States, in the list of speakers for the plenary of the HLD. Also to participate in the roundtables. See paragraphs 9-13 of UNGA resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1 (2012) Periodicity / HLD 2013 result : No decisions made in the resolution.

11 Inputs for the HLD 2013 The DAN 2013 has welcomed the inputs from:
The countries who may send written positions and inputs. Presentations by speakers at the General Assembly. Regional Economic Commissions. In this region, ECLAC and IOM are organizing an event of regional experts to generate inputs in Santiago 10 and July 11.  Another in Guyana for the Caribbean on 9 and 10 July. Regional consultative processes (CRM), through its Pro Tempore Presidencies. Hearing with NGOs. The following were the main negotiation points in the preparation of the UNGA resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1 (2012) on the modalities of the HLD. Final decisions: Civil society participation: President of GA to draw up a list of NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council who may participate in the HLD and the one-day informal interactive hearings To hold one day informal interactive hearings in 2013 ahead of HLD with representative of NGOs, civil society organizations and the private sector, to be organized and presided over by the President of the GA. Date has been set for 15 July 2013. President of GA, in consultation with Member States, to draw up a list of representatives of other relevant NGOs, academic institutions and the private sector who may participate in the HLD and the one-day informal interactive hearings. The list will be considered by Member States on a non-objection basis. Representatives of NGOs with consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, civil society organizations and private sector (one from each group selected during informal interactive hearings) are to be included by the President of the GA, in consultation with Member States, in the list of speakers for the plenary of the HLD. Also to participate in the roundtables. See paragraphs 9-13 of UNGA resolution A/C.2/67/L.15/Rev.1 (2012) Periodicity / HLD 2013 result : No decisions made in the resolution.

12 IOM Policy Recommendations to HLD
Improve public perceptions of migrants Factor migration into development planning, at national, regional and global levels, including in the post development agenda Protect the human rights of all migrants Manage migration in crisis situations Enhance the evidence and knowledge base Promote policy coherence and institutional development IOM views the 2013 HLD as an important opportunity to improve the governance of migration, and migration and development in particular, at local, national, regional and global levels, while keeping the rights and well-being of migrants at the centre of the debate.  See ”additional slides” No for more detail on IOM’s policy recommendations for the HLD

13 Thank you For more information
To these ends, IOM is committed to supporting: HLD preparations at country, regional, global levels Ensuring communication and coherence of positions among capitals, Geneva, New York Member State / UN system preparations of HLD roundtables and Secretary General’s 2013 report on international migration and development

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