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Portfolio Solutions Group

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1 Portfolio Solutions Group
June 2019 Susan Spence Brandon Hutchison Vice-President & Portfolio Manager (PSG) Assistant Vice-President & Portfolio Manager (PSG)

2 To provide our clients with strong long-term investment performance
By the numbers GLC Asset Management Group Ltd. is a leading investment management firm with one focus: To provide our clients with strong long-term investment performance $54.8 5 75+ 50+ 15+ billion assets under management investment divisions years of avg. experience unique mandates years of history team members Source: GLC │As at June 30, 2019

3 GLC’s investment divisions
top-down/ bottom-up all-cap growth quantitative fundamental factor modeling bottom-up concentrated large-cap deep fundamental analysis fixed income multi-factor absolute and relative performance objectives forward- looking asset allocation risk and target date defined independent analysis and oversight

4 Meet the PSG team Susan Spence, CFA Brandon Hutchison, CFA
Vice-President & Portfolio Manager Brandon Hutchison, CFA Assistant Vice-President & Portfolio Manager Experience: Experience: 24 years investment industry experience with multi-asset funds and international, U.S. and Canadian equity mandates. 15 years investment industry experience in research, analysis and portfolio management focused on multi-asset funds. Marie-Benoîte Ould-Ferhat Manager Igor Ivanic, CFA Associate Manager Experience: 20 years of investment experience specializing in quantitative research, analysis and modeling. Experience: 7 years investment industry experience specializing in data management and analysis. Justin Truong Analyst Experience: 3 years of investment experience specializing in analysis and client management.

5 PSG’s investment solutions
Target Risk Target Date Asset Class Managed Fund Solutions A customized investment solution based on an investor’s risk tolerance A long-term investment solution tailor-made to meet a future financial goal A multi-manager approach focused on a single asset-class A diversified investment solution with a selection of fixed-income to equity allocations to choose from Asset allocation funds – A customized investment solution based on an investor’s risk tolerance. Income allocation funds –each solution with specific focus on funds that generate income (dividends and interest) as well as capital gains. Managed fund solutions – A diversified investment solution with a selection of fixed-income to equity allocations to choose from. • Core managed solutions – each solution is made up of funds from multiple investment managers affiliated with Canada Life. • Partner managed solutions – each solution is made up of multiple funds primarily from investment managers external to Canada Life. Core Target Risk A core building block when creating a customized investment solution Core Managed Income Target Risk Partner Managed

6 PSG’s 5 core investment principles
Multi-level active management adds value A tailored approach to portfolio construction improves investor outcomes Each component is a building block Direct and ongoing access to managers Broad access to investment options enhances opportunity

7 PSG’s investment process

8 Portfolio construction
Underlying fund selection We seek out: concentrated portfolios style-specific approaches process driven active managers proven track record We don’t look at a fund in isolation. It must add value to the portfolio as a whole. Drive stronger returns? and/or Does it dampen volatility? and/or Does it create opportunities to enhance the benefits of active management? (e.g. adds the ability to strategically align the portfolio to current market views through adjustments to duration, regional exposure, etc.)

9 Portfolio construction a tailored approach to meeting clients needs
The best approach to allocating risk and opportunity can, and should, differ across the spectrum of risk tolerances and time horizons.

10 portfolio construction
Investment process A proprietary, disciplined investment process designed to deliver added value within each core element. Investment Process portfolio construction active management rigorous oversight

11 Disciplined rebalancing
Target and drift methodology Asset mix: fixed income / equity split allowed to drift +/- 2 percentage points Individual fund: fixed income funds +/- 10% of target allocation equity funds +/- 20% of target allocation Daily cash flows used to offset market movements: reduces frequency and cost of rebalancing When rebalancing is triggered, all underlying funds brought back to target weights

12 Asset Allocation: Target Risk Funds
Strategic Asset Mix Equity* Fixed Income Conservative 25% 75% Moderate 40% 60% Balanced Advanced 80% 20% Aggressive 100% 0% Equity allocation equally split between domestic and foreign * For strategic asset allocation purposes, Real Estate is classified as Canadian Equity Fixed income benchmark: 100% FTSE Canada Universe Index Equity benchmark: 40% S&P/TSX Composite Index, 60% MSCI World (CAD) Real Estate benchmark: 100% S&P/TSX Composite Index

13 Portfolio Solutions Group
Positioning & Outlook

14 Current positioning general preference for higher yield/income-oriented mandates across the portfolios overweight position in corporate bonds and international bonds a short duration position relative to the FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index preference for US over EAFE within foreign equity allocations moderating maintain exposure to infrastructure at the conservative end maintain exposure to emerging markets, resources and smaller cap at the aggressive end

15 Target risk funds Overall goals Fixed income
funds are optimally diversified by asset class, region, style and manager underlying mandates are consistent with stated style underlying mandates have a skilled investment team, with a strong, repeatable process funds are constructed with sufficient levers in place to accommodate tilting between reprofilings Fixed income broad range of fixed income mandates at the conservative end giving the investor exposure to the different sectors/credit qualities of the market more conservative choice of fixed income mandates at the aggressive end to offset some of the higher equity market risk

16 Target risk funds Equities
linear transition of the value growth score from ~100 at the conservative end to ~190 at the aggressive end (all scores still within core V-G box) linear transition of the size score with larger cap exposure at the conservative end declining to a more all-cap exposure at the aggressive end greater emphasis on the more stable dividend paying/income oriented stocks at the conservative end to align with the investors’ lower risk tolerance optimal real estate allocations of 6%, 8%, 10%, 10%, 10% in the respective target risk funds (conservative – aggressive)

17 PSG outlook comments – Q2 2019
Markets were positive again in the second quarter, but gains came by way of a grind higher compared to the sharper rise in the first quarter of the year. Once again US-China trade tensions took centre stage and this issue looks to remain on investors' minds in the quarters ahead. This is far from the only geopolitical hot topic capturing market participants' attention, and the impact of these uncertainties on the near-term movement of financial asset prices is difficult to discern. We are maintaining a balanced approach in our funds from both an asset class and regional perspective. Slower growth for the global economy and a slew of geopolitical risks dampen enthusiasm over a still appealing equity risk premium. While the odds of recession are higher than in the past, particularly as described by models that hold dear the steepness of the yield curve, near-term recession risks remain muted, employment is strong, and monetary and fiscal policy are not restrictive. It seems certain that monetary tightening is currently off the menu for central banks globally, but what remains to be seen is the magnitude and timing of rate cuts and/or asset purchases. The US Federal Reserve has prepared markets for a possible interest rate decrease in July, and markets are pricing in such a change. The Bank of Canada does not appear as eager, but a partially inverted yield curve suggests market expectations are for lower short-term rates ahead.

18 PSG outlook comments – Q2 2019
Within fixed income allocations our key positioning themes remain being short duration, overweight credit and overweight international exposure. Our credit overweight primarily consists of investment grade bonds, with some select exposure to high yield debt. Having a shorter duration protects against rising interest rates, while overweight credit positioning offers enhanced yield and an unhedged international bond allocation helps to diversify the sources of risk and return in the portfolio. Our alternatives allocation composed of direct real estate and mortgages has contributed strong risk-adjusted returns in the past and these asset classes remain a key differentiator of our funds, especially for the appealing downside protection and diversification benefits.

19 Portfolio Solutions Group
Portfolio characteristics

20 Current positioning – fixed income

21 Current positioning – equity

22 Current positioning – fixed income

23 Current positioning – equity

24 Current positioning – fixed income

25 Current positioning – equity

26 Current positioning – fixed income

27 Current positioning – equity

28 Portfolio Solutions Group
Target weights

29 Current target weights – LL Profile
Underlying Fund Conservative Moderate Balanced Advanced Aggressive Core Bond (Portico) 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% 9.0% Core Plus Bond (Portico) 12.0% 8.0% Mortgage (Portico) 15.0% Corporate Bond (Portico) 7.0% 5.0% 3.0% Long Term Bond (Portico) Real Return Bond (Portico) Unconstrained Fixed Inc (Mackenzie) 6.0% 4.0% International Bond (Brandywine) Dividend (GWLIM) Canadian All Cap Value (Mackenzie) 1.3% 3.2% 3.4% 3.9% Canadian Value Equity (London Capital) 3.5% 7.5% Canadian Equity (Fidelity) 4.5% All Canadian Equity (CI/Cambridge) 2.0% Mid Cap Canada (GWLIM) 6.5% Canadian Resource (Mackenzie) Foreign Equity (Mackenzie/Ivy) Global Equity (Putnam) 5.6% Global Small Cap (Mackenzie) Global Infrastructure (London Capital) U.S. Dividend (GWLIM) 2.9% U.S. Value (London Capital) 2.8% 4.8% 9.5% 10.0% American Growth (AGF) 3.6% 6.6% International Equity (Setanta) 5.5% International Opportunity (JPMorgan) Emerging Markets (Putnam) Real Estate (GWLRA)

30 Current target weights – GWL Portfolio
Underlying Fund Conservative Moderate Balanced Advanced Aggressive Canadian Bond (Portico) 17.0% 15.0% 13.0% 14.0% Core Bond (Portico) 12.0% 7.0% Bond (Mackenzie) 6.0% Commercial Mortgage (Portico) 10.0% 3.0% Corporate Bond (Portico) 4.0% Long Term Bond (Portico) International Bond (Brandywine) Unconstrained Fixed Income (Mackenzie) Real Return Bond (Portico) Dividend (GWLIM) 3.5% 5.0% Canadian Value (CI/Harbour) 5.5% Canadian Value (FGP) 1.1% 1.3% 2.0% Canadian Equity (GWLIM) 4.5% 9.0% Canadian Equity (Laketon) 6.5% Mid Cap Canada (GWLIM) Foreign Equity (Mackenzie/Ivy) 7.7% Global Equity (Setanta) 3.4% Global Value (Mackenzie/Cundill) 8.0% Global Small Cap (Mackenzie) Global Infrastructure Equity (London Capital) U.S. Value (London Capital) 2.5% American Growth (AGF) International Opportunity (JPMorgan) 7.5% International Equity (Setanta) Emerging Markets (Putnam) Real Estate (GWLRA)

31 Current target weights – CL Allocation
Underlying Fund Conservative Moderate Balanced Advanced Aggressive Core Plus Bond (Portico) 26.0% 25.5% 22.5% 17.0% Core Bond (Portico) 8.0% 6.0% Government Bond (Portico) 12.0% 7.5% 3.0% Long Term Bond (Portico) Real Return Bond (Portico) Corporate Bond (Portico) 9.0% International Bond (CLI) 5.5% Unconstrained Fixed Inc (Mackenzie) 4.0% Enhanced Dividend (Laketon) 3.5% 4.5% 7.0% 2.5% Canadian Equity Value (Laketon) Canadian Value Equity (London Capital) 1.0% Canadian Equity (Laketon) Canadian Equity (Bissett) 1.1% 4.3% Fidelity True North® Mid Cap Canada (GWLIM) 5.0% Canadian Resource (Mackenzie) 6.5% Global Equity (Setanta) 8.5% Global Equity (Invesco) 4.9% Global Growth (Mackenzie) Global Small Cap (Mackenzie) Global Infrastructure (London Capital) U.S. Value (London Capital) 4.2% 10.0% American Growth (AGF) 11.0% International Equity (Templeton) International Equity (CI/Altrinsic) Emerging Markets (Putnam) Real Estate (GWLRA)

32 Current target weights – Quadrus Folio
Underlying Fund Conservative Moderate Balanced Advanced Aggressive Core Plus Bond (Portico) 27.0% 20.0% 17.0% 8.0% Bond (Mackenzie) 20.5% 19.0% 13.0% 9.0% Corporate Bond (Portico) 7.0% 5.0% 3.0% Long Term Bond (Portico) 4.0% International Bond (CLI) 7.5% 6.5% Unconstrained Fixed Income (Mackenzie) 6.0% Short Term Bond (Portico) 2.5% Real Return Bond (Portico) Dividend (GWLIM) 3.5% 5.5% Canadian Value (FGP) Canadian All Cap Value (Mackenzie) 4.5% Canadian Growth (GWLIM) 12.0% Canadian Equity (Laketon) Canadian Resource (Mackenzie) Global Dividend (Setanta) Global Infrastructure Equity (London Capital) Global Growth (Mackenzie) Global Small Cap (Mackenzie) U.S. Value (Putnam) 8.5% 9.5% U.S. All Cap Growth (Mackenzie) Foreign Equity (Mackenzie/Ivy) International Core Equity (Putnam) 11.0% Emerging Markets (Mackenzie)

33 Current target weights – Quadrus
Underlying Fund Diversified Fixed Income Core Plus Bond (Portico) 33.5% Core Bond (Portico) 26.0% Corporate Bond (Portico) 10.0% Long Term Bond (Portico) 7.5% Unconstrained Fixed Income (Mackenzie) Short Term Bond (Portico) 4.0% International Bond (CLI) 9.0% Underlying Fund NA Specialty U.S. Mid Cap Growth (Mackenzie) 16.0% Canadian Opportunities (Fidelity) 9.0% U.S. Small Companies (Trimark) 14.0% Canadian Security (Mackenzie/Cundill) 13.0% Small Cap Value (Mackenzie) 7.0% U.S. All Cap Growth (Mackenzie) Canadian Resource (Mackenzie) Mid Cap Canada (GWLIM) Canadian All Cap Value (Mackenzie) 6.0% U.S. Value (Putnam) 5.0%

34 Portfolio Solutions Group

35 London Life Profile funds
Outperformance versus Benchmark Capture Ratio

36 London Life Profile funds
5-year Gross Returns (%) 30 Jun 19 5-year Standard Deviations (%) 30 Jun 19 Fund Fund Benchmark Benchmark Source: Morningstar Direct, SFFS │ Figures are annualized

37 London Life Profile funds
10-year Gross Returns (%) 30 Jun 19 10-year Standard Deviations (%) 30 Jun 19 Fund Fund Benchmark Benchmark Source: Morningstar Direct, SFFS │ Figures are annualized

38 London Life Profile funds
Outperformance versus Benchmark Capture Ratio

39 Outperformance versus Benchmark
GWL Portfolio funds Outperformance versus Benchmark Capture Ratio

40 GWL Portfolio funds 5-year Gross Returns (%)
30 Jun 19 5-year Standard Deviations (%) 30 Jun 19 Fund Fund Benchmark Benchmark Source: Morningstar Direct, SFFS │ Figures are annualized

41 GWL Portfolio funds 10-year Gross Returns (%)
30 Jun 19 10-year Standard Deviations (%) 30 Jun 19 Fund Fund Benchmark Benchmark Source: Morningstar Direct, SFFS │ Figures are annualized

42 Outperformance versus Benchmark
GWL Portfolio funds Outperformance versus Benchmark Capture Ratio

43 Canada Life Allocation funds
Outperformance versus Benchmark Capture Ratio

44 Canada Life Allocation funds
5-year Gross Returns (%) 30 Jun 19 5-year Standard Deviations (%) 30 Jun 19 Fund Fund Benchmark Benchmark Source: Morningstar Direct, SFFS │ Figures are annualized

45 Canada Life Allocation funds
10-year Gross Returns (%) 30 Jun 19 10-year Standard Deviations (%) 30 Jun 19 Fund Fund Benchmark Benchmark Source: Morningstar Direct, SFFS │ Figures are annualized

46 Canada Life Allocation funds
Outperformance versus Benchmark Capture Ratio

47 Outperformance versus Benchmark
Quadrus Folio funds Outperformance versus Benchmark Capture Ratio

48 Quadrus Folio funds 5-year Gross Returns (%)
30 Jun 19 5-year Standard Deviations (%) 30 Jun 19 Fund Fund Benchmark Benchmark Source: Morningstar Direct, SFFS │ Figures are annualized

49 Quadrus Folio funds 10-year Gross Returns (%)
30 Jun 19 10-year Standard Deviations (%) 30 Jun 19 Fund Fund Benchmark Benchmark Source: Morningstar Direct, SFFS │ Figures are annualized

50 Outperformance versus Benchmark
Quadrus Folio funds Outperformance versus Benchmark Capture Ratio

51 Quadrus Diversified Fixed Income Folio
Asset mix as at June 30, 2019 CORE PLUS BOND (PORTICO) CORE BOND (PORTICO) CORPORATE BOND (PORTICO) SHORT TERM BOND (PORTICO) INTERNATIONAL BOND (CLI) LONG TERM BOND (PORTICO) UNCONSTRAINED FIXED INCOME (MACKENZIE) Source information and disclaimer can be found on the last page. Portfolio attributes reflect the portfolio strategy used by the Quadrus fund shelf.

52 LL Diversified Fixed Income
Asset mix as at June 30, 2019 CORE PLUS BOND (PORTICO) CORE BOND (PORTICO) MORTGAGE (PORTICO) CORPORATE BOND (PORTICO) INTERNATIONAL BOND (BRANDYWINE) UNCONSTRAINED FIXED INCOME (MACKENZIE) LONG TERM BOND (PORTICO) REAL RETURN BOND (PORTICO) SHORT TERM BOND (PORTICO) Source information and disclaimer can be found on the last page. Portfolio attributes reflect the portfolio strategy used by the London Life fund shelf.

53 GWL Diversified Fixed Income
Asset mix as at June 30, 2019 CANADIAN BOND (PORTICO) CORE BOND (PORTICO) COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE (PORTICO) INTERNATIONAL BOND (BRANDYWINE) BOND (MACKENZIE) UNCONSTRAINED FIXED INCOME (MACKENZIE) CORPORATE BOND (PORTICO) LONG TERM BOND (PORTICO) REAL RETURN BOND (PORTICO) SHORT TERM BOND (PORTICO) Source information and disclaimer can be found on the last page. Portfolio attributes reflect the portfolio strategy used by the Great-West Life fund shelf.

54 Where to find more information
Check out our website: Follow us on social media: LinkedIn: GLC LinkedIn page Twitter: Coming soon Subscribe to our podcasts by following GLC Asset Management: Apple iTunes Google Play Music Watch our video: An introduction to Portfolio Solutions Group


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