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Cisco SolutionsPlus.

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1 Cisco SolutionsPlus

2 Cisco SolutionsPlus Program
Summary Overview Easily order, extend, and deliver complete “applications solutions” to customers Cisco is able to combine “best-of-breed” products from other vendors as part of a Cisco Solution on our GPL SolutionsPlus is a hybrid program, falls between “OEM” and “Reference Sell” models Products carry the Cisco SolutionsPlus vendor’s brand as the primary brand SolutionsPlus product support is provided by the SolutionsPlus vendor

3 SolutionsPlus Ecosystem Requirements
Product is identified within a Cisco BU-targeted category Financial viability to pass Cisco GSM on-boarding spec Product meets competitive market pricing when factoring in BU margin/ discounting practices Market share leader - Excellent references with past sales data Proven service and support organization Revenue pull-through must be significant as defined by BU – Ideally $3-5M of partner sales with a 6-10X pull-through multiplier Partner quality assurance and testing lab in-house Sales resources (named pipeline is also recommended) Member of Cisco® Solution Partner Program in good standing Cross-BU approval Complimentary to Cisco products/ applications

4 AtlasIED on S+ 40 SKUS Total
All New IPX SKUS – 1 warranty SKU per endpoint per year Z2 & Z4 Sound Masking Solution including generators/speakers IP-108-SP (Solutions Plus version) SHS Speakers: SHS-6T2 Analog speakers: AP-15T, APX40TN

5 S+ Pricing Cisco MSRP is set in stone – We do not have the ability to change Resellers & Cisco AM/PSS can request DSA, discount, etc. – All discounts come out Cisco’s portion of the margin, not ours AtlasIED receives a set “transfer price” from Cisco for each SKU sold – Pre-negotiated and will not change until a new contract is agreed on in the future The best part is we don’t have to talk about pricing…AT ALL!

6 Why do Cisco Sales Employees Care?
Cisco Sales and Resellers get full commission on the sale of SolutionsPlus products – Sales of SolutionsPlus products retire quota (same as selling Cisco products) S+ products help fill a solution for a particular market or customer. Pull through is also a major benefit, for example more IPX endpoints means more switches.

7 Why do Rep Firms Care? Cisco is responsible for 30-35% of AtlasIED IP Endpoint revenue consistently every year Cisco internal sales and resellers will start selling for you Teach them to fish, they will do the work for you Cisco teams are usually included in the conversation way before conversations are had about mass notification, emergency alerts, etc. Easiest way to scale IPX is to leverage the 25,000 sales employees, does not take into account all of the resellers

8 Cisco Live 2019 Same week as InfoComm San Diego Convention Center
Best show for IPX Please tell any Cisco contacts and resellers you have to please visit us at our booth We have a great 20 x 10 booth, Manny, Jimmy and I will be there all week

9 AtlasIED/Cisco Red Badge
Cisco “employee”/contractor to someone in the Cisco Collab BU Cisco Access to reporting tool, sales hierarchy/structure/directory, tools to identify who Cisco AM’s/PSS/SE’s are for a particular customer. Can also build a ”heat map” of who important people are by region. Access to internal meetings and invited to internal sales calls to build mind share with our solutions. Specifically school safety but with the addition of the new SKUS, we will be able to go after other verticals. Cisco Connect events



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