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Warm up, 9/16 Take out your poem and look over it (or, if you submitted it electronically, think about your work for a moment). Does it match O’Brien’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up, 9/16 Take out your poem and look over it (or, if you submitted it electronically, think about your work for a moment). Does it match O’Brien’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up, 9/16 Take out your poem and look over it (or, if you submitted it electronically, think about your work for a moment). Does it match O’Brien’s writing style? How did you achieve that? What parts of the SIFT method did you pay particular attention to while crafting your poem? Why do you think it could be beneficial to hear other students’ poems? Why might it be beneficial to others/to you to share your poem with the class?

2 Learning Targets

3 Vocabulary Look over the words you identified in the book’s first chapter. Identify 2-3 which you feel are most useful for you to know. While you read, please have your vocabulary list out (I will be coming around to see what you’ve done). As you identify new words in every chapter (2-3 per chapter now), please label them by the chapter where they can be found.

4 Love and Spin - notes For “Love”:
Why is this chapter titled as it is? Find at least 2-3 quotations from the chapter that help to explain why. For “Spin”: For each of the following characters, indicate what you knew about the character BEFORE reading the chapter, and what you know about him now. Mitchell Sanders Kiowa Jimmy Cross Norman Bowker Azar

5 Homework Finish your reading of Love and Spin, the notes, and the vocabulary words (2-3) for each chapter. ***If you want to get ahead of your homework for Wednesday, read On the Rainy River. In addition to building your vocabulary list, take notes on the following: Tim O’Brien’s struggles and emotions. Find two quotations that illustrate this. In the last two lines of the chapter, the word “coward” is used. What does it mean in this context? Connect to O’Brien’s struggles.

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