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Data, Funding, and Accountability Connections

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Presentation on theme: "Data, Funding, and Accountability Connections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data, Funding, and Accountability Connections

2 Agenda Data Systems Overview Uses of Data Common Issues/Risks
LEA Responsibilities LDOE Supports Action Steps

3 Data Systems Descriptions
System Name Description Student Information System (SIS) SIS collects data regarding a student’s demographic information, enrollment history, attendance, discipline, and projected class schedules. Special Education Reporting (SER) SER allows special education personnel to collect, report, and process information on individual students from the point of referral to pupil appraisal personnel and the provision of services until the time of exit from special education. Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) TSDL collects records linking students and teachers within classes for the purpose of pre-gridding high school state assessments. Student Transcript System (STS) STS collects detailed transcript data for students in public and nonpublic grades 8-12 who have taken any courses for credit or experience. Profile of Education Personnel (PEP) PEP collects staff data on public school personnel including demographic information, employment history, position/role, education level, salary, and projected class schedules.

4 Data Flow from School Systems to the LDOE

5 How We Use Data Submitted
System Accountability Federal Funding MFP Other Reporting SIS Who counts in the SPS and where they count October counts are the basis for allocations (gen pop, poverty, subgroups) Feb 1 student base and ED weight counts; Oct and Feb base counts together used for mid-year adjustments; Oct 1 course data for CTE Weight and CDF allocation Enrollments, Attendance, Discipline, Dropouts, Subgroup Reporting, Program Participation SER Appropriate testing and ACT 833 eligibility Used only to identify SWDs to spend IDEA $ Feb 1 SPED and GT student weight SPP/APR, SPED Data Profile, LEA Determinations, IDEA Monitoring TSDL Expected testing roster N/A STS Determines whether student counts as graduate, DCAI Validations of CTE/CDF Courses Pathway Participation, TOPS, IBCs PEP/Cert. Oct 1 staff counts utilized in calculation of teacher/support worker pay raises Workforce, Teacher/Staff Demographics & Salaries, Staff Certification State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report

6 Common Issues and Risks for Accountability
System Issue Accountability Risks SIS Failure to exit from enrollment or incorrect exit code Creates a dropout for DCAI and cohort graduation or prevents recognition of students as legitimate leavers SER LEAP Connect identification ACT 833 goals IEP determines eligibility for LEAP Connect (along with actual participation) Goals for Act 833 determine if student meets test requirements for graduation TSDL Coding courses Determines what tests students are expected to test and when they are expected to test STS Complete transcripts with grad dates Determines if a student is counted as an on-time graduate PEP N/A

7 Potential Impacts of Bad Data on Accountability
SPS Changes Pre/Post Data Certification SPS Changes K8 School Combination School High School .1-1.0 209 67 75 1.1 to 2.0 34 17 7 12 4 11 3 15 2 1 8 9.1-10 10.1+ 6

8 Common Issues and Risks for Funding
System Issue Funding Risks SIS Incorrectly including or excluding students in base counts or weights in Feb or Oct counts Incorrectly including or excluding courses in data submission Wrong course codes LEAs will be over or under allocated funding Audit flags SER Incorrectly including or excluding students in Feb weighted student count TSDL STS N/A PEP Incorrectly using object/function combinations to classify staff

9 Potential Impacts of Bad Data on Funding
When even a single student is not submitted or submitted incorrectly to state data systems, the range of loss for an LEA is between $3,000 and $8,300 in the MFP. This amount increases based on the parish and weights associated with each student. For example, this year an error of approximately 3,000 students incurred a loss of funding equal to that of almost $5,000,000.

10 Common Issues and Risks for Other Reporting
System Issue Other Reporting Risks SIS Incomplete discipline submissions Unable to identify students attending alternative schools/programs SER Students not exited timely from SER Official exit count data doesn’t accurately reflect grads, transfers to regular ed, etc. TSDL Missing schools & EOC/LEAP 2025 courses/classes Student tests not precoded, accountability implications STS Missing grad dates Incorrect course codes/part numbers Students unable to attend college or qualify for TOPS PEP Incomplete teacher/staff submissions Staff not reported for all schools Incorrect Workforce Report Data Incorrect data in School Finder

11 LEA Responsibilities for Accuracy
Data Managers Finance Office Federal Reporting Office Accountability Lead Attend LDOE monthly webinars Run and review system reports for accuracy after each data submission Review the collection validation reports and verify data Ensure issues identified via system/validation reports are corrected in LDOE state systems before system closes. Develop working relationship with Data Manager Routinely check in with Data Manager during data submission process on status of student or staff counts Support data system staff in correcting errors detected in validation reports before submission process closes Work with local data managers to review reports and check for count issues Review information in SuperApp for consistency and accuracy Complete/update any requested changes Participate in monthly calls Work with data managers during data certification Work with schools to understand data on rosters Verify accuracy of data certification roster and submit changes to data during data certification

12 LDOE Available Supports
Data Managers Finance Office Accountability Staff Monthly Support Calls Office Hours Dedicated data system staff that flag concerns and answer questions Data validation reports provided to LEAs during collections Detailed user guides and training documents Detailed collection calendar/timeline and guiding documents on INSIGHT portal MFP Student Membership definition for base count or weights provided Educator and support worker pay raise eligibility definitions provided Concerns with counts flagged and resolved working jointly with data system staff

13 How You Can Help Superintendents should ensure that accurate data collection procedures are in place and working both at central office and at school level. Data Managers should ensure that all offices are aware of the data collected by the state and the impact of incorrect/incomplete submissions. Business Managers should establish working relationships with data collection staff and promote common understanding of importance of accurate data on reporting and funding allocations. Principals should ensure that data collection procedures at school follow LDOE and LEA established procedures. Accountability Managers should work closely with data managers during key collections to ensure accurate student reporting. Accountability, Business, and other key LEA Managers should review data validation reports for issues.

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