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The people Aztecs from a city called Tenochtitlan Leader of the Spanish Cortes Leader of the Aztec – Moctezuma - The people Spaniards.

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Presentation on theme: "The people Aztecs from a city called Tenochtitlan Leader of the Spanish Cortes Leader of the Aztec – Moctezuma - The people Spaniards."— Presentation transcript:

1 How would the Spaniards describe the Aztecs to their friends back in Europe?

2 The people Aztecs from a city called Tenochtitlan Leader of the Spanish Cortes Leader of the Aztec – Moctezuma - The people Spaniards

3 Working with your partner note down on your own copy what you see in the picture. Try to guess who the people are in the picture and where they come from. Now discuss with your partner what you can infer from the picture. What strengths do both sides have? Do you think they will be friends? Why have the people coem to this place? etc.... Now compare you ideas with the information on page 50 & 51. Where you right?

4 You are now going to write a letter as one of the Spanish soldiers (or, Conquistador) in the picture to a relative back in Spain describing the Aztecs and why they should be conquered. The letter should have 3 paragraphs and cover War (why the Aztecs can be beaten) Wealth (what can be gained from conquering them) Religion (why you want to change their religious practices. Read over pages with your teacher. When you get to page 58 you may want to watch this clip of the religious ceremony from the film Apocalypto from You Tube, but it is a bit gruesome!

5 http://www. youtube. com/results

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