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Lesson Plan Presented by Dawn Gentile

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1 Lesson Plan Presented by Dawn Gentile
My Life is a fairytale Lesson Plan Presented by Dawn Gentile

2 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale
Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Title: – My life is a fairytale Subject - Language Arts Grade Level – Grades 7 or 8 General, Inclusion or Special Education Time: Five academic periods (45 minutes) or three double periods Standards Addressed: Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding Standard 2: Language for Literary Response and Expression Standard 3-Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation  Standard 4- Language for Social Interaction 9/5/2019 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale

3 Concept, Goals & Objectives
Concept: The story of Cinderella is centuries old and has been told all over the world. We will compare similarities and differences in Cinderella stories in four parts of the world. Goal: Students will use the narrative principles of fairy tales to create and share their own personal narrative by creating their own modern day Cinderella story. Objective: Students will recognize common plot characteristics of a Cinderella tale Students will recognize variations of Cinderella tales Students will write a narrative—their own Cinderella story reflecting their native culture Student will recognize similarities amongst cultures. 9/5/2019 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale

4 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale
Venn Diagram 9/5/2019 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale

5 Teacher Preparation/ Required Materials
Review lesson plan. Print all materials. Prior Knowledge: Discussion; what do students know about Cinderella? How was her life? What kind of family did she have? Required Materials: Computer (s) with Internet access, PowerPoint Copies of Cinderella stories from a minimum of four different countries retrieved from the Internet site (see attached) Venn Diagram handouts (see attached) 9/5/2019 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale

6 Step by Step Procedures
Lesson should begin by teacher reading the traditional American version of Cinderella to the class. Discussion and questions should begin immediately after. Then teacher will: Place students in groups of four students (cooperative learning groups). Assign each student a job title: Director/ Taskmaster – read instructions, organize group, encourage group Investigator – research, fact check Materials coordinator – collect and distribute materials to group Data Recorder/Reporter – compiles answers, writes answers, presents on behalf of the group where applicable Assign each group a country/Cinderella story Ask students choose which project they would like to work on; their choices are PowerPoint presentation, story board timeline, or a research book report (mini). Group recorder/reporter – presents project Venn Diagram worksheets are handed to groups. Groups will visit the other groups in the classroom to complete Venn (similarities and differences). Students should be instructed to look for similarities and differences in characters, settings, families, etc. 9/5/2019 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale

7 Homework, Assessment & Modifications/Accommodations
Homework: Students will create their own Cinderella story/narrative reflective of their culture. Assessment: Completion of group projects and Venn Diagrams in class. Successful completion of homework assignment. Modifications/Accommodations: Hand outs including: Vocabulary lists of key words Brief explanation of Cinderella concept Students with emotional disabilities, autism, ADHD can be assigned the role of “researcher” or “materials coordinator” Visual learners can use props from story and/or participate in mini presentation Auditory learners can re-tell story in their own words or use computer assisted stories with headphones (where available) Extra time to complete assignment Gifted students can explore and research an additional Cinderella story not discussed in class and do a report for extra credit 9/5/2019 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale

8 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale
References Bosma, Bette. (2001). An Experimental Study to Determine the Feasibility of Using Folk Literature to Teach Select Critical Reading Skills to Sixth Graders. Bosma, B. (1992). Fairy Tales, Fables, Legends, and Myths (2ndnd ed.). New York: Teachers College. Characteristics of Young Adolescents (2009). Retrieved August 7, 2010, from Gunning, T. (2008). Creating Literacy Instruction (2nd ed.). Pearson. Mello, R. (2001). The power of storytelling: How oral narrative influences children’s relationships in classrooms. International Journal of Education and the Arts. Powell, S.D. (2005). Introduction to Middle School (2nd). New York: Pearson. Sloan, G. D. (1984). The Child as Critic: Teaching Literature in Elementary and Middle School, (2nd ed. ). New York: Teachers College. Zipes, Jack, ed. The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford University, 2006 9/5/2019 Dawn Gentile EDSE 666 My Life is a Fairytale

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