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China: From Republic to Communist Power.

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Presentation on theme: "China: From Republic to Communist Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 China: From Republic to Communist Power

2 The Chinese Republic 1912: Chinese Empire ended
Replaced with the Republic of China First president is Sun Yat-sen

3 Dr. Sun Yixian (1866 – 1925) Sun Yat-sen
American educated Doctor Sought help from foreign powers to rebuild China Only USSR responded

4 Chinese Civil War 1927-50 Kuotmintang (KMT or Nationalists)
Headed by Sun Yat-sen, then Chiang Kai-shek Goal was to unify China China ruled by “warlords” Communist Party (CPC) Headed by Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai Lin Biao Originally part of KMT Split by 1926

5 Chinese Warlords, 1920s Yuan Shi-kai

6 China in 1924

7 The Northern Expedition (1927)
By 1926 the KMT was divided. Communists were part of KMT. Gaining in power Goal was to redistribute land KMT leaders saw Communists as disruptive Arrested and executed thousands of communists around the country Led to a communist uprising Failed Led to a KMT offensive in 1927 (Northern Expedition) 1928: KMT captured Beijing and unified much of the country Chiang Kai-shek became president

8 Jiang Jieshi Becomes President of Nationalist China, 1928
(Chiang Kai-shek)

9 The Long March 1934

10 The Long March The communists reformed in southern China and continued to stage rebellions All failed , the communists retreated west Known as “The Long March” Covered 7700 miles in 1 year

11 The Long March

12 The Long March

13 Survivors of the March

14 The Long March 100,000 people began the march, 8000 made it to the end
Lasted 1 year Made Mao Zedong the undisputed leader of the CPC

15 Mao Zedong As a Young Revolutionary
(Mao Tse-tung)

16 Mao With His Children, 1930s

17 Japan Invades China 1937

18 Japanese Aggression,

19 Victims of the Japanese bombing of Shanghai.

20 Japanese Soldiers March into Nanking December 9, 1937

21 The Japanese Invasion, 1937

22 Remains of Chinese Children Bayoneted by Japanese Soldiers

23 Japanese Bayonet Practice

24 UNIT 731: Bio-Chemical Warfare

25 UNIT 731: Live Human Dissections

26 Japanese War 1937-45 CPC reached a truce with KMT
Did not actively fight the Japanese Used the opportunity to rebuild itself in the west

27 The Communist Revolution:

28 Civil War ( ) KMT received aid from the US to fight the communists By 1950, CPC had forced the KMT to retreat to Taiwan Is still the Republic of China (ROC) People’s Republic of China (PRC) established in 1949 Taiwan is still independent of the PRC

29 The Peoples’ Liberation Army, 1949

30 The Communist Victory

31 Taiwan: The Republic of China

32 Jiang Jieshu ( ) (Chiang Kai-shek)

33 Madame Jiang Jieshu

34 The People’s Republic of China

35 Reasons for the Communists’ Success
Mao won support of peasants – land reform Mao won support of women Mao’s army used guerilla war tactics Many saw the Nationalist government as corrupt Many felt that the Nationalists allowed foreigners to dominate China.

36 The Great Leap Forward (or Backward?)

37 Great Leap Forward, 1958 Communes
5 year plan to increase agriculture and industry Communes Groups of people who live and work together Property held in common Had production quotas Failed due to poor quality of products, poor weather hurt agriculture

38 Communist China Under Mao
Industrialized China Increased literacy Class privileges ended Rural Chinese received health care One-party dictatorship Denied people basic rights and freedoms --> Inner Mongolia, Tibet

39 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

40 Cultural Revolution 1966-76 Violent attempt at social change
Campaign against the “Four Olds” that were seen to hold China back

41 A Campaign Against the “FOUR OLDS”
Old Thoughts Old Culture Old Customs Old Habits To Rebel Is Good!

42 Communist China Under Mao
Designed to renew revolutionary spirit and establish a more equitable society Mao wanted to put “intellectuals” in their place Schools shut down – students revolted Red Guards – students who attacked professors, government officials, factory managers

43 A Red Guard

44 Red Guard

45 Red Guards March to Canton

46 With regard to the great teacher Chairman Mao, cherish the word 'Loyalty'. With regard to the great Mao Zedong Thought, vigorously stress the word 'Usefullness'. (1968) Cult of Personality

47 The reddest, reddest, red sun in our heart, Chairman Mao, and us together Zhejiang Workers, Farmers and Soldiers Art Academy collective, 1968 Mao’s Little Red Book

48 Propaganda Poster

49 Go among the workers, peasants and soldiers, and into the thick of struggle! 1967-1972

50 Propaganda Poster

51 Propaganda Poster

52 Propaganda Poster

53 China Opens to the West 1971 China began to see USSR as a threat
China began to open to the US Visits to each country followed

54 “Ping-Pong Diplomacy”: U. S. Players at Great Wall, 1971

55 Mao Meets President Nixon, 1972

56 Mao Dies Mao died in 1976 Led to a power struggle between moderates and radicals Moderates want to restore order and economic growth Radicals known as the “Gang of Four” Want to continue the Cultural Revolution Put on trial and given life sentences in jail

57 Power Struggle Communist Traditionalists Modernists Zhou Enlai
1976 Zhou Enlai “The Gang of Four”: Jiang Qin, Chen Boda, Wang Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan

58 Communist Government and a Capitalist Economy

59 Deng Xiaoping (1905-1997) Led China from 1979-93
Rebuilt China along capitalist lines 1989: Students riot for greater democracy in China Army put down the riots

60 Tiananmen Square, 1989 More democracy!

61 Student activist, Wang Dan, Beijing University
Tiananmen Square, 1989 Student activist, Wang Dan, Beijing University

62 Democracy—Our Common Ideal!
Tiananmen Square, 1989 Democracy—Our Common Ideal!

63 The “Goddess of Democracy”
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The “Goddess of Democracy”

64 The Government Clamps Down
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Government Clamps Down

65 Tiananmen Square, 1989 One Lone Man’s Protest

66 The Massacre: The People’s Army Moves In
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Massacre: The People’s Army Moves In

67 The Army Looks for Dissidents
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Army Looks for Dissidents

68 The Reestablishment of Order
Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Reestablishment of Order

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