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On-going research in support of climate change & water policies -

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1 On-going research in support of climate change & water policies -
CIS-CC & RBMP Expert Group

2 Interfacing needs INTERFACE Expertise, tools Research recommendations
Linked to policies (short to long-term goals) Scientific knowledge INTERFACE Transfer & dissem. “usability” Data infrastructure “memory” POLICY-MAKERS Member States Commission Demonstration, practical works at most appropriate level / scale Interactive interface

3 Towards science-policy interfacing Science-Policy Interface
EC Framework Programme (incl. ERANET & JRC) Joint Programming Initiative Knowledge And Innovation Community National / Regional Research Programmes Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project Policy-relevant Themes Policy-relevant Themes Policy-relevant Themes Policy-relevant Themes Science-Policy Interface Policy-makers, Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.

4 Common Implementation Strategy 2010-2012
Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission CIS-SPI Strategic Co-ordination Group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Art. 21 Committee WG A “Ecological Status” Chair: JRC, DE, UK WG D “Reporting” Chair: EC, EEA, FR WG F “Floods” Chair: EC, IE Climate Change & WFD Chair: DE, EC WFD and Agriculture Chair: FR, UK WG C “Groundwater” Chair: EC, AT WG E “Chemical Aspects” Chair: EC, JRC, IT, FR, SE Water scarcity and drought Chair: IT, FR, ES Established working groups Temporary working groups Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.

5 Links with regional stakeholders?
Case studies Data access? EEA, WISE? Links with regional stakeholders? AWARE Links with RBDs? FLOOD-WISE LAGOONS ESAWADI CapHaz-Net Drought-R&SPI EPIWATER REFRESH CLIMB WASSERMed

WATCH Water and Global Change Analysis of current global water cycle through validation and use of models, development of methodologies to handle biases in climate model outputs and quantify uncertainties A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG CLIMATE CHANGE & WFD Development of new global and regional databases Model framework to compare Global Hydrology and Land Surface models Synthetic hydrological model Analyses of past and future water use, water resource and scarcity Outreach report + – Information on partners, access to publications – online version of report with video supplements – introduction to global water cycle and links to climate change AWARE’s focus is on human-caused deterioration of coastal water ecosystems. The project engages scientists, policy makers and the public in jointly creating and analysing scenarios for improved water management in coastal areas. AWARE’s participatory approach is crucial: it develops further the concept of integrated adaptive ecosystem management, by creating active roles for public participation. This strengthens the consultations between local residents, research and policy communities and facilitates common strategies. The project implements this approach in three case studies : the coastal waters of the Gulf of Riga (Estonia and Latvia), the Seine, Somme, and Schelder river basins and the Southern North Sea coastal zone (France and Belgium), and the Po river Delta and Goro lagoon (Italy). 6

7 CIRCE Climate change and impact research:
The Mediterranean Environment First assessment of climate change impacts in the Mediterranean and their consequences to society and the economy Identification of adaptation and mitigation strategies Support to policies through the RACCM Report – Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean

ACQWA Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Quantity and Quality of Water Assessing vulnerability of water resources in mountain regions over the next 50 years, identifying possible conflicts among economic actors (users of water resources) and assess governance / adaptation options A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG CLIMATE CHANGE & WFD Water taken as a measure of vulnerability of regions to climate change Development of truly integrated model simulations instead of juxtaposition of sector-by-sector simulations Building better bridges across the disciplines Science-policy / stakeholder interface (regional governments, hydropower, agriculture, tourism) Assessment of science / data gaps in water-related projects 8

CLIMB Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basins – Reducing uncertainty and quantitying risks Analysis of on-going and future climate-induced changes in hydrological budgets and extremes, linking changes to associated risks and threats to security and quantifying/reducing uncertainties in CC impact analysis A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG CLIMATE CHANGE & WFD Development of advanced geophysical field monitoring techniques Remote sensing analyses and retrievals Climate models auditing and downscaling Integrated hydrologic modelling Socio-economic factor assessment 9

WASSERMed Water Availability and Security in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Multidisciplinary analysis of climate change impacts on water-related security threats in the Mediterranean area A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG CLIMATE CHANGE & WFD Better understanding of climate change impacts on sensitive and vulnerable sectors (agriculture and tourism) and exploration of a range of technical solutions Assessment of CC impacts on water availability on competitiveness, economic structure, trade flows and implicit water trade (virtual water) Case studies in 5 areas of the Mediterranean, taking into account socio-economic drivers of change and potential environmental and socio-economic implications Early results Identification of common reference scenarios based on ensembles of GCMs Downscaling and identification of best suited RCMs Consideration of country and regional level weighted aggregation First simulation runs 10

CLIMSAVE Climate Change Integrated Methodology for Cross-Sectoral Adaptation and Vulnerability in Europe Development of web-based integrated assessment platform for stakeholders to assess cross-sectoral climate change impacts and adaptation options A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG CLIMATE CHANGE & WFD Linked sectoral models for 6 sectors: water, coasts, urban, agriculture, forests and biodiversity New socio-economic scenarios with stakeholders, assessing CC impacts, adaptation options, ecosystem services and other indicators Cost-effectiveness analysis of adaptation strategies Identification of hotspots and adaptive capacity across sectors 11

REFRESH Adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of Climate change on European Freshwater Ecosystems Development of system enabling water managers to design cost-effective restoration programmes for freshwater ecosystems at local and catchment scales, accounting for future impacts of climate and land-use changes A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG CLIMATE CHANGE & WFD Increased understanding of functioning of freshwater ecosystems affected by climate change, development of new ecological indicators and tools to assess vulnerability, study of dynamic reference state, etc. 12

EPIWATER Evaluating Economic Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Europe Assessing effectiveness and efficiency of economic policy instruments in achieving water policy goals A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG CLIMATE CHANGE & WFD Comprehensive assessment framework of economic policy instruments (EPIs) Ex-post review assessment of ca. 30 applications of EPIs across Europe Ex-ante assessment of novel EPIs in selected river basins Policy Think Tank: identification of policy instruments to be assessed, help to make the assessment responsive to policy needs, review Stakeholder advisory group: help setting up the analysis, advise the research in progress, help translating the outputs into river basin water policies and management 13

14 IMPACT Developing an Integrated Model to Predict
Abiotic Habitat Conditions and Biota of Rivers Research on prediction models on abiotic habitat conditions for application in climate change impact studies and water management A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO ECOLOGICAL STATUS AND WG Climate Change & WFD Studies of multiple stressors and impacts affecting ecological status at different spatial and temporal scales AWARE’s focus is on human-caused deterioration of coastal water ecosystems. The project engages scientists, policy makers and the public in jointly creating and analysing scenarios for improved water management in coastal areas. AWARE’s participatory approach is crucial: it develops further the concept of integrated adaptive ecosystem management, by creating active roles for public participation. This strengthens the consultations between local residents, research and policy communities and facilitates common strategies. The project implements this approach in three case studies : the coastal waters of the Gulf of Riga (Estonia and Latvia), the Seine, Somme, and Schelder river basins and the Southern North Sea coastal zone (France and Belgium), and the Po river Delta and Goro lagoon (Italy). 14

15 SCENES Water Scenarios for Europe and Neighbouring States
Water futures Scientific outputs Consolidated conceptual methodologies for developing scenarios of Europe’s freshwater resources Projections of socio-economic futures that are driving changes in water resources Enhanced modelling tools to quantify the changes in water resources Core set of indicators to evaluate the socio- economic, environmental and ecological impacts of changes in fresh water resources on different water system services Reference points for strategic planning: water visions, web-based water scenarios development tools 15

16 REFORM REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management
The project Research on hydromorphological restoration measures to reach, in a cost-effective manner, target ecological status and potential of rivers Supporting Water Framework Directive, Birds and Habitat Directive and Floods Directive Contributing to CIS working groups: hydromorphology, floods, climate change Expected deliverables Guidelines for cost-effective river restoration and mitigation Hydromorphological and ecological tools to plan river restoration Indicators and monitoring protocols for physical degradation and ecological restoration Assessment methods for hydromorphological processes and ecological responses changes in hydromorphology Webbased interactive tool for river restoration practices 16

17 LAGOONS Integrated water resources and coastal zone
management in European lagoons in the context of climate change Research on anthropogenic deterioration and climate change impacts, especially extreme weather events, on surface water and lagoons ecosystems A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WGA ECOLOGICAL STATUS AND Climate Change & WFD Contribution to science-based seamless strategy for lagoon management seen from a land-sea and science-policy-stakeholder interface’s perspective. Integrative approach considering EU Water Framework Directive, Habitat Directive, ICZM Recommendation and Marine Strategy Directive with the aim to deliver decision-support methodologies for coordinated management, taking climate change impacts into consideration Four case studies in Baltic Sea (Poland/Russia), Black Sea (Ukraine), Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) and Mediterranean’s Mar Menor (Spain) AWARE’s focus is on human-caused deterioration of coastal water ecosystems. The project engages scientists, policy makers and the public in jointly creating and analysing scenarios for improved water management in coastal areas. AWARE’s participatory approach is crucial: it develops further the concept of integrated adaptive ecosystem management, by creating active roles for public participation. This strengthens the consultations between local residents, research and policy communities and facilitates common strategies. The project implements this approach in three case studies : the coastal waters of the Gulf of Riga (Estonia and Latvia), the Seine, Somme, and Schelder river basins and the Southern North Sea coastal zone (France and Belgium), and the Po river Delta and Goro lagoon (Italy). 17

18 DROUGHT-R&SPI Fostering European Drought Research
and Science-Policy Interfacing Recommendations to drought policy-makers through better understanding of impacts and formulation of responses A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG WATER SCARCITY AND DROUGHT Better understanding of past droughts In-depth understanding of environmental and socio-economic impacts Studies of past management and policy responses to drought events Development of suite of drought indicators (physical, impact and vulnerability) Innovative methodology for early warning (monitoring and forecasting) DROUGHT STUDIES: pan-European scale Dialogue Fora at different scales: Science-Policy Interfacing Mapping and forecasting drought hazard and potential vulnerabilities at different scales in the 21st century Dissemination (close links to policy-makers and stakeholders) 18

19 MIRAGE Mediterranean Intermittent River Management
Characterisation of temporary streams for the Mediterranean region (likely to be the first to respond to climate change) and setting specific reference conditions for the related ecosystems, integrative catchment management for floods and drought periods A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION TO WG ECOLOGICAL STATUS AND WATER SCARCITY AND DROUGHT Temporal variability affecting ecological and chemical status of river waters: need to find alternative approaches to the classical WFD approach Development of protocols to assess ecological status in temporary streams: prototype for a standard operational procedure In terms of management: high impacts of wastewater discharge and agricultural abstraction, standards and thresholds no longer valid for temporary streams – need for alternative solutions (wastewater re-use, agribusiness) In terms of policy: need for strong operational framework (national laws), review of classification systems and introduction of specific measures (linked to CAP), implementation of SOP 19

20 More Information European Research Portal:
General information on the Seventh EU Research Framework Programmes: Specific information on research programmes, projects and FP7 Call documents: General information requests: Research for the environment:

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