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Is The Bible Reliable? (Part 3) Psalm 119:160 By David Dann.

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Presentation on theme: "Is The Bible Reliable? (Part 3) Psalm 119:160 By David Dann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is The Bible Reliable? (Part 3) Psalm 119:160 By David Dann

2 Is The Bible Reliable? Psalm 119:160
160 The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.

3 Is The Bible Reliable? 2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

4 Can the Bible be right religiously & wrong historically?
Is The Bible Reliable? Can the Bible be right religiously & wrong historically?

5 Is The Bible Reliable?

6 The Bible Is Supported By Archaeology & Secular History
Is The Bible Reliable? The Bible Is Supported By Archaeology & Secular History

7 Is The Bible Reliable?

8 Is The Bible Reliable?

9 What does the evidence say?
Is The Bible Reliable? What does the evidence say?

10 Is The Bible Reliable?

11 General Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History

12 Do the historical references fit the world of the 1st century, A.D.?
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Do the historical references fit the world of the 1st century, A.D.?

13 General Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Augustus Caesar The Roman Census

14 General Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History The character of the Roman census ordered by Augustus is consistent with what is known of his reign (Luke 2:1-7). Augustus Caesar The Roman Census

15 The Coins mentioned in the New Testament
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Denarius (Augustus) Shekel (1st Century) The Coins mentioned in the New Testament Lepta (1st Century)

16 The Coins mentioned in the New Testament
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Coins mentioned in the New Testament, including the denarius (Matt. 20:2; 22:17-21), the shekel (26:14-15), and the lepta (Mark 12:41-44) have all been recovered. Denarius (Augustus) Shekel (1st Century) The Coins mentioned in the New Testament Lepta (1st Century)

17 General Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Jews From Every Nation

18 General Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Presence of Jewish communities throughout Mediterranean World (Acts 2:5-11). Jews From Every Nation

19 The Ethiopian Queen’s Title
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History The Ethiopian Queen’s Title

20 The Ethiopian Queen’s Title
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Reference to the Queen of Ethiopia as “Candace” (Acts 8:27). The Ethiopian Queen’s Title

21 General Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Idolatrous Altars

22 General Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? General Confirmation Of N.T. History Altars to “unknown” gods have been discovered (Acts 17:23). Idolatrous Altars

23 Is The Bible Reliable?

24 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History

25 Do the people, places, and events appear in other ancient records?
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Do the people, places, and events appear in other ancient records?

26 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History New Testament Geography

27 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Rome (Acts 28:16). Rome New Testament Geography

28 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Rome (Acts 28:16). Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1). Jerusalem New Testament Geography

29 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Rome (Acts 28:16). Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1). Athens (Acts 17:15). Athens (Mars’ Hill) New Testament Geography

30 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Rome (Acts 28:16). Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1). Athens (Acts 17:15). Bethlehem (Matt. 2:1). Bethlehem New Testament Geography

31 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Rome (Acts 28:16). Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1). Athens (Acts 17:15). Bethlehem (Matt. 2:1). Nazareth (Matt. 2:23). Nazareth New Testament Geography

32 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Capernaum (Matt. 4:13). Capernaum New Testament Geography

33 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Capernaum (Matt. 4:13). Antioch of Syria (Acts 11:25-26). Antioch New Testament Geography

34 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Capernaum (Matt. 4:13). Antioch of Syria (Acts 11:25-26). Corinth (Acts 18:1-17). Corinth (Judgment Seat) New Testament Geography

35 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Capernaum (Matt. 4:13). Antioch of Syria (Acts 11:25-26). Corinth (Acts 18:1-17). Ephesus (Acts 19). Ephesus (Temple of Diana) New Testament Geography

36 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Capernaum (Matt. 4:13). Antioch of Syria (Acts 11:25-26). Corinth (Acts 18:1-17). Ephesus (Acts 19). Ephesus (Theater) New Testament Geography

37 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Jordan River (Matthew 3:13-17). Jordan River New Testament Geography

38 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Jordan River (Matthew 3:13-17). Sea of Galilee (John 6:1). Sea of Galilee New Testament Geography

39 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Jordan River (Matthew 3:13-17). Sea of Galilee (John 6:1). Mount of Olives (John 8:1). Mount of Olives New Testament Geography

40 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Jordan River (Matthew 3:13-17). Sea of Galilee (John 6:1). Mount of Olives (John 8:1). Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-15). Pool of Bethesda New Testament Geography

41 New Testament Geography
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Jordan River (Matthew 3:13-17). Sea of Galilee (John 6:1). Mount of Olives (John 8:1). Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-15). Pool of Siloam (John 9:1- 11). Pool of Siloam New Testament Geography

42 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History New Testament People

43 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1). Augustus New Testament People

44 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1). Caesar Tiberius (Luke 3:1). Tiberius New Testament People

45 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1). Caesar Tiberius (Luke 3:1). Caesar Claudius (Acts 11:28). Claudius New Testament People

46 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1). Caesar Tiberius (Luke 3:1). Caesar Claudius (Acts 11:28). Caesar Nero (Acts 25:10-12). Nero New Testament People

47 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History History agrees with the Bible concerning the ruling family of the Herods, including Herod the Great (Matthew 2:1), Herod Archelaus (2:22), Herod Philip (Luke 3:1), Herod Antipas (Mark 6:14-18), Herod Agrippa I (Acts 12:20- 23), and Herod Agrippa II (26:1-3). Herod the Great New Testament People

48 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Historical accounts of government officials such as Quirinius (Luke 2:2), Lysanias (3:1), Pontius Pilate (Matthew 27:2), Sergius Paulus (Acts 13:7), Gallio (18:12), and Felix (23:23- 24) agree with the Bible. Pontius Pilate inscription New Testament People

49 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Jewish leaders such as Caiaphas the high priest (Matthew 26:3), Gamaliel (Acts 5:34),and Ananias the high priest (24:1) are known through secular history. Caiaphas Ossuary New Testament People

50 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History First century Jewish historian, Josephus, mentions John the Baptizer (Matthew 3:1) and James the brother of Jesus (Galatians 1:19). Flavius Josephus New Testament People

51 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History In 1929 a first century, A.D. limestone inscription which makes reference to Erastus the city treasurer (Rom. 16:23) was discovered in Corinth. New Testament People

52 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History References To Jesus

53 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus ( A.D.) states that Christ was executed by Pontius Pilate in Judea during the reign of Tiberius Caesar (Tacitus, Annals, 15.43). Tacitus References To Jesus

54 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History The Roman historian, Gaius Suetonius ( A.D.) traces a disturbance among the Jews in Rome back to the influence of Christ (Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, 5.25). Suetonius References To Jesus

55 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Josephus ( A.D.) refers to the ministry of Christ and to His crucifixion by Pilate at the urging of the Jewish leaders (Josephus, Antiquities, ), and refers to “Jesus, who was called Christ” in writing of the death of James (20.9.1). Flavius Josephus References To Jesus

56 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Pliny the Younger ( A.D.), governor of Bithynia & Pontus, wrote to emperor Trajan with questions concerning treatment of Christians and described their regular worship of Christ. Pliny the Younger References To Jesus

57 Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History
Is The Bible Reliable? Specific Confirmation Of N.T. History Greek satirist Lucian of Samosata ( A.D.) wrote that Christians worship a man who was crucified (The Death of Peregrine). References To Jesus

58 Is The Bible Reliable?

59 Why Does All Of This Matter?
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter?

60 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

61 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? Evidence of camels dating to several hundred years before Abraham’s day has been found in Egypt (Genesis 12:16). The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

62 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? Ancient inscriptions found in Palestine indicate that alphabetic writing was in use in that part of the world even before the time of Moses. The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

63 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? The Code of Hammurabi demonstrates sophistication of ancient law codes. The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

64 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? A vast Hittite empire has been discovered and many universities now offer a PhD in Hittite Studies (Genesis 15:20; Deuteronomy 7:1). The Bible has prevailed over its critics! Treaty of Kadesh

65 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? In 1993 a 3,000 year old monumental inscription referring to “the House of David” was found in northern Israel (2 Samuel 5:3). The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

66 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? The palace of Sargon, king of Assyria (Isaiah 20:1) was discovered in 1843. The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

67 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? Inscriptions uncovered in ancient Babylonia confirm Belshazzar’s existence and indicate that he was co-ruler of Babylon with his father, Nabonidus (Daniel 5:1-31). Nabonidus Cylinder The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

68 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? Inscriptions have been uncovered which indicate that Quirinius actually served as governor twice (Luke 2:2). Quirinius Inscription The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

69 The Bible has prevailed over its critics!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? In 1968 the bones of a crucified man, Yohanan ben Ha’galgol, were discovered in a tomb outside Jerusalem, having received a proper Jewish burial (Luke 23:50-56). Bone of Crucified Man The Bible has prevailed over its critics!

70 The Bible deserves the benefit of the doubt!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? The Bible deserves the benefit of the doubt!

71 The Bible deserves the benefit of the doubt!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? 2 Peter 1:16 16 For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. The Bible deserves the benefit of the doubt!

72 The Bible deserves the benefit of the doubt!
Is The Bible Reliable? Why Does All Of This Matter? 1 Peter 1:23 23 …having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever… The Bible deserves the benefit of the doubt!

73 You can trust the Bible!!!

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