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SCG meeting 9 November 2015 Thomas Petitguyot Alberto Pistocchi

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Presentation on theme: "SCG meeting 9 November 2015 Thomas Petitguyot Alberto Pistocchi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of 2nd RBMPs Contribution from JRC with modelling of pressures and measures
SCG meeting 9 November 2015 Thomas Petitguyot Alberto Pistocchi DG ENV, Water Unit DG JRC, IES

2 Assessment of consistency and synergies in pressures assessment and measures design by MS
Across borders in international RBD In implementation of different environmental directives Against pressure indicators and modelled impact of measures at EU level by the EEA and the JRC

3 Questions addressed 1) pressures/status at EU scale:
 do we see the same “big picture” from EU scale assessments and information reported by MS? 2) effectiveness of measures:  are the gaps likely to be closed with the planned measures?

4 Do we see the same “big picture”?
JRC will assess pan-European indicators of pressure, their effects on physicochemical and hydromorphological conditions Based on these, JRC will assess the likelihood that water bodies are in good status or not. The assessment will be compared with assessments reported by member states. Discrepancies can be discussed bilaterally with each MS, in order to come to a consensus assessment.

5 JRC Pressure indicators
Nutrient emissions [Chemical emissions as far as possible] Water abstractions and consumption Catchment land use Dams and river continuity interruptions Floodplain land use and encroachment by infrastructure

6 JRC status indicators Nutrient concentrations and their expected effects on the BQEs (through nutrient standards) [Chemical concentrations (loads) as far as possible] compared to EQS Selected flow regime parameters and their expected effects on the BQEs Water balance (assessment of resilience and protection of resources more than status)

7 Gaps and effectiveness of measures
JRC will assess the improvement of status corresponding to scenarios of basic and supplementary measures, and the likely gaps to good status that still persist. The JRC will identify hydro-economic optimal mixes of measures to minimize the gaps. The assessment will help formulating recommendations to MSs. (December 2017)

8 Proposed next steps Discussion with MS experts in a dedicated workshop at JRC in Ispra, before March 2016 Methods and models for the assessment presented to SCG by March 2016 JRC draft assessment presented for review by MSs by July 2016 MS comments during August-November 2016 JRC final assessment by December 2016 JRC assessment comparison with reported pressures/status by July 2017 Possibility for bilateral discussion meetings and consensus assessment by December 2017

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