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Middle School Mathematics

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Presentation on theme: "Middle School Mathematics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle School Mathematics

2 Fully meets the standards

3 Support For Teachers Teacher’s Guide

4 Support For Teachers Preparation Notes

5 Support For Teachers Activity Notes and Launch

6 Support For Teachers Differentiation

7 Sample Student Responses
Support For Teachers Sample Student Responses

8 Anticipated Misconceptions
Support For Teachers Anticipated Misconceptions

9 Stronger and Clearer Each Time
Let’s practice a Mathematical Language Routine to learn more about our Professional Learning Options— What does effective PL look like for you? Now let’s use our routine— Find a partner and share your answer. Be sure each of you has an opportunity to share. Make notes if something from your partners answer relates to you or help improves your answer. .

10 Stronger and Clearer Each Time
Let’s practice a Mathematical Language Routine to learn more about our Professional Learning Options— What does effective PL look like for you? Steps: ❏ Pre-write ❏ Think time ❏ Pair share ❏ Switch partner and repeat ❏ Revise pre-write Let’s switch partners and repeat one more time.

11 Notice and Wonder Using the Professional Learning Catalog Overview. . . Take one-minute of quiet think time and ask yourself. . . What do you notice? What do you wonder?

12 Professional Learning

13 Our Last Routine for this session: Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Read each tweet we have collected about teacher’s IM experiences. Which one doesn’t belong? Take some quiet think time to analyze. Then be ready to defend your answer.

14 Available Digitally…FREE

15 Available in Print Students: 3 consumable, color, 3 units in each book
Teachers: 3 spiral bound teacher editions, color, 3 units in each book

16 Middle School Mathematics
Stephanie Myers

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