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Moving towards more stable characteristics and typology?

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Presentation on theme: "Moving towards more stable characteristics and typology?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving towards more stable characteristics and typology?
City attributes Moving towards more stable characteristics and typology?

2 City centre size Total centre population
Centre population inside city boundaries Centre population inside city boundaries plus centre population closest to city boundary







9 City centre – city – greater city
One centre - one city (+ one greater city) One centre - multiple cities (+ one greater city) Multiple centres - multiple cities (+ one greater city) Cities without a centre

10 What to report Exact centre population Rounded centre population
% of city population in centre % of centre population in city City centre Population: S – M L XL XXL Global City >

11 City and Larger Urban Zone
Only city in a larger urban zone Main city in a larger urban zone Smaller city in a larger urban zone

12 Proximity to other cities
Only city in a region Biggest city in a region Smaller city close to a big city Measured using driving times isochromes

13 Political function National capital Region capital (NUTS 1) (if used)
Other capital (necessary?) Other cities

14 Centrally collected data
Population Air pollution Access to passenger flights Access to green urban areas Access to train, tram and metro stations Other data from RRGB

15 BBR data on metropolitan areas
Sport stadium Conference halls Fortune 500 companies HQs Operas NGOs and international organisations Governments Banks

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