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1 Title of the presentation
Authors/presenter - Organization ABSTRACT: Please give a one slide abstract about your planned presentation fits to at least one of the following topics: The current status of RM related higher education in the ESEE region, Europe and globally; University Business Co-operation (UBC) and entrepreneurial universities; Modern pedagogy and digital transformation of higher education; Introduction of best practices to transfer them to the ESEE (and potentially to other RIS) regions or from these regions to other regions of Europe Interesting cases of education programs/courses or projects including UBC, internships, digital pedagogy, embedded entrepreneurial skills development EIT RawMaterials is part of EIT, the European Institute of Technology. It‘s a Knowledge and Innovation Community, or KIC, made up of the major companies, universities and research institutes in Europe which are working around the raw materials value chain. The vision of EIT RawMaterials to develop raw materials into a major strength for Europe, by promoting increased resource efficiency and the improvement of processes and products, supporting the introduction of new, innovative technologies and rethinking our current linear economic model to move towards a circular approach. Vital to this task is increasing human capital in the raw materials sector and promoting entrepreneurial education at all levels. For this reason, EIT RawMaterials has developed the RawMaterials Academy, which covers all the educational activities of EIT RawMaterials, including master‘s and PhD education as well as lifelong and wider society learning. One of the Academy‘s flagship schemes is a suite of EIT labelled master‘s programmes. EIT labelled master‘s programmes meet stringent criteria to offer courses tailored to the needs of the raw materials sector, with a focus on entrepreneurship and innovation, and a broad understanding of the raw materials value chain.

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