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Jean-Marie Le Gouez, Onera CFD Department
Stability and Algorithmic Efficiency of a High Order Finite Volume Method for Compressible Flows Jean-Marie Le Gouez, Onera CFD Department ECCOMAS CFD 2016
Overview of the presentation
Context and objectives of the project Main features of the H.O. compressible solver numerical scheme : reconstruction of conservative variables fields, flux models Analysis of the accuracy and stability of the scheme on arbitrary grids Spectrum of linear convection and diffusion discrete operators Error associated to low order flux integration Programming on hybrid Hardware architectures : CPU, GPU Validation in terms of accuracy and algorithmic efficiency : H.O. CFD workshops Unsteady laminar cases Direct Numerical Simulation of the TAYLOR-GREEN vortex Extension to Finite Volumes with curved faces
Context and objectives of the project
A prototype solver of the Onera CFD department High order Reconstructed Finite Volume method for unstructured grids with mixed type elements, non compact scheme Unlimited projection of the reconstructed polynomial on the interfaces : leads to types of fluxes schemes Characteristic upwind (state upwind, Roe-like), Centered scheme, stabilized by a difference between left and right high-order extrapolated C.V. Low order or high order flux integration Inviscid or laminar, (RANS and URANS), ALE Participation to the H.O. (compressible) CFD solvers workshops : Ringleb flow, flapping Naca12 in the wake of a cylinder (Rey=1000), Heaving and pitching Naca12 (Rey=1000, 5000), convection of an isentropic vortex, TAYLOR-GREEN vortex : Accuracy, algorithmic and parallel efficiency Also computing on GPU clusters, programmed in CUDA
Basics of the NXO scheme on arbitrary unstructured grids
Euler, Navier-Stokes for perfect gas law of state 1 dof per cell and per equation (Volume average) Non compact scheme : up to 20 cells to compute one flux (2D), up to 70 in 3D (4th to 5th order) Parallel programming on node in shared memory using Open-MP, loop-based on CPUs, or Cuda on GPUs MPI & coarse partitioning at the internode level (big partitions up to 10th of millions cells Many-core, GPU) Polynomial Reconstruction algorithm for the conservative variables fields Preprocessor phase : Weighted Least-Square polynomial fit adapts to the “quality” of the stencils Gives the interpolation coefficients of conservative variable fields from volume averages to surface averages Different stencils and polynomial degrees for the convective and the diffusive operators Characteristic Upwind-biased convective scheme or centered scheme, Explicit RK time integration or Dual Time-stepping , Target interface ,
H.O. Full 3D Volume to face interpolation : Reconstruction and projection
X,Y R L l r Z C Reconstruction error functional ns = Stencil size : nb of monomials + 50% 1/ Reconstruction in a stencil : L, R or centred : Volume moment of order ijk
FV NXO method : Reconstruction and projection
X,Y R L l r Z C 2/ Projection on the interface
FV NXO method : Inviscid fluxes options
: Volume average : surface average : NXO scheme 2 options for the inviscid fluxes Characteristic Upwind or centred, low order integration Higher order integration only used for high order geometry , Upwind scheme : one average flux evaluation from the left and right extrapolated average conservative variables, characteristic splitting ‘state upwind’ , Centred scheme : interpolation of the cell-average flux density tensor in all cells of the stencil to the interface + a stabilization term Main inacuracy sources : asymptotically 2nd order Upwind scheme Centred scheme
Eigenvalues of the linear convective operator, depending on weights distribution and meshing method
Uniform velocity orientation pi/8 , Unstable : too low weight decay with distance from the stencil center Periodic square, different meshing methods (gmsh) , Frontal Delaunay Automatic
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors if the discrete linear convective operator, depending on the reconstruction degree , Mapping of one numerical eigenvector with higher Wave number (real part) onto the mesh Typical stencils Optimal weights distribution for the WLSQ, for each reconstruction degree k1 k4 Higher concentration of eigenvalues near the complex axis for K4 Enhanced damping of the higher wave number eigenmodes Delaunay mesh, 4th degree reconstruction Real part of the Eigenvector nearest Eigenvalue
Insufficient weight decay rate as a function of the topological
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors if the discrete diffusion operator (Laplacian) weight decay rate = 0.25 weight decay rate = 0.65 Insufficient weight decay rate as a function of the topological distance from the stencil center leads to an unstable scheme (positive real part for some eigenvalues) also for the diffusive operator
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors if the discrete diffusion operator (Laplacian)
, Delaunay mesh, 4th degree reconstruction Example of eigenvector of the periodic Laplacian, near to cos6x sin5y For all 4000 eigenvalues, nearest –(n2+m2), offset from it For reconstructions k1(purple) k4 (red) : highest wave numbers Cell size H = 2pi/50
Non linear effects in flux integration
Total error over the grid due to the flux evaluation from single projected values (interface integral of the reconstructed polynomials for conservative variables) x-axis : position along an interface y-axis : flux distributions for each equation from the reconstructed polynomials k1k5 Field of y-momentum Test case : Initial field for the isentropic vortex transport on the interfaces Upwind fluxes Comparison between : Analytical expressions for the conservative variables and the normal flux densities High order polynomial reconstructions in the cells and along the interfaces from exact cell averages
Non linear effects in flux integration
Total error over the grid due to the flux evaluation from one single projected value (interface integral of the reconstructed polynomial) Mesh convergence index for reconstruction k5 : Optimal order for the fluxes of continuity equation (linear in the conservative variables), loss for other equations Gain with respect to the second order process of replacing the space flux integrand by its mean value (dotted lines for the analytical evaluations : exact averages, solid for the NXO method) Total error over the cell interfaces of the fine grid Upwind scheme Convergence with the reconstruction degree
Addressng the algorithmic efficiency barrier : accuracy versus number of dofs Unsteady laminar and Euler vortical flows, turbulent RANS , , ALE Spatially High-Order Finite Volume method for RANS / LES, coarse partitoning, wide halos
Participation to the HO Workshop
Laminar / DNS Taylor-Green Vortex computed on a regular grid of tetraedra Workshop 2 Unsteady Laminar : dual local time stepping Heaving Naca12 in the unsteady wake of a cylinder, computation of the frequency lock-in of the vortex shedding Euler Isentropic vortex transport (right figure), results improved recently by using the flux reconstruction method Workshop 3 Unsteay Laminar Heaving and pitching naca12 at Reynolds numbers 1000 and 5000 demonstration of the grid convergence for both cases, moderate computation costs Euler, High order geometry Ringleb Flow, with a novel formulation of the method on Finite Volumes of H.O. geometry. Convergence diffiulties on the finest grids, but good results in the coarser ones (even with low count of dof, accurate CR-BC on curved walls) Unsteay Laminar, BL3 Heaving and pitching Naca12, 3 different motions of the wing Grid / time step / polynomial order convergence (to be confirmed), Grid and order convergence for the overset grid case Comparison in the conditions of the HO workshop : 50 tc , ,
High Order CFD Workshop Case 1.6 Vortex transport by uniform flow
, , K convergence Triangles CPU W.U. Error Cvg. k6 V.C 1.28E-2 2.31 4.83 3.10 C 2.59E-3 F 9.07E-5 V.F 1.06E-5 2nd High Order CFD Workshop Köln May 2013
2nd High Order CFD Workshop Köln May 2013
Case 1.6 Vortex transport by uniform flow Decomposition of the reconstructed solution on the modes 7 Mode 7 , Mode 6 Mode 5 Mode 4 Mode 3 Mode 2 , Mode 1 Mode 0 2nd High Order CFD Workshop Köln May 2013
NXO : FV on high order grids for the Euler equations RINGLEB Flow
1/ Characteristic upwind fluxes : “upwinded state” computed with the Jacobian eigenvectors 2/ The WLSQ polynolial reconstruction was extended to high order geometry Evaluation of the high order geometric moments of cells and interface (integrals of each monomial) by curvilinear integrals 3/ Higher order integration of the normal fluxes along the interface (Riemann solver on multiple points of the interface) Multiple evaluation of the projection of the same polynomial for each conservative variable on each sub-face element (averages on curvilinear sub-interfaces) Parallel programming on node in shared memory using Open-MP (64 threads on SGI UV) MPI & coarser partitioning only for inter-node communication Polynomial degrees : k4 to k5 inside the domain, k3 for slip wall b.c. stencils, k4 for non reflective far field bc 3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
High Order CFD Workshop Case 1.1 Transonic Ringleb flow
Reconstructed field of Mach number Exact and converged solutions plotted on each graph Left : coarse grid 16*48 Right medium grid 32*96 , , 3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
High Order CFD Workshop Case 1.1 Transonic Ringleb flow High order flux integration Computations on 3 grids with p4 geometry: 16*48, 32*96, 64*192 Effect of the high order flux integration : error divided by 11 to 30 for different fields Results on the finest grid, Nflx number of flux evaluation points along a curvilinear interface , Nflx L2-Error(ro) L2-Error(roU) L2-Error(roV) L2-Error(roEt) L2-Error(s) 1 2.19e-4 5.07e-5 5.15e-5 3.70e-4 1.95e-5 2 1.68e-5 7.36e-6 5.86e-6 2.93e-5 6.27e-6 3 7.62e-6 5.03e-6 3.88e-6 1.42e-5 1.94e-6 5 7.20e-6 4.85e-6 3.57e-6 1.31e-5 1.77e-6 , 3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
High Order CFD Workshop Case 1.1 Transonic Ringleb flow
, , Spectral content of the reconstructed Y_momentum on grid2 (32*96) Left to right : mode 0, mode1, mode 2, mode 3 and full reconstructed solution 3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
High Order CFD Workshop Case 3.4 2D Laminar Flapping wing
Description of meshes used for the case. Generated by gmsh : 10500, 20000, triangles, external boundary at 32 chords ALE fully conservative formulation Non-linear implicit by dual time-stepping was used for this test-case, with RK 4 stages, CFL 3 for the dual local time stepping iteration. Time differencing scheme : 3rd order finite differences , , The computation is done in the absolute reference frame with fluid at rest at infinity, the free stream velocity is transferred in the grid motion and in the moving wall boundary condition 2nd High Order CFD Workshop Köln May 2013
2nd High Order CFD Workshop Köln May 2013
High Order CFD Workshop Case 3.4 2D Laminar Flapping wing occurrence of frequency lock-in , , Lift on cylinder and spectral analysis 2nd High Order CFD Workshop Köln May 2013
NXO : Laminar Heaving and Flapping wing Case setup
Computation done in the absolute reference frame with flow at rest at infinity Translating and deforming grid Grids by gmsh, isotropic triangles, shrunk in the normal direction to the profile by a factor 3 near the wall External boundary at 6 chords 3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
NXO : case setup Wall cell size Ndof/eqn Y-momentum Work Grd1 c/35 6138 (2.e-2) (1.9e-2) Grd2 c/50 12119 (3.2e-3) (2.8e-3) Grd3 c/71 24639 (7.5e-3) (8.e-3) Grd4 c/100 48720 (1.9e-3) (1.6e-3) Grd5 c/140 90429 (0) (0) Results for Reynolds = 1000 Wall cell size Ndof/eqn Y-momentum Work Grd1 c/35 6138 (3.5e-2) (3.7e-2) Grd2 c/50 12119 (7.6e-3) (1.2e-2) Grd3 c/71 24639 (9.5e-3) (1.9e-2) Grd4 c/100 48720 (3.0e-3) (3.9e-3) Grd5 c/140 90429 (0) (0) Results for Reynolds = 5000 3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
High Order CFD Workshop Case 2.3 Heaving and Pitching profile
, , Reynolds 5000 3rd High Order CFD Workshop Kissimmee january 2015
HO Workshop 4 : Case BL3 Energy extracting
Grid and order convergence for the overset grid case Comparison in the conditions of the HO workshop : 50 tc , Name / extent dt order Cost (TBu) Ndof/ eqn Y-Mometum Work Grd1 / 60c 2./320 k4 26700 59405 1.7076 0.3339 Grd2 / 60c 13500 29972 1.7008 0.3365 Grd3 / 60c 7150 15814 1.6820 0.3387 Grd4 / 60c 3520 7916 1.6934 0.3548 2./640 53400 1.7099 2./160 13300 1.7048 0.3342 k2 24200 1.7131 0.3474 ,
High Order CFD Workshop Case 3.5 Taylor-Green Vortex
Comparison of time derivatives of enstrophy and scaled Dissipation of kinetic energy Occurrence of an acoustic phenomenon , , High Order CFD Workshop Nashville Jan. 2012
GPU implementation of the NextFlow solver
Performance on each K20Xm GPU : in k3 1,8e-8 s per RHS, 0.36s for cells in k4 2,5e-8 s per RHS, 0.50s for cells Taylor Green vortex 256**3 - wall-clock = hours on 16 IVY-Bridge processors (total 128 cores) : hours CPU Intel core 25 minutes on 16 Tesla K20M GPU By comparison, at the 1st HO CFD workshop , this case requested between 1100 and Intel core Cpu hours, depending on the numerical method Taylor Green vortex 512**3 - wall-clock : 4 hours on 16 Tesla K20M GPUs Taylor-Green Vortex Rey = 1600 Computations on wedges The code should accept more GPUs (must be on the same node)
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