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Data Loading and Unloading Scenario 1 (Good)

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1 Data Loading and Unloading Scenario 1 (Good)
MAX = 12,000 MIN = 90,000 MAX = 2,000 MIN = 90,000 This scenario conforms to the rules specified in S-101 MAX = 4,000 MIN = 90,000

2 Data Loading and Unloading Scenario 1 (Bad)
MAX = 12,000 MIN = 90,000 MAX = 2,000 MIN = 45,000 This scenario violates the rules specified in S The minimum display scales of the insets must be equal to the minimum display scale of the main dataCoverage MAX = 4,000 MIN = 22,000

3 Data Loading and Unloading Scenario 1 (Bad)
MAX = 12,000 MIN = 90,000 MAX = 2,000 MIN = 90,000 MAX = 4,000 MIN = 90,000 This dataset does not conform to S It has too many dataCoverages MAX = 4,000 MIN = 90,000

4 Data Loading and Unloading Scenario 2 (Good)
MAX = 90,000 MIN = 350,000 MAX = 12,000 MIN = 350,000 This dataset conforms to S It is just using a different set of scales. MAX = 12,000 MIN = 350,000

5 Data Loading and Unloading Scenario 2 (Bad)
MAX = 90,000 MIN = 350,000 MAX = 12,000 MIN = 45,000 This does not conform to S The minimum display scales are not equal. MAX = 12,000 MIN = 90,000

6 Data Loading and Unloading Scenario 3 (Good)
MAX = 180,000 MIN = 1,500,000 MAX = 90,000 MIN = 1,500,000 Not sure if this would be a good scenario. MAX = 350,000 MIN = 1,500,000

7 Data Loading and Unloading Scenario 3 (Bad)
MAX = 180,000 MIN = 1,500,000 MAX = 12,000 MIN = 45,000 MAX = 350,000 MIN = 1,500,000

8 Dataset Limit MAX = 12,000 MIN = 45,000 MAX = 12,000 MIN = 90,000
The dataset limits overlap, but the datacoverages do not overlap. Dataset Limit

9 Dataset Limit Cells Overlap MAX = 12,000 MIN = 45,000 MAX = 12,000
Everything overlaps Dataset Limit

10 Dataset Limit MAX = 12,000 MIN = 45,000 MAX = 12,000 MIN = 90,000
Nothing overlaps Dataset Limit

11 Dataset Limit MAX = 12,000 MIN = 45,000 MAX = 12,000 MIN = 90,000
Both the main dataCoverage and the inset datacoverage overlap with the other cell. Dataset Limit

12 Cells Overlap MAX = 2,000 MIN = 45,000 MAX = 12,000 MIN = 90,000
Two cells overlap – this is to test that the right cell loads at the right time. Test at different Mariners Selected Scales that the overscale indication will pop up when the cell is in the view screen. Need a scenario where you load two different datasets in the same geographic location that have different scale values to see if the overscale indication works properly

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